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British politics
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 14:20
by Wildwill002
I was just wondering what different brits or even our pversea bretherean thought of our politics and im just wondering what party you support
I am neutral although i would support the legalised cannabis allience for the lulz
Re: British politics
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 14:58
by Lord_Mountbatten
My peerage remains - excellent work to whoever is in charge!
Re: British politics
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 15:26
by vallorn
im conservative leaning towards UKIP...
and im still more left wing than most US right wingers!
Re: British politics
Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 18:25
by MKindy
We don't get very much information about the politics of other nations in our media in the US. D:
vallorn wrote:[...]and im still more left wing than most US right wingers! probably accurate no matter what political system we're discussing.
And my exposure to British media these days is limited to new episodes of Top Gear. xD
Re: British politics
Posted: 17 Mar 2011, 13:30
by EricSmarties
As i have not grown up here in England i do not know alot about the goverment and parliament although we are doing it for history gcse atm
Screw Top gear !!!! Total wipeout FTW!!
Re: British politics
Posted: 17 Mar 2011, 14:22
by vallorn
i found an interesting article on that cauldron of Left Wing Hateophiles known as Mumsnet. (a site that i personaly detest with every fibre of my being)
however its still a good read so
here it is!
Re: British politics
Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 11:23
by sag185
Conservatives are harsh in their actions but it is all for a good cause. Although i DO believe cannabis should be legalised, mainly due to the fact that alcohol is more harmful and yet that is still legal. You cant exactly OD on weed.
Re: British politics
Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 11:29
by Wildwill002
Do you think we could sign a petition or something and vote for Lord Mountbatten to become prime minister?
I think that we should!
Re: British politics
Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 11:31
by Lord_Mountbatten
sag185 wrote:You cant exactly OD on weed.
How dare you tell Jeeves what he can and can't do!
Wildwill002 wrote:Do you think we could sign a petition or something and vote for Lord Mountbatten to become prime minister?
I think that we should!
As a completely objective, impartial and basically unbiased member of the community, I think this is a good idea.
Re: British politics
Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 11:34
by Wildwill002
Made a poll!
We could have you in power by the end of the year Lord!
Re: British politics
Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 11:58
by vallorn
so long as Jeremy Clarkson and Boris Johnson are in your cabinet im behind you all the way m'lord!
Re: British politics
Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 08:42
by random980
No one wants evil tyrants like CUT actually ruling part of the real world if they can only rule escapia mainly out of fear.
but if you had the top gear guys in you cabinet then sure go rule england.
( i still voted no)
Re: British politics
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 09:11
by Wildwill002
hehe your the only person thats voted no. Good luck when we get our new prime minister!
Re: British politics
Posted: 27 Mar 2011, 10:00
by EricSmarties
People should not be afraid of their goverments. Goverments should be afraid of their people. - V for vendetta
Re: British politics
Posted: 16 Apr 2011, 18:36
by Jeeves
I believe that is only logical that my master's influence is increased to such a degree as to allow him to encompass the whole of the country as under his employ.
What the country will do in the present bout of administrations (the ones that do not include my master and haven't done so for many years) I can only tentatively speculate on, though I fear greatly the corrosive effect my master's absence has on the British polity.
Re: British politics
Posted: 24 Oct 2011, 07:25
by Lord_Mountbatten
Well, an internet forum poll shows me to be the clear winner.
So er, who's going to tell Mr. Cameron the news?
Re: British politics
Posted: 24 Oct 2011, 08:04
by vallorn
get jeeves to do it Lord.