How do I get through to an ignorant mother.

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How do I get through to an ignorant mother.

Post by Wildwill002 » 26 Oct 2012, 16:26

Now, I love my mother but she's just so damn ignorant it beggars belief. She complains that I'm on the computer doing nothing all day yet she herself does naught but watch television and if I try to explain what I'm doing on the computer and that she should find out things about me she will just say I'm "Being weird about the computer again" and just fling insults at me for the one reason that is she is my mother and therefore knows best, even though she knows nothing. She's the catalyst to all house arguments and is quick to punish anyone that goes against her.

How the heck can I get through to her, it's so infuriating.
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Re: How do I get through to an ignorant mother.

Post by Lord_Mountbatten » 26 Oct 2012, 18:18

Leave. Mothers cannot be reasoned with. You cannot defeat one. Your only chance is escape.

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Re: How do I get through to an ignorant mother.

Post by Jake55778 » 26 Oct 2012, 18:34

She's probably just trying to get you to be more sociable. Rather than trying to get her to engage with something you enjoy but she clearly doesn't, why not try to find some common activity you can both enjoy. Even if it's just something as small as a TV show you both like and can discuss.
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