Welcome to a new kind of story game!
Gridwords is a concept I came up with while bored at work one day. It's a collaborative writing game guided by a healthy mix of luck and imagination. Players need to be imaginative and enjoy writing; this is a team effort and spoilsports will not be tolerated.
So what is it?
Gridwords starts with, well, a grid of words. Using a random number generator, you select words as 'themes' for a story, and write an opening paragraph. The next player then generates more words, and continues the story.
How to play:
Remember: If you're starting a new story, use THREE words. If you're continuing a previous one, only use TWO. This allows for a good starting premise, and keeps the story flowing better.
To start a new story:
- Step 1: Open up the random number generator at http://www.random.org
Step 2: Generate three pairs of numbers using the number of rows/columns in the grid as a maximum. Match these pairs of numbers to three words from the grid. (The first number is across, second number is down)
For example: (4,4) (1,4) (4,3) = Water, Lucky, Science (see the grid below)
Step 3: Write a starting paragraph of a story using these 3 words as a premise. You can interpret the words however you like, as long as you use all 3. This paragraph can be as long as you wish.
For example: Scientists experimenting with water accidentally discover a way to control it with their minds! They keep this discovery a secret - or at least, they try to...
Step 4: Pick a word relevant to your story to add permanently to the grid. Be as broad (e.g. Discovery) or as specific (e.g. Telepathy) as you like, but please be considerate of future players.
Step 5: Pick any word you like to add to the grid. Again, be as specific as you like (e.g. Adventure, Pirates, Robot, Toaster)
Water, Lucky, Science
Scientists experimenting with water accidentally discover a way to control it with their minds! They keep this discovery a secret - or at least, they try to...
Story word: Discovery
My word: Cake
To continue an existing story:
- Follow the same steps as to start a new story, but only generate TWO words from the grid instead of three. Then write a new paragraph following the previous story arc, incorporating those two words. If you're ready to conclude a story, be sure to write 'THE END' so we know to start a new one.
REMEMBER: Use THREE words to start a story, and TWO to continue each paragraph. It's alright, I won't be mad if you use three words, but I think two keeps the flow of the story tighter.