Medieval Rp

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Medieval Rp

Post by catzrule101 » 17 Mar 2011, 18:01

This is for anyone who likes to Rp. I know Rp sounds nerdy, but just try it. Please put what you are saying in " " like a book. Message me for your character, I will try to post it on here as soon as I can. Please, no eye lasers or super powers. You may be a lycan, werewolf, vampire, be able to turn into something, exc. But dont ruin this, if you want to ask something message me. Thanks!!!! :D

Small kingdom with a castle and shops like Armory, Blacksmith, Potion shop, Bakery, Fish Place, Butcher, Hatter,
and field. It is surrounded by forests where bandats and rebels hang out. Sea is two days away walking and one day away fast horse-back. If you have any suggestions please contact me. ;)
Catzrule101: Name: Harriet. Harriet can turn into a wolf, see has a small dagger and wears peasants clothes even though she has some royal blood.
DA WOLFIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Medieval Rp

Post by catzrule101 » 17 Mar 2011, 18:26

Harriet sneaks into town, aware of eyes watching her. She walks to the bakery and buys some bread from beth and heads towards the butcher. As she walks in, she spots her wolf friends eyes gazing at the meat the butcher was chopping. "Humphrey!" She yells to the wolf. The butcher turns around seeing her friend. Humphrey brakes for it.
The butcher throughs A knife at where her furry friend was seconds before. "T-Bone steak?" :oops:
DA WOLFIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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