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The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 20 Dec 2010, 17:35
by vallorn
as one of the three overseers of vault 88 i begin the official recruitment of outsiders into our glorious vault.
the steps for entry are as follows:
1.apply on this thread
2.wait for a PM from me, Tehbeard or Sniperm98 (or 89 i cant remember) which will accept or decline your application.
3. PM one of us ingame and wait for us to lead you to the vault.
the rules for Vault dwellers are:
1. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to reveal the location of the vault to others or to lead them inside without an Overseers permission. this will result in us removing you from the vault PERMANENTLY with no chance of appeal.
2.No breaking of the server rules will be tolerated. we will remove you from the vault and report you to the mods.
3.if you arnt sure about something then check with one of us there's usually one of us online.
4.carry out mining projects within our adjoining cave systems or while mining out rooms.
5.keep your building projects tasteful. try to avoid dirt and cobble as much as possible. not enter the private rooms (overseers room, accommodation rooms, other rooms marked with a "PRIVATE" sign)
Application Form:
Player rank (normal, Vet, VIP, VIPVET, Op, OP+):
time spent on the server:
any oficial warnings or worse?:
reason for joining:
notable skills:
other information:
and with many thanks to reaperofdeath:
ReaperOfDeath wrote:Overseers:
Vallorn : Chief Explorer
Junkmanuk : ???? Hidden in the Mountains
TehBeard : Chief Engineer
Sn1P3R_M98: Security Chief
ReaperOfDeath: Housing Minister.
List of People With Access to the Vault
The Bum,
and finally, a Vault 88 skin.
while the V88 skin isnt required its a good idea to show that your a member of our elite group.
or if you want you can just put a yellow 88 on the back of your skin... that works too.
as the other vault thread is pretty full im also going to allow discussion of the vault on here.
sorry for the wall of text guys... god its annoying.
EDIT: just finished spell checking it... note to self. dont type while intoxicated.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 20 Dec 2010, 17:40
by Lord_Mountbatten
Hehe, notable skills: the power of the banhammer.
But no, I am officially impartial when it comes to settlements. Nice thread though.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 20 Dec 2010, 17:50
by C8H10N4O2
Name: C8H10N4O2
Player rank (normal, Vet, VIP, VIPVET, Op, OP+): VIPVET
time spent on the server: 5 hours a day (when it works)
any oficial warnings or worse?:No warnings at the moment.
reason for joining: I love the idea of a spot that is hidden and has a prestige about it. I like the idea of a close-nit community in which there is really a good and strong collective for the game. I also would love to be part of a community which has standards which are important, I live in Corinth and sometimes houses are sub-par.
notable skills: I work well with obbie, I also build fountains that are practical and useful, and love the way of working with glass and lava and water.
other information: I would like to be part of this community because it would be awesome to be in that close-nit community. To live in a town that does not have griefers and has class is something I definitely love. If you'd except me, I would be honored.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 20 Dec 2010, 20:42
by Buchal
Application Form:
Name: Buchal
Player rank (normal, Vet, VIP, VIPVET, Op, OP+): Normal (will apply for Vet status when I acquire a PC/laptop)
time spent on the server: Hmm, I'd say from about start of late August/early September to October 26th (around the time my computer broke) .
any oficial warnings or worse?:
reason for joining: Fallout and Minecraft are my two favourite what's better than combining the two? I love to role play on sevrers (when given the chance) and not once, since I've started building in Minecraft, have I ever built a home/facility above ground.....I have a penchant for living underground/underwater you could say.
notable skills:
I'd like to consider myself creative but in all honesty.....I just love to build. I'm also willing to do the more monotonous jobs that may need to be done.
Oh and tree farms. I love 'em. Even more so when I can build them underground.
other information:
As I stated before, I may not be able to join the server for some time as I have no laptop/PC to my name. I plan to get one after Christmas in the Janruary sales but that is if all goes to plan this year.
I never caused any trouble before and got on well with the other players. If they remember me, some of the moderators and other regulars may be able to give their opinion on my attitude and how I conducted myself on the server in the past.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 00:22
by ActionGoose
Application Form:
Name: ActionGoose
Player rank (normal, Vet, VIP, VIPVET, Op, OP+): normal
time spent on the server: A few days. Break just started so I will be playing a lot more.
any oficial warnings or worse?: none.
reason for joining: I want to be part of a town with room for expansion. Towns with walls can be rather limiting sometimes. Living on the surface also poses risks not only from the occasional mob break in but also for griefers.
notable skills: I have had some experience with house building and 24/7 wheat farms. I also have a lot of experience with aesthetics, I was ranked superop on one classic server (minecraft civilization 2). I am working on a tree farm in the temporary server. it's in the dirt wall camp across the sea from the TNT test site. I just need alot more torches for that site to become fully operational.
other information: I will try my best to play minecraft whenever I can during break, but when school starts again my time in minecraft will have to go down. Besides that I hope to be a vault dweller by the 24th (that's when hmod is supposed to be updated). I am idolized by the Boomer community at Nellis AFB.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 05:10
by SachielOne
Name: SachielOne
Player rank: VIPVET
time spent on the server: I've been around for two wipes.
any official warnings or worse?: None
reason for joining: I'm looking for a secure base of operations for when I am in that part of the map.
notable skills: Communications Specialist (I run the Ventrilo Server); Skilled in ranged and Melee combat; emergency shelter construction expert; pretty good at mining.
Other Information: I already know two ways into the Vault that don't involve tunneling through the walls.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 05:37
by ReaperOfDeath
SachielOne wrote:Name: SachielOne
Player rank: VIPVET
time spent on the server: I've been around for two wipes.
any official warnings or worse?: None
reason for joining: I'm looking for a secure base of operations for when I am in that part of the map.
notable skills: Communications Specialist (I run the Ventrilo Server); Skilled in ranged and Melee combat; emergency shelter construction expert; pretty good at mining.
Other Information: I already know two ways into the Vault that don't involve tunneling through the walls.
SachielOne is a valuable addition to the Vault Team, I say we let him go for it. His knowledge of creepers and such is valuable, and his construction skills as well.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 08:48
by vallorn
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:Hehe, notable skills: the power of the banhammer.
But no, I am officially impartial when it comes to settlements. Nice thread though.
thanks lord. if your impartial then where do you live/keep your stuff?
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 09:39
by SachielOne
vallorn wrote:
thanks lord. if your impartial then where do you live/keep your stuff?
Probably in an adminium vault that is hidden inside a lava pool.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 11:32
by Tehbeard
SachielOne wrote:vallorn wrote:
thanks lord. if your impartial then where do you live/keep your stuff?
Probably in an adminium vault that is hidden inside a lava pool.
That is hidden inside a vault made of creeper spawners.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 18:35
by vallorn
tehbeard wrote:SachielOne wrote:vallorn wrote:
thanks lord. if your impartial then where do you live/keep your stuff?
Probably in an adminium vault that is hidden inside a lava pool.
That is hidden inside a vault made of creeper spawners.
which is hidden inside a vault of private chests
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 21:14
by superglitch
vallorn wrote:tehbeard wrote:SachielOne wrote:
Probably in an adminium vault that is hidden inside a lava pool.
That is hidden inside a vault made of creeper spawners.
which is hidden inside a vault of private chests
hidden by obsidian
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 00:49
by herpmyderp
Hidden inside a dirt house in Solake.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 02:14
by vallorn
herpmyderp wrote:Hidden inside a dirt house in Solake.
now thats just cruel. Lord wouldn't make a dirt house... it would be made from ever burning Netherstone and surrounded by Slowsand.
and can we get back to recruiting? this conversation hates my alcohol riddled brain.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 07:33
by DuplicateValue
vallorn wrote:herpmyderp wrote:Hidden inside a dirt house in Solake.
now thats just cruel. Lord wouldn't make a dirt house... it would be made from ever burning Netherstone and surrounded by Slowsand.
Exactly why a dirt house is the best place for it - it's all inconspicuous and such.
People will be all like "Oh, there can't be anything important in there!" and pass right by.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 08:40
by vallorn
DuplicateValue wrote:vallorn wrote:herpmyderp wrote:Hidden inside a dirt house in Solake.
now thats just cruel. Lord wouldn't make a dirt house... it would be made from ever burning Netherstone and surrounded by Slowsand.
Exactly why a dirt house is the best place for it - it's all inconspicuous and such.
People will be all like "Oh, there can't be anything important in there!" and pass right by.
and if its in Solake then noone will know its there! it will blend in!
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 08:42
by vallorn
SachielOne wrote:Name: SachielOne
Player rank: VIPVET
time spent on the server: I've been around for two wipes.
any official warnings or worse?: None
reason for joining: I'm looking for a secure base of operations for when I am in that part of the map.
notable skills: Communications Specialist (I run the Ventrilo Server); Skilled in ranged and Melee combat; emergency shelter construction expert; pretty good at mining.
Other Information: I already know two ways into the Vault that don't involve tunneling through the walls.
two ways! well we put up a metric but ton of "Keep Out" signs so those are probably off limits now.
can you PM me thier location so i can seal us up against grief/creep-ers?
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 09:14
by junkmanuk
I do solemnly swear that in the new year, and on the return of the server proper, I will return to Vault 88 and dig for all it's worth...
I already know two ways into the Vault
Two ways? That doesn't sound good...
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 10:08
by vallorn
junkmanuk wrote:I do solemnly swear that in the new year, and on the return of the server proper, I will return to Vault 88 and dig for all it's worth...
I already know two ways into the Vault
Two ways? That doesn't sound good...
i know of one cave entrance that leads into the vault but we now seal off all caves when we hit them.
i have no idea about the other unless you mean Itl's failed mob killer.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 10:18
by vallorn
*bing bong*
okay guys! ive finished sweeping the warning and suspended/banned lists and have cleared all our current aplicants for entry! please lead them to the vault if they ask!
that is all.
*bing bong*
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 03:32
by SachielOne
Thanks for the access. While I'm not changing my entire skin to the Vault 88 uniform, I did add some appropriate icons to my current skin.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 05:25
by vallorn
SachielOne wrote:Thanks for the access. While I'm not changing my entire skin to the Vault 88 uniform, I did add some appropriate icons to my current skin.
i just put my head on the vault jumpsuit skin... it seems to work
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 23:26
by Juggernogg
Application Form:
Player rank (normal, Vet, VIP, VIPVET, Op, OP+): Normal atm
time spent on the server:2 weeks+ i play 4-5 hours a day when it doesn't crash
any oficial warnings or worse?:No
reason for joining:I like the idea of a vault being hidden and away from the mas majority of the server it would keep every one who was in their safe their fore being a brilliant place to settle down. i also love the fallout games =D
notable skills: I am pretty good at making redstone stuff and traps and anything technical i love doing it =D
other information: On a previous server i was a mod if that helps =D
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 26 Dec 2010, 00:58
by ReaperOfDeath
I'm now housing manager. So I take care of building the rooms for the overseers and dwellers to live in. If you'd like something special, just PM me, and I'll take care of it. Vallorn, I have a few room designs, I'll show you later.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 26 Dec 2010, 05:53
by vallorn
ReaperOfDeath wrote:I'm now housing manager. So I take care of building the rooms for the overseers and dwellers to live in. If you'd like something special, just PM me, and I'll take care of it. Vallorn, I have a few room designs, I'll show you later.
is the server back up then?
if you have basement designs dont bother. were at Bedrock and building upwards. (i just want to see peoples faces when we break the surface with awesome buildings.)
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 26 Dec 2010, 05:59
by ReaperOfDeath
vallorn wrote:ReaperOfDeath wrote:I'm now housing manager. So I take care of building the rooms for the overseers and dwellers to live in. If you'd like something special, just PM me, and I'll take care of it. Vallorn, I have a few room designs, I'll show you later.
is the server back up then?
if you have basement designs dont bother. were at Bedrock and building upwards. (i just want to see peoples faces when we break the surface with awesome buildings.)
I have both. Can you add my name on the list? And do you have Steam or something? I need to discuss with you. AlOT.
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 26 Dec 2010, 06:35
by vallorn
ReaperOfDeath wrote:vallorn wrote:ReaperOfDeath wrote:I'm now housing manager. So I take care of building the rooms for the overseers and dwellers to live in. If you'd like something special, just PM me, and I'll take care of it. Vallorn, I have a few room designs, I'll show you later.
is the server back up then?
if you have basement designs dont bother. were at Bedrock and building upwards. (i just want to see peoples faces when we break the surface with awesome buildings.)
I have both. Can you add my name on the list? And do you have Steam or something? I need to discuss with you. AlOT.
i have no steam... do you have a PS3 and BC2? i could chat to you while sniping helicopter pilots outa thier cockpits
or we could sit in an unused Vent channal and talk this through.
added your name BTW
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 26 Dec 2010, 08:02
by ReaperOfDeath
I'll take Vent.
So first, what do you want me to plan out? Cave Homes, or the "Surface" buildings?
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 26 Dec 2010, 08:24
by Buchal
Quick question:
Is this Vault on the temp server or what?
Re: The Vault 88 recruitment and discussion thread.
Posted: 26 Dec 2010, 08:48
by vallorn
Buchal wrote:Quick question:
Is this Vault on the temp server or what?
no its on the main server which is back up and running.