Sonic Colors
Sonic Colors
I recently got Sonic Colors for the Wii since I enjoyed Sonic Generations as much as I did, and still do enjoy. I'll try my best not to compare the two since both were going for different things, gameplay-wise. I think that Sonic games since around Unleashed have gotten a bad rap (save for the Storybook Series, which are really just bad.), and Colors kind of fits into that in a way. Overall, it's a step in the right direction.
Story: In Sonic Colors, Sonic and Tails sneak aboard Dr. Eggman's Space Amusement Park to see what the old guy has been up to and why he's suddenly opened up something like this for people. Come to find out he is using power-packed aliens known as Wisps to build yet another giant world-taking-over machine. With the help of the various Wisps, Sonic has to speed along and stop Eggman once again. In terms of story, Colors is pretty typical in a way, and yet a bit sub-par as well. I've been told that the story in Sonic Unleashed is pretty good, but I only really have the other games (Sonic 2006, Black Knight, Secret Rings, and Generations) to go off of. It's not a bad story, but nothing spectacular.
Characters/Voice Work: Why the double section for this? Because I think it's important to note. In Sonic Colors they had changed the voice acting team from the original 4Kids cast to a new one (Except for Dr. Eggman, who stayed on), and it seems they also got new writers as well. I think the demographic they were going for in Colors was a younger audience, but I feel like the lines in the game come off as overly cheesy, even for a Sonic game. Hearing Sonic mention "Clobbering" and enemy about 15 times in the span of three sentences grinds on the nerves. As for characters, Sonic feels a bit older and more snide. Tails and Sonic have more banter with each other and sometimes it gets to the "friendly jerk-ish" nature between them, which is actually kind of nice. The two robots that work with Eggman, I think could have been left out or at least made a bit less annoying at times. Eggman, I feel, is really the character that shines in this game since they gave him a good script this time around. Not only does he have the regular animated scenes, but throughout the various worlds/stages in the game he makes public service announcements about the park, most of which are hilarious. I've posted a video of them all below.
The characters are fairly well done, but Sonic is almost dismissive of Tails at times and the two robots aren't really my cup of tea, and I don't mind cheesy banter much... until I hit this level.
Graphics: Being a Wii game, it obviously doesn't have HD graphics, but even then it looks quite good. I played with component cables on an HD TV, and despite that it looks good in widescreen. I'm not saying I find the graphics to be the greatest draw to the game, but what we do get looks great. The CG scenes run smoothly and animations work well as you play, even with a lot going on in the game. there are times where some objects and pitfalls are hard to see when using Boost since it kind of makes the screen a bit fuzzy, but otherwise the game runs well and loads quickly.
Gameplay: Unlike Generations, Sonic Colors a more hardcore platforming route. I was both happy and a bit disappointing. I suppose I'm more used to classic sonic physics and the tweaks they made in Generations, but Sonic feels a bit odd in this game. Not to say it's bad, but his jump has this knack of floating a bit more at the end of it than usually thought. Also in this game is the ability to double jump, which helps get to certain areas, but be careful if you try to use it while an enemy is around and you could accidentally lock-on and hit it. Nothing new, in a sense, since you could accidentally do the same in Generations as well. Overall, gameplay is fairly solid, if not a bit floatier than usual with Sonic. The Wisp powers are a kind of double-edged sword of sorts. Sometimes they make the game ridiculously easy, other times they come back to bite you. Using them well is a skill that takes some time, and why they do feel like they slow down the game at times, they're still an interesting aspect to throw into the gameplay.
One thing I have to say hinders a bit of things is how many similar bosses there are. There are basically three/fourt types of boss for each area. I would have liked a different type for each stage, and not just semi-copies of them every other stage.
Music: I have said before that the Sonic games usually have great music, and Colors is no exception. The game takes a lighter road with the music and goes for fun themes instead. This is not a bad thing by any means, since Sonic has always been kind of groovy/fun musically. This is just a showcase for that style of music. One thing that's a little different, is that there is now a main map with a theme, and each area also has a mini-map with a theme as well as the stages having their own songs, so there's a lot of music to go around. I'll show one theme from each stage and all the mini-map themes as well as battle themes.
1 - Area: Tropical Resort
- You can tell just by this tune what kind of music Sonic Colors is going for. I happen to like this one because it's energetic and fun like the good old days.
2 - Tropical Resort: Act 1
- Did someone call for surf boards? A definite taste of something familiar, and as the first stage, it's a good theme.
3 - Area: Sweet Mountain
- Jazzy, kind of smooth, but with a big band kind of sound in there as well.
4 - Sweet Mountain: Act 1
- It can be a bit jarring, but I actually like the odd and somewhat discordant sound to it. It does take some time to grow on you, though.
5 - Area: Starlight Carnival
- Trying a little something different this time around, and it's a nice mix of things.
6 - Starlight Carnival: Act 1
- I happen to really like this theme because it just fits well. It feels like Sonic music from the past a lot.
7 - Area: Planet Wisp
- Here is where the tunes pick up for me. I love how calm this theme is, fits the area perfectly. Relax and enjoy.
8 - Planet Wisp: Act 1
- I know I've shared this song before, but I have to share it again because it is simply my favorite stage theme in this game. It fits the flow and feel of the stage perfectly. Yes, I could listen to this for hours on end and not get tired of it.
9 - Area: Aquarium Park
- Another slower and calmer area theme with the melodic line of the stage playing in it every now and then. I really like this one.
10 - Aquarium Park: Act 1
- And we return to the fun music in this Sonic game, it's still pretty calm like Planet Wisp though, so I'm happy.
11 - Area: Asteroid Coaster
- Probably my favorite area theme in the game. It has that "hey, time to get serious" vibe to it. It's kind of dark and foreboding.
12 - Asteroid Coaster: Act 1
- And here's the rock-inspired area theme for the game. I happen to like it a bit. It fits the more fun atmosphere while keeping a somewhat serious tone.
13 - Area: Terminal Velocity
- This is one of the oddest of the map themes, especially compared to its stage music.
14 - Terminal Velocity: Act 1
- Compare this with the map theme above... also, since this is the final area and you really are running like mad, it fits just right. Be sure to avoid the things in your way.
15 - vs. Rotatatron & Refreshinator
- We're gonna have a fun time beating these bosses! Right? It's more along the "fun" line of the music and that wailing bit grows on you as it meshes with the rest of the song.
16 - vs. Captain Jelly & Admiral Jelly
- As far as the regular boss themes, I think I like this one the most.
17 - vs. Orcan & Skullian
- This is another good boss theme, but you really do have to be in the mood for the more fun-like atmosphere to enjoy it and the first boss theme, I think.
18 - Vs. Nega Wisp Armor: Phase 1
- Talk about overpowering. Throw the style of the previous music out the window and enjoy an epic final boss theme. I do wonder when we got into an RPG though...
19 - Vs. Nega Wisp Armor: Phase 2
- A nice intro build up which hits a quieter section before blasting us with a very nice orchestral version of the main theme, Reach For the Stars. True Sonic fashion when it comes to ending boss battle themes, but it always seems to strike a string in my heart.
You have to remember that this Sonic game is looking to go for a different demographic than the more serious games in the series, so the music follows suit with that. I like the change as it's refreshing to me. It may not appeal to everyone though.
Overall: Sonic Colors is a fairly solid game, but I feel like it misses a few things that could make it great. The odd jump physics have taken a few lives of mine and while it does take some getting used to, it's still pretty good. I'm glad for the tweaks they made for Sonic Generations as Sonic doesn't feel as floaty or off, but in hindsight this game still deserves a play for any Wii owner.
Final Scores:
Story: 6/10
Characters: 7/10
Graphics: 8/10
Gameplay: 7.5/10
Music: 9/10
Overall Rating: 7.8/10
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