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Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 14:13
by EricSmarties
I think that there is no god as there isnt any proof that he exists or that he created the universe.

Re: Religion

Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 14:17
by SneakyPie
I think that mettalfreak doesn't exist. There isn't any proof except for some text that was written referring back to him.

Re: Religion

Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 14:29
by Milo_Windby
[Personal Opinion]
I believe that God... or perhaps a being that we can not see or know may possibly exist. Perhaps even the existence of other beings are even the old gods from our past are or were or may still even be where ever they reside.
We can not really say for certain and perhaps we may never know at all.

So with that said, I do not really align my self with any religion as such nor do I follow any group. Which is not to say that I think groups are bad... they can be very helpful to the community and help a lot of people in time of need, either personal need, community need or global.
[/Person Opinion]

(My thoughts and Opinions may or may not be "Correct" and anyone who thinks different from me is Correct in how they think... When it comes to religion... No one is wrong.)

Re: Religion

Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 15:27
by vallorn
im an athiest leaning towards agnostic. i tried religion once and i just cant belive it.

Re: Religion

Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 15:40
by Cho
Well, Milo and I had an interesting conversation on this a few days ago... But I'll try to sum up my faith in as few points as possible.

- I am a Christian, but I'm sure many conservative Christians would deny that I am one, as I don't hold much to a lot of "doctrine", or religious hierarchies. I could be considered a Theistic Evolutionist. In short, I believe that there is a God, that God is the creator of the material universe and (by consequence) all life within, and that biological evolution is simply a natural process within that creation. Evolution, according to this view, is simply a tool that God employed to develop human life (Thank You Wikipedia for a better definition that I could have come up with on my own).

- I don't believe in organized religion, in so far that I don't any one person or organization should tell you what you should believe, or how you have to worship. While I think people getting together to discuss faith isn't a bad thing, as soon as you 'organize' it, man's greedy side comes up and it becomes less and less about faith, and more and more how to consolidate power and control people. I think you need to develop your own personal connection with your divinity.

- I do believe that my God is a loving God, and is not a deity of discrimination or hate. I think that man through the ages has worshiped God under man different names, and I reject doctrine that states that unless you're a certain 'flavor' of believer that you're doomed to hell. I believe that heaven - if it were a 'destination' - is populated with Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Shintoists, etc.; as well as gay, lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual, and transgendered people. And that God doesn't want anyone to punish or kill someone just because they hold to a different theology. That your life and how you live it is more important than the labels you apply to it. (See, I told ya some christians would say I'm not one.)

- As for the bible, or other religious texts... Well, I think in each there is probably a core of great beauty in most religious texts, but that a lot of the texts have been overly influenced by man over the ages to have much resemblance to the original intent. Basically that 'organized' religion has altered such texts for their own benefit. And I believe that at such times as these books were written that in many cases certain things were forbidden or made 'law' in an honest effort to help people. Forbidding certain foods fall under this for me - as some comedian once said, (paraphrase) there was a time when a piece of pork could kill you.

Re: Religion

Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 16:09
by Wildwill002
I am an atheist to the core and could go on for days about proof and such but i believe that may lead to a ban as i sometimes get a bit too zealous in such matters

Re: Religion

Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 16:25
by superglitch
And the first topic is a contraversal topic. Which spawns my All relegions and a lack of religion is correct answer!

Re: Religion

Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 21:23
by Sarevokk
I am an atheist. I don't believe in a higher power or anything of the sort. However, I believe the core of religion, when used correctly, can give a man the guidance and hope he needs in his life when nothing else works.

I grew up in a catholic family, with some members being extremely religious, while others (my mother included) were a bit more lenient and liberal in their views. It is because of this that I grew up with some strong religious morals and values, which shaped who I am today. I always thank my family (with both hardcore and non hardcore religious beliefs) for educating me under that system, without forcing their opinions on me or stigmatizing me and damning me for my decision to stop believing.

The problem with religion comes when your belief threatens the belief of others. It comes when you are willing to wage some imaginary war against the non believers or heretics (and from atheist who believe they must enlighten those who believe). Most religions teach us about love, morality, and forgiveness, which makes me wonder why there are some people out there, who under the disguise of religion, can attack their brothers for their own selfish desires. Too much blood has been shed by greedy humans in the name of the Gods.

In the end, religion can be a powerful tool to guide us, which is why I am not against religion, nor am I spreading my lack of belief by attacking those who wish to share their beliefs with me. Gotta love our freedom to think for ourselves and follow the belief system we desire.

Re: Religion

Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 02:16
by Skunk_Giant
First off, Sneaky, thanks so much for making this sub-forum! I always love a good religious or ethical debate/discussion.

At times, I contemplate this, and I often think a God seems impossible. How could this being suddenly exist, and how easy would it be for someone to write a book and say it's true? There seem to be so many coincidences with religion, that it often seems like fiction to me.

However, having said that, I ultimately do believe in God, and I believe that the coincidences are the work of God. I mean, I've had times when I'll do something wrong, and face consequences for that. Just this weekend, I forgot to do something important, and was worried I'd face consequences, but today, I discovered that out of luck or a miracle, that I would not face the consequences for reasons that would be far too hard to explain (well, I just don't feel like it :D )

Overall, I feel there is some higher being, even if at times, it doesn't seem right.

I agree with Sarvokk, though, that religion should not equal bloodshed.
Religion should be an individual thing, and individual choice, not organised groups. Maybe God intended for Churches and for all to believe in him, but I feel very strongly, than an atheist who helps people every day, is far more likely to get into Heaven, or whatever good 'area' after death, than a religious person who murders women and children under God's name.

Re: Religion

Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 02:27
by nart_21086
I have no need for Religion in my life. My purpose in life is to simply survive, and by doing so become the most efficient person I can be.

As stated, I have lost the interest and necessity for religion, but I've had my experiences.

During Middle School I was the most Hardcore, devout, pious, conservative Roman Catholic one could find.
I was being taught all of the Catholic Church's Doctrines and such in the environment of an old fashioned private Catholic school. Each lesson I took to be fact, solid within every word.

My condition became so extreme that i ended up branding my best friend a Walking Sin due to his and his twin sister's mother having more than one husband, for I was taught: "Marriage is an institution that lasts for eternity, and that even if one divorces (and one teach even stated absolution did not count) any marriages/sex after the first marriage was adultery."
That combined with one sermon about how a sin can carry through events or some other philosophical nonsense, caused me to alienate my best friend.

After a few years I realised all the contradictions that exist within the organisation of the Church.
Now, I believed that all the church stated was true and should be followed to the finest detail, and these contradictions demolished my commitment. Unfortunately I was surrounded by Conservative folk who had my former attitude, so I never had the chance to be a liberal Christian.

And here I am, Have not talked to any of my Biological family since I was 12, and have not needed God, or the church since.

Nowadays Pure logic runs my life, determines my actions and needs.

I am not one to use labels on myself, but to display my situation:

I do not care.

Re: Religion

Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 18:22
by MKindy
I am an atheist in a fairly specific sense: While I believe a god must exist, I also believe the existence of god is irrelevant; so I'm certainly not theist, nor am I prepared to call myself a deist, for I believe that an extant god would be wholly involved in the affairs of the universe.

If I may elaborate, I feel this way due to my central belief/assumption that current evidence shows the universe to have a definite beginning in spacetime; were the universe decidedly infinite in scope, I would probably change my mind, since all of existence could be explained as one big universal or metaversal stable time loop. But with a definite beginning, I believe an extra-universal force/medium/what-have-you is necessary to begin the universe. This force becomes "god."

Thinking then about what god would be, I am compelled to state that only an "infinite" god -- omnipotent, omniscient -- makes sense, as anything less raises the question "what created this 'lesser' god?" An infinite god is like an infinite universe in a stable time loop, needing no explanation other than itself. An infinite god is rendered irrelevant, however, due to its very nature: a universe created by such a being has no other option but to operate exactly the way the creator intended; its omnipotence ensures it the power to create a universe, and its omniscience forces it to know the precise results of its actions, no quantum uncertainty principle about it. In this way, when god said "Let there be light," god knew the sequence of events that were throughout the whole of spacetime to occur based on the parameters specified by the command and chose that sequence of events over all others at its disposal.

That is why god is irrelevant; everything everyone is doing at any given time is exactly what they're supposed to do, and it is literally impossible to deviate from that. Hence, people who believe Jesus is the son of the Abrahamic God are doing what god intended; people who believe that Mohammad was the Abrahamic God's last prophet are doing what god intended; the Jewish people still waiting for their messiah are doing what god intended; and so on. Even the fact that I ate chop steak for lunch is because it is what was intended.

TL;DR -- I believe in absolute determinism.

It has earned me a little bit of consternation here in America's Bible Belt, firmly wrapped around the United States' ever-expanding waistline.

Re: Religion

Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 19:10
by Fenreil
I'm a devout Roman Catholic, so I guess that makes me a minority in the board....
SneakyPie wrote:I think that mettalfreak doesn't exist. There isn't any proof except for some text that was written referring back to him.

Re: Religion

Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 21:13
by Tomenaki
Well, in my own personal opinion, I really don't believe in an almighty being capable of controlling our lives. I think that religion (at least some of the crazy things I've seen in various forms of religions) has outlived it's use in our modern society, and that if someone believes, that's their own thing. I'm all for someone believing what they want, but I'm not a fan of anyone (either believe or not) forcing their ideals on people. If someone wants a religious debate with me, I'm up for it, and I'll fight for my side with all my might. Logic, Science, and Common Sense, are my guides.

In short: I'm an Atheist, but please don't tell me I'm going to Hell. I'm not going to tell you you're going to the nonexistent place I don't believe in.

Re: Religion

Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 23:10
by Crashendo
Tomenaki wrote:Well, in my own personal opinion, I really don't believe in an almighty being capable of controlling our lives. I think that religion (at least some of the crazy things I've seen in various forms of religions) has outlived it's use in our modern society, and that if someone believes, that's their own thing. I'm all for someone believing what they want, but I'm not a fan of anyone (either believe or not) forcing their ideals on people. If someone wants a religious debate with me, I'm up for it, and I'll fight for my side with all my might. Logic, Science, and Common Sense, are my guides.

In short: I'm an Atheist, but please don't tell me I'm going to Hell. I'm not going to tell you you're going to the nonexistent place I don't believe in.
I agree, I'm fine with people in believing what they want, but I get so pissed when someone forces their ideas on me!

I can see that some people force their ideas of God onto you, but for me, since I'm Catholic, some people force their ideas of Atheism onto me so it's sorta like the other way around, lol.

Re: Religion

Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 07:08
by Cho
So Crash, and Tomen - that's a no on joining the First Church of Cho? Darn... Just kidding. In all seriousness, I completely agree with most of your points. It's a lot of the reason I don't like organized religion. Seems so many people are a bigot inside, and they find a way to hate for some reason.

I grew up hearing that only Christians* are worthy of God's rewards at death, and then as I got older I had friends who were Jewish, atheist, agnostic, and my best friend follows the Native American shamanistic traditions. It got pretty hard to believe that all these people that I know to be good people would be damned simply because they believe differently. I nearly lost my mind when the son and daughter of a conservative, evangelistic couple scared the young woman I helped raise by telling her that she was going to burn in hell (she was around 8, at the time). So eventually, my faith modified drastically.

I don't believe in predestination, fate, or a plan. As a proponent of Free Will, that - for me - negates those concepts. One thing I always hate to hear is people explaining away some tragedy either in their lives, or someone else's, as all part of God's Plan. So, you're telling me a bus full of school children that gets mashed by a train and everyone is killed was part of His plan? Man, I sure don't want to believe in a god that does that. Or the tragic thing that happened to someone wasn't because their were drunk/stupid/whatever, but that god wanted it to happen. People, take responsibility for your actions.

*And a lot of them say only THEIR brand of christian...

Re: Religion

Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 11:34
by EricSmarties
If there is a god he hasnt shown himself or done anything for us though...

But in any case even if you do not believe in a religion we should pray for Japan.

Re: Religion

Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 11:41
by Laptop_mini
I got 99 problems, but thinking about god ain't one.

Re: Religion

Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 17:13
by Spartigus
Think about what you want spiritually but organized religion is more evil than the demons they make you fear.

Re: Religion

Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 17:17
by Wildwill002
the gamer in me wants to think that when you die a big sign comes up either saying LEVEL 2 or the minecraft respawn screen.

Also if i was forced to worship a god i would almost definatly worship Gaia

Re: Religion

Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 18:51
by Fenreil
Cho wrote:So Crash, and Tomen - that's a no on joining the First Church of Cho? Darn... Just kidding. In all seriousness, I completely agree with most of your points. It's a lot of the reason I don't like organized religion. Seems so many people are a bigot inside, and they find a way to hate for some reason.

I grew up hearing that only Christians* are worthy of God's rewards at death, and then as I got older I had friends who were Jewish, atheist, agnostic, and my best friend follows the Native American shamanistic traditions. It got pretty hard to believe that all these people that I know to be good people would be damned simply because they believe differently. I nearly lost my mind when the son and daughter of a conservative, evangelistic couple scared the young woman I helped raise by telling her that she was going to burn in hell (she was around 8, at the time). So eventually, my faith modified drastically.

I don't believe in predestination, fate, or a plan. As a proponent of Free Will, that - for me - negates those concepts. One thing I always hate to hear is people explaining away some tragedy either in their lives, or someone else's, as all part of God's Plan. So, you're telling me a bus full of school children that gets mashed by a train and everyone is killed was part of His plan? Man, I sure don't want to believe in a god that does that. Or the tragic thing that happened to someone wasn't because their were drunk/stupid/whatever, but that god wanted it to happen. People, take responsibility for your actions.

*And a lot of them say only THEIR brand of christian...
Unfortunately, many Christians completely miss the teachings of what their faith is based on. Preaching damnation and hellfire is, for the most part, contrary to what they should be doing. I mean, Jesus went around telling people to turn the other cheek, hung out with the degenerates of the time, and told everyone to do the same. Some people just need to get their shit in order. Oh, and this doesn't account for all christians, but the Catholic Church preaches that you can find salvation outside of the Church.

Personally, I have a kind of mixed opinion on predestination. To me, there is an overarching Plan, but this is mostly due to the nature of God. i.e., omniscient, omnipotent, and unconstrained by our perception of time. HOWEVER, humans are completely and utterly in control of their actions. To suggest otherwise, that God is a puppet master, pulling the strings of all of humanity, is rather insulting.

You see, lots of people, for some reason, think they know everything there is to know about God. They will tell you "Do this and go to Hell" or "Do this and go to Heaven". They seem, to me, like they think that they're in charge, rather than God. I don't claim to really know a fucking thing about God. It's impossible. God is completely beyond us. He is the divine Mystery. All we do know is what He has related to us, and this is what we act on. So, nobody can claim to "know" God. No one can tell you what, specifically, will happen to you after you die. We have rules and guidelines, yes, but it's all still up to Him.

Buh. I'm terrible at converting thoughts into words, but there's some stuff to consider.

Re: Religion

Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 22:30
by Zinrius
You cannot say it doesn't exist if you haven't seen it.

Re: Religion

Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 22:48
by MKindy
Cho wrote:So, you're telling me a bus full of school children that gets mashed by a train and everyone is killed was part of His plan? Man, I sure don't want to believe in a god that does that. Or the tragic thing that happened to someone wasn't because their were drunk/stupid/whatever, but that god wanted it to happen. People, take responsibility for your actions.
Fenreil wrote:HOWEVER, humans are completely and utterly in control of their actions. To suggest otherwise, that God is a puppet master, pulling the strings of all of humanity, is rather insulting.
I hate to think I have offended anyone when I declared my belief in absolute determinism, but I would like to elaborate more since I have had to ponder the same feeling of disgust -- namely, how do you hold people responsible (or why should anyone assume responsibility) for their actions?

I'm reminded of a story, certainly apocryphal, about a brutal serial killer who is brought to answer for his crimes. The murderer argues vehemently for his release upon his initial hearing, arguing that he cannot be held responsible for his actions when it must be an almighty god who has ordained that these events should happen. The judge remarks that the murderer is correct, and therefore orders the trial to go forward. The murderer, flabbergasted, demands to know how the judge can continue despite admitting that the murderer's claim is correct. "Because," says the judge, "you can do no other than what you have done, and together, we will do no other than what we will do; and what I will do is allow this trial to go forward."

In the end, absolute determinism is indistinguishable from free will, but I do believe in it. It gives me, personally, a sense of awe and humility I think I would otherwise lack. But it is just a belief; I have no proof of it.

Also, in a small footnote, the question of tragedy is one that has plagued mankind since the dawn of philosophy; though one may be disinclined to believe in a God who would allow or who is even ultimately responsible, as per my prior post, for man-made and natural tragedy -- the tour bus accident in New York City, or the tsunami in Japan -- I do not myself have any problem believing that, but then again, I do not believe god is necessarily "all-loving" in addition to being omnipotent and omniscient. My belief is that god would have to be all-everything, an embodiment of all emotions, those we perceive as positive and those we perceive as negative. I suppose this does not bother me so because I do not feel compelled to worship any god or even to be on 'friendly terms' with any god.

Re: Religion

Posted: 17 Mar 2011, 13:18
by EricSmarties
What has started all this belief of Gods?
Is it us selfish humans trying to explain the unexplaineable?
How do we know that God exists/doesnt Exist?
If there was a god why is there tragedy everywhere?
What if there are more gods and not one?(Greek Mythology 14 Gods.)
If there is a god does he watch me when im sleeping D: ?

Re: Religion

Posted: 17 Mar 2011, 13:22
by Milo_Windby
mettalfreak wrote: If there was a god why is there tragedy everywhere?
If God or perhaps gods were to step in during every single disaster... not allowing us to figure things out for our selves... would we still be a race of sentient people? Or would we be pets?

Would we still have free will? Or would they just tell us "Eh, thats not a good idea little buddy... No doing that"
Would we even be where we are today? I feel like I would be in a plastic ball because some god thought it would be amusing...

Re: Religion

Posted: 17 Mar 2011, 13:25
by MKindy
Maybe God is a creeper.

Re: Religion

Posted: 17 Mar 2011, 13:27
by EricSmarties
Milo Windby wrote:
mettalfreak wrote: If there was a god why is there tragedy everywhere?
If God or perhaps gods were to step in during every single disaster... not allowing us to figure things out for our selves... would we still be a race of sentient people? Or would we be pets?

Would we still have free will? Or would they just tell us "Eh, thats not a good idea little buddy... No doing that"
Would we even be where we are today? I feel like I would be in a plastic ball because some god thought it would be amusing...
Exactly maybe Life is all a test and you have to get through your life alone and when you will die you will be judged on how many marks you got for example sounds wierd but could be?

Re: Religion

Posted: 17 Mar 2011, 17:24
by Spartigus
MKindy wrote:Maybe God is a creeper.
O hey thatssss a nice planet you got there!

Re: Religion

Posted: 17 Mar 2011, 23:16
by nart_21086
I grew up with Roman Catholic Religion class and I believe the reasonoing for all this questioning of God due to the negative events in the universe is due to the extreme Glorification of God (and most other deities), and once one begins to question the purity of a being that can allow evil to happen, the majority of Established religion Replies: It's part of the plan, or even, They Deserved it.

Re: Religion

Posted: 17 Mar 2011, 23:31
by Fuzz422365117
Delete this.

Re: Religion

Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 05:54
by EricSmarties
nart_21086 wrote:I grew up with Roman Catholic Religion class and I believe the reasonoing for all this questioning of God due to the negative events in the universe is due to the extreme Glorification of God (and most other deities), and once one begins to question the purity of a being that can allow evil to happen, the majority of Established religion Replies: It's part of the plan, or even, They Deserved it.
So you think even if only one us does something wrong everyone is going to deserve being punished?
How is it part of the plan though ? Where is this sopposedly plan kept?