Journal of Harrison Jones

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Joined: 03 Feb 2011, 17:42

Journal of Harrison Jones

Post by wow050 » 19 Feb 2011, 11:09

This is like a journal of a made up characters journey in the world of Minecraftia! A new day/journal entry will be added as soon as i can add one, but for now heres the first couple of days ive written! :)

Day 1
Dear journal,
After the crash that left me stranded on this unknown island im not sure what to do. I fear losing my mind will lead me to death which seems not so hard to do being as secluded as i am now. As i was walking around the island today it seems to be bigger than i had expected. There were vast mountain ranges and caves in the ground. Today i dug into the side of a mountain as a temporary home as i cant be here for long. If it does come to the fact i do stay long, i shouldnt have to worry as much as expected because it seems the island has a strange assorment of wild life such as pigs which i can use for food and sheeps i can sheer for wool. So far theres no signs of any human life every exsisting here. I may be able to repair a row boat from my ship with the wood from trees around me, but for now i must stock up supplies to get me through the night, but first ill need to get some tools to help me get a bit more comfy as it seems theres some rich mines in these hills.

Day 2
Dear journal,
The night was absolutely one of my greatest nightmares. Ive never seen these abomanations before! Its the oddest species ive ever seen! They appeared to be....i guess zombies.........Ive only fantisized about these creatures, but they werent the only things there!! There were skeletons with bows!! They shot arrows at me!! I even saw one zombie explode!!! What madness happened here?! This is more and more frighting, i had no choice but to act like a coward and hide in my cave type house!!! I had nothing at the time to defend my self. This makes me want to get more and more off this island, but i seem strangley attracted to the science of these creatures!! I have so many questions like, were they once normal people or always this creature. I may be able to do what seems impossible, but i may be able to cure them. I must leave this island as soon as possible!! But now that i know what dangers this island brings i must make some tools!!

Day 3
Dear journal,
Yesterday i managed to make a make ship workbench for the time being and i was able to mine 1 measly vein of copper from a wooden pickaxe and make my self a copper pickaxe. This can not only be used to defend myself but i can also of course use it to mine!! I also managed to kill a pig and cook some meat over an open fire. The wood was quite difficult to get by using a pickaxe, but it managed. I also made another odd discovery yesterday, i discovered that the pig meat was sort of magical i guess you could say. When i ate a peice of the meat i seemed to feel very replenished and able to work actually better then i did when i first got here. Im pretty prepared for the night and i think ill be fine!!
A psychiatrist asks a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing.
-Joey Adams

Posts: 15
Joined: 03 Feb 2011, 17:42

Re: Journal of Harrison Jones

Post by wow050 » 27 Mar 2011, 09:19

Day 4
Dear Journal,
During the night my cave/house was partialy destroyed by and exploding zombie. Right before it explodes it makes a siziling noise like Sssssssss. Since im amusing it was my discovery i think its only fair i name all the creatures ive found. Lets see, for the skeleton archer i should name them Skelars. Skelar in singular. OK next we will name the exploding zombies. They seem to try to kill you or break into your house. Maybe Creeper? Quite comical but that is exactly what i need right about now. Then the zombies will just be zombies. Simple enough right? Anyway besides being almost blown to smithereans, i think i might have saw another building while strolling through the island today. I might be going insane. Another thing i discovered is that the water is fresh and not salt water. If i can find a way to melt some type of metal i can make a bucket and be able to store water, but then again it could get quite warm or loaded with bacteria. Im ho.....

Day 5,
Dear Jernul,
Last...last....last niiiight, oh bugger i cant even spell. Last night.....

Day 6,
Dear Journal,
Something something happened last night...I I felt lyke i was being burned from the inside. I think im LoSiNg it. I i think i saw someone...

Day 7,
Dear Journal,
Thankfully my uncontrolable studder and shaking has gone down. Im now homelsess, i need to search for that man!!! He could help me! But he seems, seems, dangerous. He appears to be something ive only dreamed of, a mage. He seems to cast magic spells. Tonight i will fill my pack with meat and supplies and go out looking for him. Wish me luck.
A psychiatrist asks a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing.
-Joey Adams

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