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Goddamned Malware

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 19:01
by SMWasder
So in my vague drunken internet ramblings I appear to have gotten this little blighter called Webcake. Annoyingly, nothing I can find in my slightly inebriated state has helped me remove the sodding thing. Halp.

Re: Goddamned Malware

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 19:31
by ItchyNL
Try Hijackthis

Re: Goddamned Malware

Posted: 06 Jul 2013, 08:12
by SMWasder
"If you don’t know exactly what you’re doing you should not attempt to use it on your own to delete anything from your computer!"

Er, is this entirely sensible for someone as special as me to use? Also, I am poor and can't afford anything that involves money. Their site is a bit incomprehensible to my hungover mind and I can't tell if there's a free trial or something.

Re: Goddamned Malware

Posted: 06 Jul 2013, 08:18
by haxxorzd00d

As always, Google is your friend.

(Yahoo is not your friend. Yahoo will steal your shit and sell it)

Re: Goddamned Malware

Posted: 06 Jul 2013, 08:47
by SMWasder
Actually I've just managed to remove webcake, those nice folks over at The Escapist showed me a program to disable toolbars. I used that, disabled the process tree and then deleted all the files.

Delta toolbar is a bit more of a little sod though, I can't find any processes for it. I've reset all the settings on chrome so it's not really doing much, but it's still installed and it won't let me uninstall it.

EDIT: it is doing much. Regardless of the chrome settings, when I start chrome I still get the bloody delta search page. I can't find hide nor hair of it anywhere on my laptop, but it still appears on the program list.

EDIT 2- Edit With A Vengeance-

All sorted now, did some freaky ass scans and it's all good now.

Re: Goddamned Malware

Posted: 08 Jul 2013, 20:46
by vallorn
Be thankfull you didnt get the $300 FBI virus... I had to remove that from my stepmother's machine and in doing so I had to restore it to a point in time a week before the problems started happening... Bloody ransomware.