CSS not work on IE

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CSS not work on IE

Post by CprlLauc » 11 Feb 2011, 12:10

I was just wondering, Im writing some CSS and xhtml, and so far they work on Firefox and google Chrome, but Internet explorer completely ignores the CSS. Can anyone help? I cant give you any details of the webpage but if anyone knows why Internet Explorer doesnt like my CSS please tell and if you know how to fix it tell also.
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Re: CSS not work on IE

Post by Furdabip » 11 Feb 2011, 14:13

Because IE uses it's own engine, and every other browser uses engines that actually comply with W3C standards. It's common knowledge amongst webprogrammers. Also why there's a lot of workarounds for stuff.

The only limitations I know of are lack of .form[type] support, and :link, :hover, :visited only working on links and no other elements. If it's not one of those, then you'll have to post what the issue is and example code for me to be of any help.

Or, y'know, go to an actual coding help site and post there for help. :-p

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Re: CSS not work on IE

Post by CprlLauc » 12 Feb 2011, 04:34

Just thought some clever-clogs here might know :P
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