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Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 07:50
by Wildwill002
Recently, I've been getting more and more interested in first person shooters from previously hating them. I'm not quite up to zombie shooters but i'm getting there. As such i've been getting interested in borderlands and i am VERY close to ordering it. Has anyone got it and if so should i get it? Does it have Large amounts of zombies in a very small area in anything other than one of those DLC's?

Also if i shouldn't get this what else should i get? (no CoD i hate it and please dont suggest halo either. I like it but meh)

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 08:00
by vallorn
the Zombies are only in that DLC. apart from that its fresh. fun and funny.

also its increadably addictive and if you get it on PS3 i will play with you :)

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 08:09
by Wildwill002
Alrighty thats my mind set. I was only bothered about the zombies so imma get it on xbox as i dont have a ps3 as of yet

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 09:51
by vallorn
Wildwill002 wrote:Alrighty thats my mind set. I was only bothered about the zombies so imma get it on xbox as i dont have a ps3 as of yet
(PS: click the image)

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 10:21
by Wildwill002
Trololol. £17.48 free delivery goty edition from

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 11:44
by Milo_Windby
When playing an FPS play something with a series you like or love.
Quake (2 and 4 for story, 1 is also good but does not connect with 2 and 4 and 3 has no story... well... not really)
Doom (Any)
Serious Sam if you want something less then serious (Ammo? Oh that stuff I keep picking up like candy, lol)((Note: Ammo does not look like Candy >.> Figure of speech))

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 17:25
by Wildwill002
Whilst that is great advice milo i have no idea which fps's i like and only know that i hate zombie ones and CoD

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 17:36
by Sti_Jo_Lew
If you have a 360, there's a port of Farcry: Instincts. It's a very old game, but it is my favorite FPS of all time. Great story, and decent AI considering it was originally on the first Xbox. Also, using a weapon resembling a P90 on people while flying a hang glider is massive fun.

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 17:45
by OptimusHagrid
You have a 360?

Then you'll want Perfect Dark (the arcade version). It's really damn fun, and controls how a console FPS should. Missions, while they can be unforgiving, often force you to think on your feet, and are really satisfying to pull off, especially on the highest difficulty. And multiplayer is a blast from the 90's.

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 18:14
by Milo_Windby
Wildwill002 wrote:Whilst that is great advice milo i have no idea which fps's i like and only know that i hate zombie ones and CoD
Ignore my recommendations why don't you *Cries in the corner*

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 18:44
by 697134002
Milo_Windby wrote:When playing an FPS play something with a series you like or love.
Quake (2 and 4 for story, 1 is also good but does not connect with 2 and 4 and 3 has no story... well... not really)
3 has a story. It's hidden in the game folder. The story is alluded to in the intro cinematic.

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 21:47
by Godavari
Borderlands was a pretty good game. It had its flaws, to be sure, but I really enjoyed how it was able to be a shooter without having all the "brown & bloom" elements that make FPS's so hard for me to enjoy. If you like RPG's and are interested in shooters, it's a great stepping stone. The gunplay was fun, and the RPG elements kept it in my comfort zone. I highly recommend it.

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 11:52
by Wildwill002
Whilst i wait for it to come, (about a week) I'm going to cease my stupidity and forgetfulness and instead go on the borderlands wiki

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 13:10
by Lord_Mountbatten
I never use a wiki until I've finished the game generally. I'd rather not spoil anything for me.

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 13:40
by Wildwill002
I read the bits that dont say WARNING SPOILER! Did you know that there are over 17,750,000 different variations of weapons?

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 14:10
by vallorn
get one of the SMG's that fire 4 bullets at once and you pretty much win :)

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 14:36
by Wildwill002
Apparently theres random snipers that fire rockets and pistols that can fire shotgun shells. CANT WAIT!

dammit sweden why cant you be closer!

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 31 Jul 2011, 15:15
by Someguy42
Might be a bit necro but Borderlands is an awesome game, rpgfps? YES PLEASE! I've spent lotsa hours on this game but I haven't got a chance to get the dlcs :( The game is extremely fun when played in co op with friends.

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 31 Jul 2011, 16:08
by Wildwill002
That seems to be the 1 problem... None of my friends wish to play. Also i has awesome machine gun firing 12 rounds a second with a 152 ammo mag and roughly 541 damage a shot. 88.3% accurate and im level 41

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 03:32
by Someguy42

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 17:42
by Wildwill002
Just as i completed 2nd playthough i found this! ... ands-2/#en


Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 18:34
by Wildwill002
And heres a summary of borderlands 2 so far.


- It’s been five years since the original events of Borderlands.
- A new megalomaniac leader has emerged from the rubble of the chaos that ensued when Lilith, Mordecai, Roland and Brick wrecked havoc across Pandora: Handsome Jack. Jack runs the Hyperion corporation and their industrial revolution has left a wasteland in its wake across the surface of Pandora.
- Handsome Jack has colonized the moon, you can even see a giant H (for Hyperion) emblazoned across its surface. That asshole. Jack’s moon base will rain down enemies and supply crates from orbit directly onto Pandora, creating dynamic combat situations for players.
- The mysterious Guardian Angel is back, this time tasking players with taking out Handsome Jack and saving Pandora.
- Pandora is once again threatened by a wide array of enemies, both human and alien in origin.
- The four original protagonists are still in the game, although as NPCs, not playable characters. In fact, one of your first tasks will be to track down the original cast.
- There will be a huge focus on both story and character backgrounds/development. Design Director Paul Hellquist feels the story was a little lackluster last time around.
- The original four vault-hunters will have their own back-stories fleshed out a little better, and they will share their experiences with the vault and where the last five years have led them.
- Claptrap, for better of for worse (better, it is for the better!) is missing from the fray altogether.


- The Gunzerker is one of the four new classes: a stout, bearded, dual-weilding drwarf, Salvador. Can he dual-weild any two weapons? Yes. Even two massive rocket launchers? Oh yes!
- The new classes have all-new skill-trees. They will remain three-pronged, however.


- The “mission-dispenser” NPCs are gone. Instead we will now see fully animated, interactive and fleshed out NPCs, both in quest givers and world inhabitants. You can still breeze through mission text and rush through the campaign if you like.
- You can fail missions, and not have to reload, though that will not be without consequence. In one of the showcased missions, you are asked to rescue Roland, the original soldier from the first game. Failing said mission will have consequences in later missions, in addition to upping the difficulty in the current mission itself.
- One mission asks you to activate a beacon at the base of the dam. On the way you get ambushed by a thresher, a land worm who swallows the beacons and runs off. You then have to chase it down, as the mission objective shifts, and even after a climactic battle with the beast, the mission isn’t over. You have to take the beacon to a bandit-infested town, and defend it as you deploy it. All of this is a single mission in the game.
- Design Director Paul Hellquist says each mission is three times the size and scope of the cookie-cutter missions of the first game.
- The original Borderlands featured too many “kill ten rats”, “fetch five PDAs” type quests. Question structure and objectives are much more dynamic and varying.


- Enemies now communicate with one another.
- Enemy AI is significantly improved. They will now strafe, duck, traverse the environments better and even climb obstacles.
- The Bloodshot Bandits are back. These gun-worshiping nutjobs are the source of a lot of misery on Pandora.
- One new form of enemy is called a W4R-D3N, a mechanical monstrosity.
- Another enemy looks like a cross between a Skag and a Pterodactyl. So the wildlife will also expand in Pandora.
- There will be a “Tremors-esque” land worm.
- The Surveyor is another enemy, a support unit that heals enemies in the heat of battle, and when cornered, puts up a shield that reflects incoming damage. They respond dynamically as enemies call out for help, none of the sequences are scripted.
- A new combat system lights up an icon atop wounded enemies calling for help, so you can make informed choices about what to target next.
- One of the screens depict a massive snowy behemoth, the Arctic Bullymong. A cross between a gorilla and crab, the beast is nearly four times the size of Salvador, the only playing character/class revealed so far. It can use environmental objects and hurl them at the player.
- The Skags are back as well, but they are much more vicious and coordinated. In one sequence, the player is fighting off Pup Skags when a Badass Fire Skag erupts onto the battlefield. Sounds pretty standard from the first game. But then everything changes when the Badass Fire Skag lights the ground in a breath of flame, igniting the Skag Pups and giving them significantly enhanced attack and defense capabilities, thus creating new, interesting combat dynamics.
- The Nomad are another bandit tribe, except rotund, armored with shields and much more menacing. One type, called the Torturer, has a midget strapped to its front as a meat-shield to soak up damage. You can either kill them both, or shoot the chains that holds the midget in place. The midget may then turn on the torturer, allowing you precious moments to flank and take out the preoccupied Nomad.


- Combat possibilities continue to multiply with new gameplay elements in addition to skills, weapon characteristics, class mods, and a new element, Eridium, which also doubles as the game’s currency.
- Eridium can be used to enhance existing guns beyond their initial attributes and abilities.
- Eridium is also used in a variety of power-ups, such as temporarily increased health, defense and damage.
- You can shoot an enemy who has a power-up equipped, and pick it up to use yourself after dispatching him.
- Artifacts will no longer be just elemental damage-based. They will work in a wide variety of ways, such as giving you a chance that your shots will not cost ammo, a healing aura around the player, or increased afterburner in vehicles etc.


- None of the guns from the original Borderlands will return. But don’t despair, instead, there will be millions of new guns for you to drool over!
- The first game featured a number of gun-manufacturing companies. What most players don’t know, is that weapons from different manufacturers featured company-specific enhancements. For example, Hyperion weapons offer reduced recoil and as such better accuracy. Vladof featured the highest rate of fire, and so on. This will continue in Borderlands 2, however, the visual design will also represent the different manufacturers. The gun will visibly look “more Atlas” or “more Torque”, depending on its origin. Vladoff rifles will look like AK-47s from the cold war. Dahl rifles look sleek and modern, as if plucked directly from Battlefield or Modern Warfare.
- Some manufacturers will feature truly twisted gameplay opportunities. Tediore guns can be fired till the magazine runs out. The empty gun is then tossed onto the battlefield like a grenade, and much like a grenade, it explodes. A hand-held digistruct (the same device used to construct vehicles at vehicle stations in the first game) then creates a new copy of the gun in your hand with the next magazine loaded. Crazy!
- The guns will look much better, with improved texture, reflections and materials.
- The number of “unique” guns in the world has been ramped up quite significantly, and they will feature custom enhancements. In the example given, a gun dropped by nine-toes will have his tenth toe taped to the gun as an ornament!


- The Bandit Technical is a new vehicle in the game.
- Vehicles will feature much more detail, better textures and personality.
- Some vehicles can powerslide and all offer better collision detection.
- Vehicles will seat four players to support a full four-player co-op.


- Gearbox’s recently built fully-equipped motion-capture studio really livens up the game with incredible animations. Borderlands 2 is captured by 24 independent T-100 cameras at 16-megapixels, providing smooth, life-like animations for in-game characters.
- The world areas are larger, more vivid and more detailed; the playable areas are much larger than the original world.

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 18:46
by Lord_Mountbatten
They removed Claptrap eh? Sounds like it'll be better.

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 18:47
by vallorn
Dear Gearbox:

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 18:52
by Wildwill002
You can preorder it vallorn....

And theres a guy on the Borderlands 2 forums running a competition to give away the game

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 05:14
by Wildwill002
This just in, it will use cloud technology ^_^

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 07:16
by vallorn
*is weeping tears of joy*

for more tears of joy watch this.

*skip to 0:40 for the bit where he mentions the ToJ*

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 14:39
by Darktaint
to any one thats not got borderlands, it's £5 on steam right now get it there's no excuse :D

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 03 Sep 2011, 06:17
by Wildwill002

Re: Sooo.... Borderlands?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011, 00:01
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Wildwill002 wrote:
Removed by user.