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Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 01:15
by Hytro
Now, lets talk about Oblivion, lets talk Lore, lets talk mod, lets talki modding, let us talk about it all.

If you have any questions about any thing Lore related, I should be able to answear most of it.
If you have made any mods, then feel free to share them with us or tell us about them if you have not made them public (as my mods, they have never been uploaded anywhere)

If you need anyhelp getting started with modding I can help on the right path at least :P
And if you just want to use mods, tell us about any mods that we might not have heard about or if you have any problems getting started with getting mods to work ;)


Creation of The Aedra and Daedra
Spoiler! :
In the beginning, there is a void known as Sithis. The Aldmer called the void "Anu". Anu and Padomay (is - is not) are part of the void. The interplay of Anu and Padomay created the Aurbis. It is the Gray Center between is and is not of Anu and Padomay. It contains realms of Aetherius and Oblivion, and other less structured forms. The Aldmer see the Aurbis as Anuiel, the soul of Anu the void.

At first the Aurbis was turbulent and things do not last, this is because Anuiel was using Sithis to ponder himself in every possibility. In any case, from Anuiel and Sithis sprang the et'Ada, or the Original Spirits. The et'Ada did not align to anything yet, they moved towards the light or the dark, and then returned in the opposite direction without their own notice, dissolving when they hit the perfect gray again. The first et'Ada were new and they often made mistakes, for there was hardly time to practice being things before. So most things ended quickly or were not good or gave up on themselves. This was a violent time.

Akatosh (or known as Auriel by the Aldmer) one of the et'Ada, discovered how to avoid this process or was given the knowledge by Anuiel. The knowledge is time. Soon the et'Ada filled the Aurbis until the Aurbis was full and separated in two groups. Those who align to Anu reside in Aetherius and those who align to Padomay reside in Oblivion.

Lorkhan who aligned to Padomay but prefers the state of Sithis rather then the separation. Lorkhan brought a concept of a world, of becoming mothers and fathers, of being responsible, and making great sacrifices, but with no guarantee of success to all of the et'Ada. The et'Ada were split in to two factions. One faction was excited and immediately started the project. Magnus (et'Ada of Magic) participated as the architect on the creation of the world. Kynareth (et'Ada of Air) provided the space for the world in the void. Akatosh, Y'ffre, Zenithar, Julianos and many others were part of this faction that is now known as the Aedra. The other faction of et'Ada who did not want to participate on the project is now known as the Daedra.

Then, the Mortal Realm or Mundus was created, being a mix of both Anu and Padomay aligned et'Ada, and it is close to Sithis. (After all, things are born, procreate and die again over and over again without ever really getting anything that lasts forever). The process of creation was painful and left most of the Aedra weak, no longer young, strong, and powerful, as they had been from the beginning of days. As their aspects began to die off, many of the Aedra vanished completely.

The remaining Aedra realized that they were tricked, but it was too late. Magnus decided to abandon the project and left to Aetherius. The rest of the Aedra came together in the Adamantine Tower and conducted a meeting. Yet, the meeting was unfruitful. Most of the Aedra left, went back to Aetherius following Magnus. Some were decided to stay in order to preserve what they had done. This group transformed themselves into Ehlnofey (the Earthbones). Y'ffre was among this group, he was the first to transform to Ehlnofey and then Laws of Nature was established. The last eight Aedra (Akatosh, Julianos, Arkay, Mara, Dibella, Zenithar, Stendarr and Kynareth) exist as the gods.

According to the Aldmeri legend, there was a great war between Auriel (Akatosh) and Lorkhan. Auriel's greatest knight, Trinimac knocked down Lorkhan and took his Heart. Lorkhan was said to be dead. But when Trinimac and Auriel wanted to destroy the Heart, it laughed at them and said, "This Heart is the heart of the world, for one was made to satisfy the other." So Auriel fastened the Heart to an arrow and cast it from the Adamantine Tower. The Heart landed on the eastern part of Tamriel and a great Volcano formed, Volcano now known as Vvardenfell.

The Daedra are still strong and "incorruptible." They created the Daedric Realms in the Oblivion, with all the inhabitants, the lesser Daedra. The Daedra were pleased of what they had done, but sometime they looked with envy over the Mortal Realm. They found that the ambitions and the passions of mortals are sometime entertaining and beyond their expectation. The actions and thoughts of mortals are different than the minions they created. Thus do the Daedra court and seduce certain amusing specimens of the Mortal Races, especially the passionate and powerful. It was also another satisfaction for the Daedra to steal or corrupt anything that Aedra has created.

After Magnus left, the Mundus was stabilized and Aldmeri history began. This was the end of the Dawn Era and the start of the Merethic Era (ME2500).
Spoiler! :
Daedra cannot be killed. They can only be banished back into Oblivion. To banish a Daedra, their mortal body must be destroyed. The banished Daedra will return to It's Daedric Realm of origin, but It's personality slightly changes, along with It's protonymic. Usually the protonymic is extended with neonymic; obviously this means that a Daedra cannot be banished with the same protonymic twice.
Daedric Appearance
Spoiler! :
Daedra are thought to be neither male or female. It is said that Daedra can change their gender at will. For example, Boethiah is recorded as a female in Daggerfall and Battlespire, but in Morrowind, Boethiah appears as a male. Mephala is said to be female in Daggerfall, but in Morrowind, Mephala is recorded to be both male and female.

Mod list

Mod Installing Tutorials
Spoiler! :
This is a very nice and easy tutorial on how to install some of the graphic extenders and some of the utilities for Oblivion, it will show you how to get your Oblivion game graphics much better. Some of the mods and utilities are a must have for all modding, but some of the graphic mods are purely out of choice and taste, but this is a good start to get into the modding.

Link to the playlist of the tutorial. ... ature=plcp

Sadly his tutorial does not show you how to use the different utilities, and he does not seem to understand the use of Wrye Bash and how it is the God tool for modding your game and keeping it stable. So ignore when he says he does not like Wrye Bash, he is a fool in that field :P
By Hytro
Spoiler! :
You should learn how to use this mods before you use them.
  • Oblivion Mod Manager - This is a utility for managing your mods. You should at least learn and use this if you are going to use any mods.Easy Mod
  • Better Oblivion Sorting Software - Will re-order your mods to their correct positions, putting any mods it doesn't recognise after them, in the same order as they were before BOSS was run.Easy Mod
  • Wrye Bash - Wrye Bash is a multi-featured mod and savegame management tool for Oblivion, written in the Python programming language. Its primary purpose is to enable you to play your game with multiple mods that would not otherwise work well together. Advanced
  • TES4Edit - TES4View is an advanced graphical esp viewer and conflict detector.Advanced
By Hytro
Spoiler! :
  • Unofficial Oblivion Patch - This mod is a joint effort to fix the vast amount of bugs currently existing in Oblivion v1.2.0.416, fixing over 1,800 bugs so far!
  • Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch - This mod is a joint effort to fix the vast amount of bugs currently existing in the Shivering Isles expansion pack for Oblivion v1.2.0416, fixing over 270 bugs so far!
  • Unofficial Official Mods Patch - The aim of this mod is to fix the bugs existing in the official mods released by Bethesda.

Environment Freshener
By Lionheart_1
Spoiler! :
  • Unique Landscapes - Adds more natural diversity to Cyrodiil. The forests become more lush, gorgeous and each region becomes more unique.
  • All Natural - Replaces the fake light sources with real ones. So, candles, lanterns etc., give off light, rather than it being emitted from some random corner. Includes a customised weather system, so that each region has its own unique weather. Additionally, if it's there's a thunderstorm outside, you'll still hear it indoors. The lighting from the windows will also match the weather outside.
  • Bananasplit's Better Cities Compilation - All of the cities are re-designed, with expansions and/or improvements (yes, that even includes the Imperial City). Eg Bruma has been enhanced with a pond and waterfall, and the poor quarter has been expanded (if I listed every change, this thread would go on forever :P)
  • Natural Environments - Increases the number of weather effects from the default 7 to 44. The sky, moon and satrs textures are replaced with better looking ones, there are new precipitation effects and birds and insects are added.
  • Qarl's Texture Pack III - This one will improve most of the textures so that most things will seem much clearer and sharper, essentially making the game feel more recent than it is.

New Quests
Found By UndeadJesus.

Big Quest Mods
Spoiler! :
    All info in the link
  • Gates to Aesgaard - Episode One & Two
  • Integration: The Stranded Light
  • Heart of the Dead
  • Malevolent
  • The Dungeons of Ivellon
  • Verona House: Bloodlines
  • Windfall
  • The Ayleid Steps
  • The Lost Spires
  • C&C - The Blackwood Company
  • Ruined Tail's Tale
  • Dremora Companion
  • Tears of the Fiend: Redemption
  • Origin of the Mages Guild
  • Bartholm
  • StarX Vanilla Vampires Revised
  • Blood & Mud: Dirt Deluxe Anglais
  • Daggerfall Memories: The Liberation of Cybiades
  • Kvatch Aftermath
  • Knights of the White Stallion
  • Thieves Arsenal Mission Zero: Odd Jobs
  • The Sentient Weapon
  • Enhanced Daedric Invasion
  • Myths and Legends : Weapons
  • Thievery in the Imperial City
  • Feral Instinct: DangerSense
  • Mighty Umbra
  • Quest for the Elements
  • Servant of the Dawn
  • Mysteries of the Dulan Cult
  • Enhanced Quest Roleplaying
  • Hand of Dawn
  • Damarask
  • The Naked Nord
  • Zealots of the Nine
  • Artefacts of the Ancestors
  • The City of Bjornheim
  • Artifacts of Tamriel 300
  • Dragon Invasion II
  • Mannimarco Resurrection - Light and Dark
  • Imperial Legion Faction Mod
Medium Quest Mods
Spoiler! :
All info in the link
  • Et in Arkay Ego
  • An-Arane Cey: Lost Sword of the Ayleids
  • Moriarcis - City of the Dead
Small Quest Mods
Spoiler! :
All info in the link
  • Hoarfrost Castle
  • Let the People Drink
  • Glenvar Castle
  • Brew House
  • The Fight for Castle Ravenpride
  • Weapons of the Nine
  • Enter the Shinobi
  • Arrows of the Ayleid King
  • Weapons of the Fallen Hero
  • Dexwood's Hideout
  • Spear of Bitter Mercy
  • Daedric Recon
  • Ash's Legend of Kah'Lil
  • A Change in Management
  • Markov Manor
  • Last Unicorn
  • Ungarion's Memoirs Part 1: The Welkynd Sword
  • The Gift of Kynareth
  • The Old Crow Inn
  • Temple of the Full/New Moon
  • Vampire Clan Raelu
  • The Storyteller's Brother
  • The Halls of the Phoenix Order
  • Trial of Achilles
  • Temple of Nirn
  • Oblivion Tournament
  • Mimics
  • Tolawayl Ayleid City
  • The Contented Prisoner
  • The Quest for Demon Bane
Companion Quest Mods
Spoiler! :
All info in the link
  • Stoker Wolff – Chapter One
  • Viconia DeVir - Chapter One - Banished
  • Saerileth
  • Baddy
  • Red Sonia
  • Ruined Tail's Tale
  • Dremora Companion
  • The Romancing of Eyja
  • Romancing Ahnassi

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 01:24
by Godavari
Question: I want to get a 100% Chameleon suit legitly. How do I go about doing this in the easiest way possible? I don't want to have to go hunting for 4 sigil stones.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 01:35
by Blackadder51
I heard there is like a city in it and shit

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 01:44
by Hytro
Godavari wrote:Question: I want to get a 100% Chameleon suit legitly. How do I go about doing this in the easiest way possible? I don't want to have to go hunting for 4 sigil stones.
There are some few ways to get 100% Chameleon.

1: Enchant 5 items with 20% chameleon.
2: Get Ring of Khajiiti (Meridia's quest) and it have 35% chameleon and then choose if you want to use 2 transcendent stones witch have 30% each, and then you should be at 95% and then you can just enchant a ring with the last %

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 01:44
by Hytro
Blackadder51 wrote:I heard there is like a city in it and shit
That is correct, I have yet to find it though :/

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 04:33
by UndeadJesus
Just thought I'd share the unofficial patch for those that don't have it yet ... vion_Patch
These fix over 1,800 bugs!

And this is what happens when modding goes wrong.
Oblivion 2011-07-04 20-09-09-93.jpg

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 04:45
by Hytro
UndeadJesus wrote:Just thought I'd share the unofficial patch for those that don't have it yet ... vion_Patch
These fix over 1,800 bugs!

And this is what happens when modding goes wrong.
Oblivion 2011-07-04 20-09-09-93.jpg
Ah, yes, to all, fisrt get the official patch, then download this ;)
This is to get the best possible experience when playing ;)

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 05:08
by Wildwill002
I appear to fail badly at oblivion. I have got the 360 version so no modding for me :( But i'm only level 6 and no matter what i do i cant hasten my leveling speed. I've seen people 'apparently' manage to get upwards of level 40 but i see no way of doing that without spending months on the game!

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 05:34
by DuplicateValue
Yeah I have the PS3 version, so no mods for me.

And a chameleon suit works great, but ruins your playing experience. I highly recommend against making it.
Wildwill002 wrote:I appear to fail badly at oblivion. I have got the 360 version so no modding for me :( But i'm only level 6 and no matter what i do i cant hasten my leveling speed. I've seen people 'apparently' manage to get upwards of level 40 but i see no way of doing that without spending months on the game!
You're probably not improving the right skills. You need to be practicing your major skills if you want to level up quickly. But then, having to spend months in Oblivion isn't a bad thing in my eyes. :)

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 06:05
by Hytro
DuplicateValue wrote:Yeah I have the PS3 version, so no mods for me.

And a chameleon suit works great, but ruins your playing experience. I highly recommend against making it.
Wildwill002 wrote:I appear to fail badly at oblivion. I have got the 360 version so no modding for me :( But i'm only level 6 and no matter what i do i cant hasten my leveling speed. I've seen people 'apparently' manage to get upwards of level 40 but i see no way of doing that without spending months on the game!
You're probably not improving the right skills. You need to be practicing your major skills if you want to level up quickly. But then, having to spend months in Oblivion isn't a bad thing in my eyes. :)
The thing about Oblivion is to learn to choose the right skills if you want to level up fast, AND ALSO LEVEL UP FAST WITHOUT STILL BEING WEAK.

Here is how you level up in Oblivion:

You level up based on your major skills that you choose at the start of the game (cpt obvious)
You must choose those 7 skills you are going to use when you play, if you choose a skill that you end up not using you will end up with a harder time leveling up.
Becuse you will level up when you have improved any of you major skills with 10 points (I'm not saying in one skill only, you can spread it over all the major skills)

So first thing is, choose the skills that you know you are going to use, I do not know what kind of character your palying so I can not help you choosing, but have it in mind, no point choosing a skill you are going to use less then another skill.

This is how you level faster, but remember, enemies level up with you, if you level up with the wrong skills, like just leveling sneak, speechcraft, stuff that does not help you much in combat, the game will become MUCH harder.
Becuse you then do not get stronger , but enmies will get stronger as you level up, so be awere of this to.

Edit: I hope you understod what i meant xD

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 06:10
by DuplicateValue
And for the love of god, don't make the same mistake I did and pick Acrobatics as one of them - unless you don't mind having to jump your way around instead of walking. :lol:

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 06:15
by Cho
Acrobatics was great - jump off high places and take no dmg.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 06:17
by Hytro
Cho wrote:Acrobatics was great - jump off high places and take no dmg.
I loved Acrobatics, jumping on roof tops :D BUT not as an major skill :P

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 07:40
by aflycon
Hytro makes a good point concerning leveling the right skills. However, I tend to play an assassin/barterer type, which means I can safely choose skills like Sneak and Speechcraft for major skills, and generally talk my way out of fights (using persuasion) or just sneak up on people. However, that's a big jump from running and gunning (running and swording?), and it definitely does make the game much more difficult if you're doing it wrong.

Derp, I don't type well when tired. Goodnight. ._.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 07:56
by UndeadJesus
I chose Acrobatics as a major skill too. At first I was happy with it, but I quickly found it was a terrible decision.
I downloaded this mod:
This made acrobatics way more rewarding ^.^

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 08:14
by Hytro
aflycon wrote:Hytro makes a good point concerning leveling the right skills. However, I tend to play an assassin/barterer type, which means I can safely choose skills like Sneak and Speechcraft for major skills, and generally talk my way out of fights (using persuasion) or just sneak up on people. However, that's a big jump from running and gunning (running and swording?), and it definitely does make the game much more difficult if you're doing it wrong.

Derp, I don't type well when tired. Goodnight. ._.
Ah yes, I tend play a assassin type to, and I must say it brings a lot to the game to, by being an assassin looking class, you will have more probleme if you make a mistake with in combat. So it's not all bad, depends on how you look at it :)

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 08:17
by vallorn
i ALWAYS have played a Dunmer Sword/Spell character. the amount of flexibility you can get out of one is fantastic. :)

also freezing something then bashing it in the balls never gets old. :lol:

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 08:24
by Hytro
I'm pretty much always Argonian and try and shift class, but assassin is my favorit, switching between stabbing and putting a arrow between someones eyes >:)

If I'm another race it is usaly to try out a race mod.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 08:29
by DuplicateValue
My Oblivion character was a Wood Elf thief-type. So yeah, sneak was used a lot.
I gave up on bows a bit into it though, and started using swords. Eventually I got that up enough to save my ass if the sneaky stuff went badly.

Sneak is a bit ridiculous once you master it - you can literally push up against enemies while sneaking and they won't notice a thing.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 09:11
by Darktaint
My main character was a redguard, that majored in sneak, lockpicking, swords, atheletics (yes both sneak and atheletics :D), destruction magic, medium armour, and i think the last one was axes for the dual weilding lulz :)

he was really easy to play too

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 09:44
by SneakyPie
What's this Oblivion you kids are talking about?

Is it an FPS? It looks like an FPS. Like Fallout with swords.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 10:10
by vallorn
SneakyPie wrote:What's this Oblivion you kids are talking about?

Is it an FPS? It looks like an FPS. Like Fallout with swords.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 13:27
by Wildwill002
One of my major skills is lockpicking i think... As such i have the absolutly awesome Skeleton key! Best non-combat item in the game i think

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 13:30
by DuplicateValue
Wildwill002 wrote:One of my major skills is lockpicking i think... As such i have the absolutly awesome Skeleton key! Best non-combat item in the game i think
It takes the challenge out of lockpicking though, as you can just try over and over again until you nail it.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 20:45
by andy25100
The biggest tip i could possibly give is don't lend it to a friend as everytime they say they'll give it back 'they'll forget' :cry:

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 22:50
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Trololol. Anyways, I haven't stayed with one character long enough to get past level 5... I can't make up my mind it seems. I think I found a build I like though. Argonian with specialization in Speed and Strength. I go around with a short sword, jumping all over the place like a mad-lizard.

Also, can't wait to play as Argonian in Skyrim and learn the ability to breath fire. That will be fun. Also, dual katanas should be interesting.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 22:51
by aflycon
SneakyPie wrote:What's this Oblivion you kids are talking about?

Is it an FPS? It looks like an FPS. Like Fallout with swords.
Why you troll so hard? ._.
Only the last two Fallout games had anything to do with Bethesda, and they're not as good.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 04:27
by vallorn
i actualy kind of liked Fallout 3.

however Fallour NV and its bugs can bite my shiny metal ass!

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 09:59
by SachielOne
I've played this before, though I obtained it through nefarious means. I do remember liking most of it, though the game was not without its problems. I always hated the scaling difficulty. Seeing every damned group of highwaymen in daedric or glass armor (which in Morrowind was super freaking rare) kept breaking the immersion for me. Did the Cammona Tong hit an arms shipment destined for some elite guard, and just for kicks distribute it across Cyrodiil?

Full disclosure: I bought the 5th anniversary edition yesterday. You can stop calling the anti-piracy guys.

Re: Oblivion

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 12:36
by Hytro
SachielOne wrote:I've played this before, though I obtained it through nefarious means. I do remember liking most of it, though the game was not without its problems. I always hated the scaling difficulty. Seeing every damned group of highwaymen in daedric or glass armor (which in Morrowind was super freaking rare) kept breaking the immersion for me. Did the Cammona Tong hit an arms shipment destined for some elite guard, and just for kicks distribute it across Cyrodiil?

Full disclosure: I bought the 5th anniversary edition yesterday. You can stop calling the anti-piracy guys.
It was a sexy box right?