The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?
- Invunarble
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - New Post AAAAH
Happy 2 year anniversary, I get killed trying to look for you...Iron_Fang wrote:Happy 2 year anniversary PoE!

"The roses are red, but Invunarble is blue. Hit him with a puma." - Vallorn
"Baked fucking potato" - Lord Mountbatten, 2014
- Skunk_Giant
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - New Post AAAAH
D:Iron_Fang wrote:Happy 2 year anniversary PoE!
Wait, 2 years? Jesus.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - New Post AAAAH
See skunk this is why we cant have nice things, its been 2 freaking years

Daemon wrote:I'm going to draw the fuck out of this egg.
- RobipodSupreme
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - New Post AAAAH
My lime green sheep, birthed and named by Shawdoe.Skunk_Giant wrote:Mr Fluffy III?RobipodSupreme wrote:O.O SO MUCH THING
Skunk, if Spy's doing promotions, and Trays does things, can I ride Mr Fluffy III into battle?
I'm like 80% gayer than when I was on here last
I was a mod once
my discord is Ryin ❄#4444 if you wanna hmu fams
Miss you
I was a mod once
my discord is Ryin ❄#4444 if you wanna hmu fams
Miss you

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - New Post AAAAH
Six Nine Seven? More like Six Nine STABen! lolololololololol
Eekum Bokum
Eekum Bokum
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.
- RobipodSupreme
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - New Post AAAAH
Who is 697?
I'm like 80% gayer than when I was on here last
I was a mod once
my discord is Ryin ❄#4444 if you wanna hmu fams
Miss you
I was a mod once
my discord is Ryin ❄#4444 if you wanna hmu fams
Miss you

- motormaniac
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - New Post AAAAH
Dear god it really has been a long time since we last saw him...RobipodSupreme wrote:Who is 697?

Daemon wrote:I'm going to draw the fuck out of this egg.
- Skunk_Giant
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - New Post AAAAH
In reality, he was a mentor who left.RobipodSupreme wrote:Who is 697?
In PoE, he was a mentor who went undercover for CUT. They put him in prison to befriend Proz. While in prison, he would fake a breakout and take Proz with him. When they broke out, Proz would lead him to a nearby Griefer base, at which point, Mountbatten led a team of CUT Agents to arrest them all. Whenever you see 'Operation Diamond Key', that's what it is.
Thing is, afterwards, CUT didn't know what to do with 697, as the public didn't know about the operation. So, 697 disappeared, and until now, people have been asking where (as Operation Diamond Key was eventually leaked by Random, Inv and Derek).
- Demonnaruto21
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - New Post AAAAH
Huh I get to beat the living shits out of vic this post. Good enough for me!
Oh and skunk may I request my weapon of choice if I am to go fight the collective? And I also wonder if I can find invun and do uber magic planet minecraft stuff to revive him.

- Invunarble
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - New Post AAAAH
dead mentor is too op, nerf plz

"The roses are red, but Invunarble is blue. Hit him with a puma." - Vallorn
"Baked fucking potato" - Lord Mountbatten, 2014
Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
Wait... where am I and where is my Lava? I want to melt people damn it!
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

CUT: Baldrick
- Skunk_Giant
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
I was gonna throw you in, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the next post. There shall be much LAVA!
Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
Erhmergerd plot twist! Don't bloody keep me anticipating the next post. It's too damn good...
- Invunarble
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
Make more PoE plzplzplzplzplz
Make more PoE plzplzplzplzplz

"The roses are red, but Invunarble is blue. Hit him with a puma." - Vallorn
"Baked fucking potato" - Lord Mountbatten, 2014
- Victini998
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
Yaaay i r glass parkour champion! Also me wantz to use my stacks of gunpowder!

Retired Mentor (2013-2014)
- Skunk_Giant
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
Pffft, hasn't even been a week.Invunarble wrote:SKKKKAAAHHHHNNK
Make more PoE plzplzplzplzplz
That being said, I've got a busy weekend, so I might try and post by tomorrow afternoon.
- Invunarble
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
You left on such a huge cliffhanger, though. You don't want PoE to turn into the next Assassin's Creed game, do you?Skunk_Giant wrote:Pffft, hasn't even been a week.Invunarble wrote:SKKKKAAAHHHHNNK
Make more PoE plzplzplzplzplz
That being said, I've got a busy weekend, so I might try and post by tomorrow afternoon.

"The roses are red, but Invunarble is blue. Hit him with a puma." - Vallorn
"Baked fucking potato" - Lord Mountbatten, 2014
- Skunk_Giant
- Retired
- Posts: 2619
- Joined: 05 Nov 2010, 23:14
Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
Iron approached the body cautiously, sword in hand. Must have been a loyalist cut down by rebels, he decided. At least it'd have some supplies. His stomach rumbled as he stepped closer to the body. Only then, with the aid of moonlight shining through the window, did Iron realise who he was looking at.
There was no response.
"Inv!" he rushed towards the body, only to find the soldier lying in a pool of blood. "NO!"
Out of the corner of his eye, Iron saw a figure running.
He and Invun definitely had their differences, but Inv was a loyal soldier, and there was no way Iron was going to let someone get away with his murder. The chase began.
Foxes flew over town, determined to find both Invun and Iron before it was too late. She'd heard the Collective was gone, but it was still dangerous for either of them to be alone in a town of rebels. It was just as she was losing hope that Foxes noticed a figure chasing someone on the ground.
"Iron?" she called out.
Iron kept running, eyes set on the figure ahead.
"IRON! You need to come back to the prison! The rebels will kill you!"
"Leave, Foxes!" he called out, still focussed on his target.
Foxes flew ahead to see who Iron was following. "697?!? You're alive? I-we thought... What the hell's going on?"
"He's a rebel!" Iron called out. "He must be! He killed Invunarble!"
"What? Inv's dead? But- no!" Suddenly furious, Foxes flew towards the ground, tackling 697 at the legs. He was strong, but he was no Leader. "This ends here," she said, picking him up off the ground.
"Not here. Not yet," 697 replied before unleashing a burst of energy at Foxes. He then began to hover in the air before flying off towards the prison.
She fell to the ground, stunned. "L-Leader Powers?"
"Drinks for all!" Spy cried. "Except the guards... you guys... keep doing your jobs."
Minner approached Spy. "So, why the sudden celebrations? Last I heard we were missing two soldiers."
"We were, but the Collective's left Escapia now. Reports are coming in that Wokka and Mountbatten scared him away. With those two back, there's no telling how fast we'll defeat the rebels and bring order back to Escapia."
"What about Iron and Inv?" Robipod asked.
"They're still missing, but they'll be fine. With the Collective gone, there's no need to worry. Just celebrate!"
"Foxes, what did he do?!?" Iron asked, rushing to her aid.
"He... he has Leader Powers, Iron," said Foxes. "And he's going towards the Loyalists... I have to warn them."
"No, you're hurt," said Iron. "I'll run back."
"You'll be too late. I can fly faster than most Leaders," she said. "I can do this."
"No, Foxes!"
But it was too late. She was already in the sky, leaving Iron alone in the streets, a deep hatred for 697 stuck inside him.
"We can't leave Itchy behind!" Black yelled.
"The Collective's gone, Black," said Delphi. "Mountbatten and Wokka drove him off. Wherever Itchy is, he'll be fine until morning."
"Yeah..." a voice said. Itchy forced a smile. "I'm fine. Sorry about that whole running away thing, by the way."
Black turned silently to his ally. "You... I'll deal with you later. Let's just get back to the prison."
"Mountbatten, Wokka," Spy offered a handshake to the two Leaders. "Good to have you back in the fight."
"This is no longer a fight," said Wokka. "We negotiate from here on out."
"That's an admirable statement, Wokka, but I'm not so sure Sneaky will be so peaceful."
"We'll locate him in the morning and talk," said Mountbatten. "I think we'll be able to come to an agreement."
Foxes flew faster than she ever thought she could. She'd been flying all night, and was exhausted, but she had to warn the loyalists. She had no idea how powerful he was, but he was flying even faster than her. As they approached the prison, she could see celebratory lights, people dancing.
"SPY!" she called out as both she and 697 got closer. "SPY! RUN! GET EVERYONE OUT OF THEIR!"
From his office, Spy heard a voice in the distance. Was that Foxes?
"Spy," Mountbatten entered his office, interrupting Spy's thoughts. "I just wanted to thank you and Haxx for taking the reigns while I was imprisoned and Wokka was... well... gone. We both lost hope for a bit, but I think this civil war's coming to an end. I think we're going to be alright."
"So I guess you won't need my team anymore," said Blackadder, entering the office.
"Your team wont be aiding us in the fight against the Griefers?" Mountbatten asked.
"We can't. We're retired. Tonight made everything pretty clear. We're out of the times. If you need me, I'll return. I'll always be an Escapian. For now, however, I'm done."
Suddenly, there was a crash outside. Within seconds, soldiers began to yell as explosives went off.
"What the hell was that?" Black called out.
Delphi burst into the room. "Someone's here! They're attacking the soldiers and making their way here!"
"Well stop them!" Mountbatten yelled.
"He has Leader Powers, Sir!"
At that moment, the walls to the office burst in, knocking Delphi to the ground.
"May every life you ruined haunt you in hell, Mountbatten!" 697 called out.
"NO!" Foxes cried, flying into the room.
697 knocked her back with another burst of energy.
Spy stood up, preparing to engulf the attacker in a ball of fire, but was quickly knocked off his feet by an air attack.
"This, Mountbatten, is the fall of CUT!" 697 cried, harnessing all of his available energy and shooting it at Mountbatten.
"NO!" Black cried, leaping to knock Mountbatten to the side. The burst of energy hit Blackadder, leaving him still on the ground.
"Black!" Mountbatten cried out, trying to lift his comrade up.
Wokka flew into the room, surrounding 697 in a shielded bubble. Following him, a number of soldiers ran into the room, led by Haxx. "Lock him up!" Wokka yelled.
Haxx nodded and escorted 697 out of the building.
"What happened?" Wokka asked.
"He got Black..." Spy whispered.
Blackadder lay, still on the floor, Mountbatten kneeling over him.
"He's gone..." said Louis. "697's powers were so great... he just... stopped his heart."
"697? Powers? What's going on?" Spy asked.
Wokka and Mountbatten shared a quick glance. Both knew what this meant, but neither wanted to admit it. The Hackbots still existed, and 697 had been altered with one.
In a strange way, Mountbatten envied Blackadder. For him, the story was finally over.
Four days later...
Mountbatten approached Spy, who now stood by the grave. Neither spoke. Eventually, Wokka joined them, soon followed by Sneaky, who stood on the other side of the grave.
As the sun slowly rose, the rest of Escapia, rebel or loyalist, arrived. The next to arrive was Foxes, despite her injuries from earlier that week. Iron came next, sword in hand. Aero, Robipod, Haxx and Tyrese arrived, paying their respects. Blackadder's team arrived next, consisting of Powerfulking, Arogon and Delphi. Then came Sti, Random, LS13 and Zinrius. Stalke, Motormaniac, Victini and Demon arrived, despite their differences. Minner, Vallorn and Itchy came, silently standing by the grave.
Before long, every citizen in Escapia had arrived to say their final goodbyes.
The cemetery had been expanded to accommodate for all those that fell in the civil war, and while individual funerals would be held for each soldier, it was only the Leaders who received Empire Funerals. Blackadder, one of the first Leaders. Invun, Leader of the Mentors and moments before his death, a full Leader. DaemonLee, though never having access to his Leader Powers, had been approved Leadership before his death at Futuria.
The first gravestone read, "Blackadder - No Pants".
The next, "DaemonLee - Hider of Groceries".
"Hey," Iron whispered, "what about Inv's gravestone? Where's that?"
Someone next to him shrugged. "Maybe they haven't made it yet. I dunno."
As the funerals came to a close and people began to leave, Sneaky flew into the air and called out. "Wait! I have to say something." He looked to Wokka and Mountbatten and then back to the people. "Too many people have died in this civil war. Well, I declare the Escapian Civil War over! No more shall fall at their neighbour's hands! Our enemies are the Griefers, and the temporary cease-fire held in honour of our fallen soldiers today is proof enough that we can work together again. Hand in hand, we can stop the Griefers!" Throughout the crowd, a quiet, excited muttering began.
"Sneaky's right!" someone called out.
"Apparently they've forgotten who started the civil war in the first place," Mountbatten muttered to Wokka.
"But that's not all," said Sneaky. "For too long, we've been defending against the Griefers. I say we stop defending, and we start attacking! Today, we take the fight to the Griefers! In the past few days, I have been working hard with Lord Mountbatten and Wokka, working out peace terms, but also investigating Griefer attacks, and we've determined a number of spots that the Griefers may be operating from. That's why, starting tomorrow, you'll be able to sign up to join a fleet. Whether you want to sail, fight or command, you can aid Escapia in fighting the Griefer threat! Five fleets will soon leave to the first five locations to shut down Griefer bases!"
The crowd cheered.
"What the hell's he talking about?" asked Wokka.
"I have no idea..."
"So sign up tomorrow! Join the Escapian Crusades!"
The Prophet shook his hand, which now was cramping. Here he had reached the next chapter in his inevitable Prophecy. Did it matter though? It would all lead to the same ending. He knew exactly what choice each citizen would make.
Still, he had a duty. He had to keep writing.
"The Escapian Crusades?!?" Wokka stormed into Sneaky's office. "And you're declaring the war over? You better have some damn good terms then!"
Sneaky sighed. "I declared the war over, because it is. I mean, look at us! You're in my office, talking to me face to face! How is this a war?"
Mountbatten followed Wokka in. "Sneaky, if you're going to act like we've been working together, you better be able to deliver. So, first thing's first - Wokka and I take control of Escapia again."
"Agreed," said Sneaky.
"Wait... what?"
"Yeah, I'm fine with that. So long as I remain an Advisor to you."
Mountbatten and Wokka shared a glance. "Alright, deal. And what about these Crusades you mentioned?"
"Starting tomorrow, people will be able to sign up for them," said Sneaky. "What's not to get?"
"You lied. You said you'd been working with us. I haven't spoken to you since the night Blackadder died."
"I may have stretched the truth a bit, but we obviously couldn't tell people that the whole civil war was a misunderstanding."
"We didn't tell them anything," said Wokka. "You did."
"Let me explain these Crusades, then you can make your mind up on how to judge me. Before the civil war, you said Zinrius had been interrogating Towler and Proz, correct?"
"Go on..."
"They gave you a bunch of different possible Griefer bases that Milo may be being held in. Look, maybe I'm just optimistic, but after everything that has happened, don't you think Escapia needs a bit of hope? Hope that they might stop the Griefers? Hope that they might find Milo, after all this time?"
"So these Crusades will be to each location that Proz and Towler gave us?" Mountbatten asked.
Sneaky nodded.
Wokka sighed. "Alright Sneaky. The Escapian Crusades are approved."
"So, what do you think?" Mountbatten asked as he and Wokka left.
"About Sneaky? I think he's genuine. He's not trying to backstab us this time."
"I get that feeling too. Anyway, I need to go. I've got another meeting. I'll speak to you soon."
"Where are you going?" Wokka asked.
"Doesn't matter. We'll talk soon."
Wokka shook his head. "Always with the secrecy."
As he made his way back to his old office, Wokka saw a group of workers transporting tonnes of building materials across town.
"What's going on?" he asked one of them. "Building something?"
"Uh..." the worker looked around nervously, avoiding any eye contact. "No... Uh... Yeah. Sneaky's Orders. Can't say." The worker rushed off.
"Always with the secrecy."
There was no response.
"Inv!" he rushed towards the body, only to find the soldier lying in a pool of blood. "NO!"
Out of the corner of his eye, Iron saw a figure running.
He and Invun definitely had their differences, but Inv was a loyal soldier, and there was no way Iron was going to let someone get away with his murder. The chase began.
Foxes flew over town, determined to find both Invun and Iron before it was too late. She'd heard the Collective was gone, but it was still dangerous for either of them to be alone in a town of rebels. It was just as she was losing hope that Foxes noticed a figure chasing someone on the ground.
"Iron?" she called out.
Iron kept running, eyes set on the figure ahead.
"IRON! You need to come back to the prison! The rebels will kill you!"
"Leave, Foxes!" he called out, still focussed on his target.
Foxes flew ahead to see who Iron was following. "697?!? You're alive? I-we thought... What the hell's going on?"
"He's a rebel!" Iron called out. "He must be! He killed Invunarble!"
"What? Inv's dead? But- no!" Suddenly furious, Foxes flew towards the ground, tackling 697 at the legs. He was strong, but he was no Leader. "This ends here," she said, picking him up off the ground.
"Not here. Not yet," 697 replied before unleashing a burst of energy at Foxes. He then began to hover in the air before flying off towards the prison.
She fell to the ground, stunned. "L-Leader Powers?"
"Drinks for all!" Spy cried. "Except the guards... you guys... keep doing your jobs."
Minner approached Spy. "So, why the sudden celebrations? Last I heard we were missing two soldiers."
"We were, but the Collective's left Escapia now. Reports are coming in that Wokka and Mountbatten scared him away. With those two back, there's no telling how fast we'll defeat the rebels and bring order back to Escapia."
"What about Iron and Inv?" Robipod asked.
"They're still missing, but they'll be fine. With the Collective gone, there's no need to worry. Just celebrate!"
"Foxes, what did he do?!?" Iron asked, rushing to her aid.
"He... he has Leader Powers, Iron," said Foxes. "And he's going towards the Loyalists... I have to warn them."
"No, you're hurt," said Iron. "I'll run back."
"You'll be too late. I can fly faster than most Leaders," she said. "I can do this."
"No, Foxes!"
But it was too late. She was already in the sky, leaving Iron alone in the streets, a deep hatred for 697 stuck inside him.
"We can't leave Itchy behind!" Black yelled.
"The Collective's gone, Black," said Delphi. "Mountbatten and Wokka drove him off. Wherever Itchy is, he'll be fine until morning."
"Yeah..." a voice said. Itchy forced a smile. "I'm fine. Sorry about that whole running away thing, by the way."
Black turned silently to his ally. "You... I'll deal with you later. Let's just get back to the prison."
"Mountbatten, Wokka," Spy offered a handshake to the two Leaders. "Good to have you back in the fight."
"This is no longer a fight," said Wokka. "We negotiate from here on out."
"That's an admirable statement, Wokka, but I'm not so sure Sneaky will be so peaceful."
"We'll locate him in the morning and talk," said Mountbatten. "I think we'll be able to come to an agreement."
Foxes flew faster than she ever thought she could. She'd been flying all night, and was exhausted, but she had to warn the loyalists. She had no idea how powerful he was, but he was flying even faster than her. As they approached the prison, she could see celebratory lights, people dancing.
"SPY!" she called out as both she and 697 got closer. "SPY! RUN! GET EVERYONE OUT OF THEIR!"
From his office, Spy heard a voice in the distance. Was that Foxes?
"Spy," Mountbatten entered his office, interrupting Spy's thoughts. "I just wanted to thank you and Haxx for taking the reigns while I was imprisoned and Wokka was... well... gone. We both lost hope for a bit, but I think this civil war's coming to an end. I think we're going to be alright."
"So I guess you won't need my team anymore," said Blackadder, entering the office.
"Your team wont be aiding us in the fight against the Griefers?" Mountbatten asked.
"We can't. We're retired. Tonight made everything pretty clear. We're out of the times. If you need me, I'll return. I'll always be an Escapian. For now, however, I'm done."
Suddenly, there was a crash outside. Within seconds, soldiers began to yell as explosives went off.
"What the hell was that?" Black called out.
Delphi burst into the room. "Someone's here! They're attacking the soldiers and making their way here!"
"Well stop them!" Mountbatten yelled.
"He has Leader Powers, Sir!"
At that moment, the walls to the office burst in, knocking Delphi to the ground.
"May every life you ruined haunt you in hell, Mountbatten!" 697 called out.
"NO!" Foxes cried, flying into the room.
697 knocked her back with another burst of energy.
Spy stood up, preparing to engulf the attacker in a ball of fire, but was quickly knocked off his feet by an air attack.
"This, Mountbatten, is the fall of CUT!" 697 cried, harnessing all of his available energy and shooting it at Mountbatten.
"NO!" Black cried, leaping to knock Mountbatten to the side. The burst of energy hit Blackadder, leaving him still on the ground.
"Black!" Mountbatten cried out, trying to lift his comrade up.
Wokka flew into the room, surrounding 697 in a shielded bubble. Following him, a number of soldiers ran into the room, led by Haxx. "Lock him up!" Wokka yelled.
Haxx nodded and escorted 697 out of the building.
"What happened?" Wokka asked.
"He got Black..." Spy whispered.
Blackadder lay, still on the floor, Mountbatten kneeling over him.
"He's gone..." said Louis. "697's powers were so great... he just... stopped his heart."
"697? Powers? What's going on?" Spy asked.
Wokka and Mountbatten shared a quick glance. Both knew what this meant, but neither wanted to admit it. The Hackbots still existed, and 697 had been altered with one.
In a strange way, Mountbatten envied Blackadder. For him, the story was finally over.
Four days later...
Mountbatten approached Spy, who now stood by the grave. Neither spoke. Eventually, Wokka joined them, soon followed by Sneaky, who stood on the other side of the grave.
As the sun slowly rose, the rest of Escapia, rebel or loyalist, arrived. The next to arrive was Foxes, despite her injuries from earlier that week. Iron came next, sword in hand. Aero, Robipod, Haxx and Tyrese arrived, paying their respects. Blackadder's team arrived next, consisting of Powerfulking, Arogon and Delphi. Then came Sti, Random, LS13 and Zinrius. Stalke, Motormaniac, Victini and Demon arrived, despite their differences. Minner, Vallorn and Itchy came, silently standing by the grave.
Before long, every citizen in Escapia had arrived to say their final goodbyes.
The cemetery had been expanded to accommodate for all those that fell in the civil war, and while individual funerals would be held for each soldier, it was only the Leaders who received Empire Funerals. Blackadder, one of the first Leaders. Invun, Leader of the Mentors and moments before his death, a full Leader. DaemonLee, though never having access to his Leader Powers, had been approved Leadership before his death at Futuria.
The first gravestone read, "Blackadder - No Pants".
The next, "DaemonLee - Hider of Groceries".
"Hey," Iron whispered, "what about Inv's gravestone? Where's that?"
Someone next to him shrugged. "Maybe they haven't made it yet. I dunno."
As the funerals came to a close and people began to leave, Sneaky flew into the air and called out. "Wait! I have to say something." He looked to Wokka and Mountbatten and then back to the people. "Too many people have died in this civil war. Well, I declare the Escapian Civil War over! No more shall fall at their neighbour's hands! Our enemies are the Griefers, and the temporary cease-fire held in honour of our fallen soldiers today is proof enough that we can work together again. Hand in hand, we can stop the Griefers!" Throughout the crowd, a quiet, excited muttering began.
"Sneaky's right!" someone called out.
"Apparently they've forgotten who started the civil war in the first place," Mountbatten muttered to Wokka.
"But that's not all," said Sneaky. "For too long, we've been defending against the Griefers. I say we stop defending, and we start attacking! Today, we take the fight to the Griefers! In the past few days, I have been working hard with Lord Mountbatten and Wokka, working out peace terms, but also investigating Griefer attacks, and we've determined a number of spots that the Griefers may be operating from. That's why, starting tomorrow, you'll be able to sign up to join a fleet. Whether you want to sail, fight or command, you can aid Escapia in fighting the Griefer threat! Five fleets will soon leave to the first five locations to shut down Griefer bases!"
The crowd cheered.
"What the hell's he talking about?" asked Wokka.
"I have no idea..."
"So sign up tomorrow! Join the Escapian Crusades!"
The Prophet shook his hand, which now was cramping. Here he had reached the next chapter in his inevitable Prophecy. Did it matter though? It would all lead to the same ending. He knew exactly what choice each citizen would make.
Still, he had a duty. He had to keep writing.
"The Escapian Crusades?!?" Wokka stormed into Sneaky's office. "And you're declaring the war over? You better have some damn good terms then!"
Sneaky sighed. "I declared the war over, because it is. I mean, look at us! You're in my office, talking to me face to face! How is this a war?"
Mountbatten followed Wokka in. "Sneaky, if you're going to act like we've been working together, you better be able to deliver. So, first thing's first - Wokka and I take control of Escapia again."
"Agreed," said Sneaky.
"Wait... what?"
"Yeah, I'm fine with that. So long as I remain an Advisor to you."
Mountbatten and Wokka shared a glance. "Alright, deal. And what about these Crusades you mentioned?"
"Starting tomorrow, people will be able to sign up for them," said Sneaky. "What's not to get?"
"You lied. You said you'd been working with us. I haven't spoken to you since the night Blackadder died."
"I may have stretched the truth a bit, but we obviously couldn't tell people that the whole civil war was a misunderstanding."
"We didn't tell them anything," said Wokka. "You did."
"Let me explain these Crusades, then you can make your mind up on how to judge me. Before the civil war, you said Zinrius had been interrogating Towler and Proz, correct?"
"Go on..."
"They gave you a bunch of different possible Griefer bases that Milo may be being held in. Look, maybe I'm just optimistic, but after everything that has happened, don't you think Escapia needs a bit of hope? Hope that they might stop the Griefers? Hope that they might find Milo, after all this time?"
"So these Crusades will be to each location that Proz and Towler gave us?" Mountbatten asked.
Sneaky nodded.
Wokka sighed. "Alright Sneaky. The Escapian Crusades are approved."
"So, what do you think?" Mountbatten asked as he and Wokka left.
"About Sneaky? I think he's genuine. He's not trying to backstab us this time."
"I get that feeling too. Anyway, I need to go. I've got another meeting. I'll speak to you soon."
"Where are you going?" Wokka asked.
"Doesn't matter. We'll talk soon."
Wokka shook his head. "Always with the secrecy."
As he made his way back to his old office, Wokka saw a group of workers transporting tonnes of building materials across town.
"What's going on?" he asked one of them. "Building something?"
"Uh..." the worker looked around nervously, avoiding any eye contact. "No... Uh... Yeah. Sneaky's Orders. Can't say." The worker rushed off.
"Always with the secrecy."
- Skunk_Giant
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
If you wanna sign up to join one of the fleets going to the Griefer locations, let me know. Otherwise, let me know what else you may want to do. You may want to investigate the Collective more, or the Agents. It's up to you!
- Spyboticsguy
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- Invunarble
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
I'd sign up for the Crusades... but I'm dead.

"The roses are red, but Invunarble is blue. Hit him with a puma." - Vallorn
"Baked fucking potato" - Lord Mountbatten, 2014
- Sti_Jo_Lew
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
I'll go on a ship, and hope I don't get knocked out with a booze bottle again.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
We aren't just going to forget Sneaky's actions are we? He literally just 'snapped back' to what he was like before the civil war, as if it didn't happen... What's Sneaky playing at? o.O
Also being me, i wont join any of the crusades. I'll stay in Escapia and do more investigating/things from this end while everyone else is away.
Also being me, i wont join any of the crusades. I'll stay in Escapia and do more investigating/things from this end while everyone else is away.
Eekum Bokum
Eekum Bokum
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.
Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
Hell yeah I'll go on some crusades and whoop some griefer ass

Daemon wrote:I'm going to draw the fuck out of this egg.
- RobipodSupreme
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
I shall ride Mr Fluffy III against the Griefer hordes!!!
I'm like 80% gayer than when I was on here last
I was a mod once
my discord is Ryin ❄#4444 if you wanna hmu fams
Miss you
I was a mod once
my discord is Ryin ❄#4444 if you wanna hmu fams
Miss you

- TyrasEngineer
- Escapecraft Head
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
I seem to have been pretty good at intelligence gathering in the past, I'll do some investigations on the Collective
- minnerthecat
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
As much as I'd love to set sail again, I find Sneaky's sudden change of character suspicious as well; If their okay with it, I'd like to assist Random or Tyrese in their investigations. If not, stick me on a ship and I'll go broadside some Griefers too!
Orange and white, but not quite right.
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