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The Corinth of Future Shift

Posted: 02 Feb 2012, 23:50
by freeskibrian
Haven is a town in Future Shift that was for a short time the most populated one in future shift. Since the start we have always been part of the Corinth Empire. If you support the empire and need a nice town to have a house in, come to Haven. We have farms for all types of crops, and if we get more residence and expand, we could do much more. Lately we hav gotten some new residence that have been very helpful, we need more. If you are ever interested in having a house or living in future shift come to Haven.
- Freeskibrian (mayor)
please message me with any questions or concerns

Re: The Corinth of Future Shift

Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 20:44
by Mattybcd
I haves lived in shift my whole server life, my I help run haven, I would like to help with it.

Re: The Corinth of Future Shift

Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 21:15
by freeskibrian
ive read some over ur post on some other threads and your sound lik soemone like me, a person who loves the shift and has always been there, you can join me and be the head guard, urll enforce rules and be able to give plots to people, u cant evict people and big things like that. message me if you have any questions

Re: The Corinth of Future Shift

Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 21:18
by Mattybcd
I shall not fail you :) maybe I could film haven for YouTube?

Re: The Corinth of Future Shift

Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 08:13
by SMWasder
I'd be interested, but I have quite a few projects that I need to finish first. Maybe sometime in the future I'll be around.

Re: The Corinth of Future Shift

Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 12:06
by Mattybcd
Uh where Is haven?

Re: The Corinth of Future Shift

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 15:10
by freeskibrian
Quick update on the city of Haven,
Haven has been fixed up my me and some of our newest residences. The streets have been fixed, the lighting, we completely rebuilt the farms and added melon farms. We took down all the houses that the former leader didn't take down. We added a large amount of plots and expanded the city. Added a bank and strip mine.


We now have a city cubiod, contact me or Demonnaruto21 on the forums or in game if you want to live in Haven.

Residents welcome, free plots to anyone, it doesnt madder if you have played on the server for two weeks or two days all are welcome, but you have to follow the town and server rules.

Haven is a welcoming place, come visit and see what its all about. We promise that you will not be turned down from living here.

From Havens devoted leader,