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Creations You Can't Believe Creators had a Straight Face For
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 13:21
by Lord_Mountbatten
Basically, I and others came across a term we've never heard of before, in some pithy children's book. That is the idea of the Crumple Button.
The term is used in this kind of sentence: "What hits your crumple button?" As in, "what makes you mad?"
Naturally, we found the whole idea to be so ludicrous that we couldn't keep a straight face on, so heaven knows how the creator managed it.
So, what ridiculous creations/concepts can you simply not believe were created by completely serious people?
Re: Creations You Can't Believe Creators had a Straight Face
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 13:54
by OptimusHagrid
Giant babies inbound.
It's not so much funny as extremely disturbing however. But I think it is relevant.
Re: Creations You Can't Believe Creators had a Straight Face
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 14:59
by Flux04
Re: Creations You Can't Believe Creators had a Straight Face
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 15:02
by Furdabip
Wiseybud wrote:This is more disturbing.
The odd thing is that it took a team of animators to make that, and not one of them asked why.
Re: Creations You Can't Believe Creators had a Straight Face
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 15:06
by The Bum
Re: Creations You Can't Believe Creators had a Straight Face
Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 15:08
by OptimusHagrid
Wiseybud wrote:This is more disturbing.
But of course! However I prefer my example because it is actually meant to be serious business, afaik.
The only way I can top that creepiness is with Pickle Surprise, but then I would probably derail the thread...
Edit by Cho: Sorry, but that one could offend some people here. It didn't offend me, but...
Slightly more relevant, dunno if it's meant to be taken seriously.
Got a better one anyway:
Re: Creations You Can't Believe Creators had a Straight Face
Posted: 28 Jan 2011, 04:36
by Turbo_Turban
Wiseybud wrote:
Hardly disturbing, i would call it abstract art.
Re: Creations You Can't Believe Creators had a Straight Face
Posted: 28 Jan 2011, 07:22
by Cho
Well, to each his own.
Re: Creations You Can't Believe Creators had a Straight Face
Posted: 29 Jan 2011, 12:20
by Tehbeard
What is this I don't even....
Re: Creations You Can't Believe Creators had a Straight Face
Posted: 29 Jan 2011, 23:15
by haxxorzd00d
Re: Creations You Can't Believe Creators had a Straight Face
Posted: 30 Jan 2011, 20:07
by itbarany
Furdabip wrote:The odd thing is that it took a team of animators to make that, and not one of them asked why.
Actually, the video is one of several thousand mash ups spawned on the viral Japanese website Nico Nico Douga where, for some reason known only to those wacky Japs, a bisexual porn star by the name of Billy Herrington became one of their most popular memes. The current reasoning for Herrington being featured as part of the meme is the fact that so many of his lines of dialog have been mistranslated into things that Japanese find funny... Like inserting living crustaceans into various human orifices. Another, more likely scenario, is that Japanese men are all homosexuals and worship Herrington's body.
The background music, originally a Kagamine Rin (Seen in the video as the particularly creepy steamroller driver in the video, made even more creepy by the fact that Rin is female) sung Eurobeat parody of Vocaloid tune "Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru", incorporates the audio of Billy slapping the ass of his male co-star in one of his porn films among other various noises. Suckers for all things Vocaloid, all things Billy Herrington, and any mash-up of two said entities, Nico Nico Douga users quickly fell in love with the video and its viewcount skyrocketed. As with all things viral, the dopes at 2chan got a hold of it and it was a quick and easy jaunt over to 4chan that made the video a true internet legend.
[from the Encyclopedia Dramatica]
Re: Creations You Can't Believe Creators had a Straight Face
Posted: 31 Jan 2011, 00:49
by Furdabip
itbarany wrote:Furdabip wrote:The odd thing is that it took a team of animators to make that, and not one of them asked why.
Actually, the video is one of several thousand mash ups spawned on the viral Japanese website Nico Nico Douga