Posted: 09 May 2012, 04:21
Welcome to Shardrock, a newly founded settlement in far North Borjan. Shardrock, as of the 12/05/2012, is part of the Branchscape Empire. So all of their rules are also applied here. Further info regarding this can be found here and at M477's post below.
Shardrock is situated at the very top of Borjan. To get there take the main Borjan rail North all the way to the end. Take the exit to your right (East) and follow the path to the left which will take you to the Shardrock railway. Hop in a cart and you'll arrive at Shardrock.
Current Projects:
Spoiler! :
Shardrock is situated at the very top of Borjan. To get there take the main Borjan rail North all the way to the end. Take the exit to your right (East) and follow the path to the left which will take you to the Shardrock railway. Hop in a cart and you'll arrive at Shardrock.
- Follow all of the servers rules
- Use the farms in the way they are set out. They are like that for a reason.
- Re-plant. Re-plant. Re-plant
- Follow everything stated here, in the town hall and any decrees by me
- We reserve the right to evict you given 14 days notice (If the case is severe enough the notice can be voided). If your property isn't clear within the 14 days your house will be removed and its resources will be used for town projects (Note: Inactivity without notice is warrant for eviction)
- Most importantly, have fun
- Wood must be used as the main material for your house. Other materials can be used for detailing
- Each plot is 10x8x20. 10m above ground and 10m below ground
- Building outside your plot is allowed however it must be approved by me first
- 50m Dual Lane Archery Range
- Large Farming Area to suit all your daily farming needs
- CUT Restaurant for when your a hungry
- Hospital
- Graveyard
- Resource rich mine boasting 2 abandoned mines (with accompanying cave spider spawners) and a ravine
- Plot 2 - TyreseEngineer
- Plot 3 - mrmano
- Plot 4 - meep706
- Plot 5 - blohod
- Plot 6 - TheXCrow
- Plot 7 - blackknight1337 (Founder)
- Plot 8 - thatguy98
- Plot 9 - Gazoooo
- Inn Room 1 - Vacant
- Inn Room 2 - Vacant
Current Projects:
- The Shardrock beautification project