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Welcome to Blockville!

Posted: 28 Sep 2012, 21:51
by Jonncraft
Blockville is a town in the far west Fyra just before Lords Landing. So you keep going west until you see a giant B in netherrack. That's when you get out of your minecart. Then when you are out of your minecart, go to your left and get in a minecart at the station that says *To Blockville*. Then you will go into the Blockville station where you will read two signs telling you to go to the info center, (there will be signs that point you towards the info center), all of the rules are in there. Now here is some things to pointlessly read.

Town name and colour: Blockville
Location: Far west Fyra
Flag: B with netherrack surrounging it
We also have animals and an expantion comming soon, if you want to help the town and contribute to make this town grow than ask Jonncraft (me) and i will help you join us...

Re: Welcome to Blockville!

Posted: 28 Sep 2012, 23:22
by vallorn
Lords Landing would like to endorse this town and remind you that our End Portal and the adjoining farms are free for public use (just please dont kill all of the animals)

Re: Welcome to Blockville!

Posted: 29 Sep 2012, 11:26
by Jonncraft
what does endorse mean lol
i will see to it that everyone in my town will not greif LL and i would like to ask you if when i get some money such as gold i want to buy that bit of land that u have in the plains biome next to my town cuz i could use that for some industry and factories =) thank you

Re: Welcome to Blockville!

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 06:42
by asi1998
Jonncraft wrote:what does endorse mean lol
Something along the lines of support or recommend.

Re: Welcome to Blockville!

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 21:20
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Jonncraft wrote:what does endorse mean lol
To support financially.

Re: Welcome to Blockville!

Posted: 03 Oct 2012, 15:04
by Invunarble
Jonncraft wrote:what does endorse mean lol
If you ever played any of the Mass Effect games, you'd understand it's definition.

Re: Welcome to Blockville!

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 16:04
by Jonncraft
-_- inv... We have talked about this, no posting stupid mass erect vids.
Lol jk. Btw thnx vall, I had an idea to have our towns somehow linked and so my town is the like the peacful country like restdential district and the actual lords landing be like the city. Just a thought, I don't really know if its a good idea.