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Bill S.978 Opinions
Posted: 03 Jul 2011, 18:54
by powerfulkingt
Well you might have heard or not, the US might pass this, making it unable to post livestream's or lets plays of anything. This here thread is supposed to just show whats your opinion about it, because I think it's outrageous......(note that it doesn't effect you foreigners...lucky arses)
Re: Bill S.978 Opinions
Posted: 03 Jul 2011, 19:15
by givemeabreak432
Re: Bill S.978 Opinions
Posted: 03 Jul 2011, 19:45
by aflycon
I read somewhere that it was overturned yesterday. Not sure though.
Re: Bill S.978 Opinions
Posted: 03 Jul 2011, 20:39
by derigin
That was a previous version of a similar bill, Afly. This one appears to still be up. In fact, just last month it was pre-approved by a senate committee.
The prospects of this bill, or a bill like it, passing is still exceptionally high. The Democrats support it, a number of Republicans support it. The support is there. Whether it can pass this congress is another thing, entirely. The Democrats struggled, on their own vocation, to do much action when they held both houses. I am not sure with the political infighting in congress nowadays what will incur for this bill. Though similar circumstances led to the flawed DMCA in the first place, under the Clinton Administration.
I get why bills like this tend to come up, for obvious reasons. I also get why other states have or will do the same, whether for commercial interests or for their own political party principles. Every time something like this comes up, though, I can't help but be reminded of a disconnect between wants and needs, generation and generation, policymakers and society. I'm more than likely going to be a part of the political machine of my country sooner than later, and well, the cycle seems to go on and on.
Re: Bill S.978 Opinions
Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 03:47
by Onecanofsprite
Hooray, living in Europe!
Seriously though, this is a ridiculous law that will put people in jail who effectively haven't done anything wrong. What's wrong with live LPs?
Re: Bill S.978 Opinions
Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 04:44
by vallorn
knowing you bloody yanks this bill will give carte blanch to you police force to extradite people from other countries for livestreaming...
Re: Bill S.978 Opinions
Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 07:10
by Lord_Mountbatten
Onecanofsprite wrote:What's wrong with live LPs?
If anything they generate interest, which helps to make money. What irritates me about some companies is that they can be incredibly stupid when it comes to win-win scenarios. If they were good businessmen like me they'd find a way to twist the win-win scenario into an ultrawin-indentured scenario.
Re: Bill S.978 Opinions
Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 07:26
by Jake55778
Onecanofsprite wrote:What's wrong with live LPs?
The bill isn't directed at stopping Let's Players, it's intended to prevent streaming of movies and TV shows. LPs are only included because it's worded as "all copyrighted material".
Streaming a movie hurts sales, people who watch it don't then go out an buy DVDs or see it in theatres.
Streaming TV shows hurts sales, the audience don't have to watch the adverts that help support that show.
Streaming game footage encourages sales. When people see someone else having fun they're more likely to go out and buy the game for themselves. Watching a video game isn't the same as playing a video game, seeing footage of it doesn't discourage people from buying it. Plus it's free advertising, and usually places the game in a positive light.
For anyone who didn't see it X posted a video about this describing the issue far more eloquently than me:
Re: Bill S.978 Opinions
Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 17:26
by Pinmissile
I've heard about this, I thought this law only applies to streams that generate a set amount of money (3000 dollars, I believe) or more, thus leaving non-profit organizations unaffected?
Feel free to correct me or verify that.
Re: Bill S.978 Opinions
Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 17:48
by vallorn
was thinkning about this and either 2 things will happen if this passes:
1: Games company's routinely add a bit to their TOU that states it can be freely Lets Plays and Livestreamed and whatever.
2: Google and the other companies that will be killed by this (a lot of Youtube would die) lobby for an amendment to save themselves.
its outisde of the RaP forum so i hid this politically charged rant in a spoiler for safe keeping
Re: Bill S.978 Opinions
Posted: 09 Jul 2011, 17:37
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Vallorn, you are amazing. I agree completely. What our US government needs to focus on is creating jobs, reducing outsourcing, increasing exports, and paying off the debt of the country. It seems politicians no longer try to represent the average citizen, now they represent the large companies who shove cash in their pockets.
Re: Bill S.978 Opinions
Posted: 19 Oct 2011, 02:57
by ziggylord
i dunno what’s true and what’s not. i have heard so much about this bill.
he seems to know a bit about it.
EDIT: i agree with vallorn, mojang are probably going to do that right after the bill is passed if it passes.