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Post by Someguy42 » 03 Sep 2011, 01:08


So Bastion is a game about a Kid who wakes up to find the world around him destroyed. Ashes in the air, no sounds, ground coming up at his feet. He doesn't see a single bit of life except for wild Squirts, Ghastfellas and Scumbags. This is the Calamity...

You play as a character called the "Kid" who is looking for survivors of the Calamity. He goes towards the Bastion which is where everyone agreed to go to if anything happened. The narrator explains everything you do like when you stay in a area at the start breaking things the narrator will say "He rages for a bit" or when you destroy these thorny bushes he will say "He destroys the somethingweeds (I forgot it lol xD) as if he's gonna get a reward for it".

The game has a great storyline and really awesome music. A lot of people have said that game is really good for a first game by a company. There are upgradable weapons, spirits that will give you passive bonuses, shrines to make the game harder but also give you more xp for things you do. It is a great game over all and it's only $15 on Steam. I'd highly recommend getting the game :)

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Re: Bastion

Post by Arithel » 16 Sep 2011, 03:56

Indeed, I have played through it about 3 times now and have love it every time, wonderful game
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