Terra Noctis - After Dark

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Terra Noctis - After Dark

Post by Tomenaki » 20 Dec 2011, 10:15


Terra Noctis – After Dark is a 2D side-scroller platforming game in the vein of such classics as Yoshi’s Island. You play the role of a young Nightmare named Allen who wants to become bigger and scarier after failing his Nightmare Exams. He sets off to eat the hearts of the scariest Nightmares in order to be a better Nightmare, but he finds out that things aren’t as simple as they seem. Thus, Allen begins his journey to find his real purpose.

The game comes out on the iPhone December 20th and if I had an iPhone, I would buy it on the release date. The game features an interesting character, story, and set of gameplay as well as a stunning soundtrack to accompany every stage and battle. The game features 40 levels and achievements as well as leader boards, just for those completionists out there and you can check your own statistics as well. The game also has a store in which you can buy items and upgrades.

Developed by the Fire Fruit Forge game company (found here: firefruitforge.com), Terra Noctis is a refreshing, yet nostalgic, look on the classic 2D side scroller. You can jump on enemies, of course, but it also features a shoot option to hit farther enemies or items. You can also double jump to reach areas and break walls to locate secrets with your shooting attack. It all adds a nice layer to the game, gameplay-wise, and fits in the world of Nightmares. A small bat-like nightmare also follows Allen around on his journey to become a scarier Nightmare helping Allen along.

Here is a small gameplay video of the game.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQfRrhuGEXY

The game looks quite good, as well. The character models and enemies all flow well in a kind of purple/black hue befitting the world of Nightmares. The art style is quite nice as well with each character having an almost “too cute” aspect to them. Allen’s character model fits his story and the will to be a better Nightmare. Don’t let his appearance fool you though, he’s still a Nightmare ready to fight. The enemies, despite their appearances, are as menacing as they should be as they come to attack Allen. Some look scared by him, others have an evil grin come across their face as they barrel towards you. The scenery and overall atmosphere of the stage art feels very in-tune with the fact that you really are traversing a nightmare-ridden landscape.


All along this road to Nightmares, you have a stunning soundtrack from composer, Duncan McPherson. Boasting a 20 track album, the music for this game grabs the dark atmosphere of the game and throws it at us with great sound. There is a slight 8-bit throwback sound to a few tunes, but that is not at all a bad thing in the case of this game. It works not only with the style of the game, but the world itself. Even with such accents, the music has quite a bit of depth to it and I have heard some say it’s almost too good for a platform game, which is a point in its favor. I’ll show some examples below so you can judge for yourself.

Peaceful Slumber – Main Theme
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HTF2MlUGXo
- A nice kind of older-feeling theme, but it still has quite a bit of darkness to it.

World Map – Select Stage
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzkPbxUOLM0
- Pick your stage carefully, it might be your last.

Rusty Fields – Preliminary Stage
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfEjglMhaxc
- Learn to play here, and enjoy the dark theme. For such a game, I think it flows quite well and fits perfectly.

Manic Sunlight – Hazelnut Desert
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiqwJfQyrm8
- I love this song, honestly. It features the perfect kind of atmosphere for this world and flows amazingly well.

Trapped in the Ice – Mountains
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iF6ljTB8mL8
- I hope you get out of there. There’s always a kind of melancholy undertone to the music in the game.

Tale of the Pumpkin – The Pumpkin Lady’s Theme
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOsN_gH3hG0
- And now, meet the owner of the store. She sounds kind of quirky judging by this theme.

Nightmare Smashing – Boss
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIj746daJOY
- Things have taken quite a serious turn as you fight against a big bad Nightmare. I hope you’re ready.

Titan of the Sands
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zG-AjLyE_04
- This is yet another boss battle theme, and also one that I happen to enjoy a bit.

Ruthless Carnivore – Forest Boss
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzwIj9lIyQU
- Here’s a nice 8-bit boss theme that grows into something more full. I love the transition.

Delicious Pumpkins – Shop Theme
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6QQtw5nyk4
- “Welcome to the shop!” A nice simple shop theme with the crazy Pumpkin Lady.

Suspenseful Surrounds – Final Area
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHBYiZwaAZc
- This is what it’s all about. It’s obvious nothing good is in this area of the game. I hope you make it through.

Nightmare Heart – Final Boss
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khWe-dmD4uw
- Welcome to the last boss, I hope Allen has what it takes to eat the Nightmare Heart.

Level Completed!
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IijWAAHF9ig
- Can’t have a game without this kind of theme, right? Besides, I wanted to end this on a high note, though it doesn’t sound too happy, now does it?

If you’re interested in possibly getting the music to this game, follow the link below.
- http://delusional.bandcamp.com/

I don’t know of any other iPhone game or really any platformer with this kind of music, and it’s really refreshing to hear such time and effort put into the soundtrack. It’s rare to see such music in an iPhone/Android game unless it’s something like Plants vs. Zombies, but I’m glad to see it here. In a way, the music and the game would be nowhere without each other, and that’s part of what makes a good game.
Terra Noctis is, from what I’ve seen, a fun game. It has a well thought-out storyline, great art, fun gameplay, and a wonderful soundtrack. If you have an iPhone, I really suggest you get this game. Plus, it’s right around Christmas, so why not make it a gift?

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Re: Terra Noctis - After Dark

Post by DuplicateValue » 20 Dec 2011, 15:08

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'll definitely be getting it. :)

"He's like fire, and ice, and rage.
He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
He's ancient and forever.
He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
And... he's wonderful."

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