Thing is, with most games that don't have a dialogue that requires much attention to, I just play my own music while playing, so the $2M stretch goal wouldn't really matter to me.Wildwill002 wrote:I actually like the idea of a documentary for it but that might just be the sad person I am. And a full orchestral soundtrack will make almost everything sound more awesomeLast update wrote:Hello Kickstarters!
It has been an amazing ride over the last month! We’ve heard you loud and clear and added many interesting elements to the game design with your help. Today it is time for us to announce the final stretch goals - goals that we think will make this game an unforgettable classic.
Full Orchestral Score - $2.0M
The absolute best way to make a game soundtrack come alive and stand the test of time is to record it using live musicians. We will record the soundtrack for the game using the Northwest Sinfonia, the same orchestra that performed the soundtracks for Total Annihilation, Halo, and many Hollywood film scores.
Orchestral recording is expensive and difficult to produce, but the layers of texture and overall quality of a live performance cannot be beat. We want to deliver the absolute highest quality game experience that we can and a world class orchestral score is truly something Uber.
Also, Howard says he will add +Sing to the game if we can reach this goal!
A Planetary Documentary - $2.1M
And finally we would love to create a documentary about the creation of the game. See inside the studio and get your deepest game development questions answered. This comprehensive documentary will reveal our production process from concept to completion, including design and technical meetings, art conceptualization, music production, as well as community interaction.
The story of Planetary Annihilation needs to be told. Very few games have had their story told from beginning to end and we have a unique opportunity to do that here.
Again, thanks to everyone for your support! We are looking forward to delivering an awesome experience.
I had just hoped for something that wasn't as minor as this to be added as a final stretch goal. :\