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Your nickname

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 10:43
by itbarany
Since I'm still quite new, and I would love to get to know you guys, would you share what does you nickname mean/why do you have that/what's the story behind it? ;)

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 11:51
by RexDark
Well... My real name is just too hard to pronounce...
And I was looking for something that sounds like it could be an actual name while also having an obvious Evil feel about it and is pronounceable at the same time...
Rex Dark is what I came up with.
I've been using it for years now.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 12:03
by Cho
itbarany wrote:Since I'm still quite new, and I would love to get to know you guys, would you share what does you nickname mean/why do you have that/what's the story behind it? ;)
You ask for this, but don't even supply your own story? :roll:

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 12:07
by Lord_Mountbatten
Well I'm not a very original person, so I put my real name in.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 12:47
by itbarany
Cho wrote:You ask for this, but don't even supply your own story? :roll:
Simply waited till someone asked :)

The word "bárány" means "sheep" in hungarian. So if by any reason you don't like itbarany feel free to call me sheep! IT stands for information technology, since I study informatics and also write a blog about that (well that too).
So when I wanted to come up with a unique nick this is what I ended up with.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 13:42
by DuplicateValue
Well a while back, I was making a username for Battlefield Heroes, but they wouldn't leave me use the one I chose because "a duplicate value exists".

So being too lazy to think of something new, I took that as my username. I've taken quite a shine to it - I use it here, on The Escapist, and IMDb as well (probably some other places too).

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 14:06
by Milo_Windby
itbarany wrote:
Cho wrote:You ask for this, but don't even supply your own story? :roll:
Simply waited till someone asked :)

The word "bárány" means "sheep" in hungarian. So if by any reason you don't like itbarany feel free to call me sheep! IT stands for information technology, since I study informatics and also write a blog about that (well that too).
So when I wanted to come up with a unique nick this is what I ended up with.
Can I call you Linty the IT Sheep instead? XD (Sorry... Linty is a name of a pet sheep that my D&D character has)

Well, Milo Windby (Or Milo Hugo Windby) is in fact the name of my D&D character I made, a Halfling Treasure Hunter and chef. He rides around on his majestic Sheep named Linty. Together they get lost, have adventures and and wonder where that darn shop is that Milo had sent out for years ago just to get some frigging Bread and Milk!

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 14:18
by SneakyPie
Mine is short for Sneaky Pie Brown, a famous co-author of mystery novels.

He's also a cat.


Basically it was so absurd I knew I had to have it for my name.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 14:22
by Cho
SneakyPie wrote:Mine is short for Sneaky Pie Brown, a famous co-author of mystery novels.

He's also a cat.


Basically it was so absurd I knew I had to have it for my name.
God... I've been wondering where the hell you got that name from since I 'met' you. I figured a girlfriend made you do it. :D

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 14:28
by itbarany
Cho wrote:God... I've been wondering where the hell you got that name from since I 'met' you. I figured a girlfriend made you do it. :D
I knew I'd uncover some secrets 8-)

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 23:13
by Gravytrain
It's what I eat.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 02 Dec 2010, 06:14
by SachielOne
Mine is the Third Angel (or Fourth, if you're watching the reboot movies) from Evangelion with the word One on the end because everywhere I go, the root name is taken.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 02 Dec 2010, 06:26
by DuplicateValue
SachielOne wrote:Mine is the Third Angel (or Fourth, if you're watching the reboot movies) from Evangelion with the word One on the end because everywhere I go, the root name is taken.
I knew it sounded familiar...

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 12:52
by Beltom1066
Mine is a horribly vague reference to the Belgariad series of books, which I read about six years ago. All sorcerors in the series take a new name when they become one, which is normally their original name but with "Bel" added to the front, ie: Garath-Belgarath, Garion-Belgarion.
When I was making an account for Warcraft 3's I wanted to choose a username which wasn't just my real name again, which is what I'd been doing before, so I used the Belgariad's naming system on my name to get Beltom. Not very creative, I know, but since then it's just stuck.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 17:16
by superglitch
I got mine from my real world friends, and in my group of friends(who some of them like to play pokemon) i was a good hacker for pokemon, testing stuff to get glitch pokemon and seeing how to screw up the game. There was a move that a glitch pokemon used called superglitch, so they started to call me that, and now it's my nickname for almost everything. Which has problems when someone is talking about a glitch.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 20:15
by The Bum
Mines just what all my friends call me ie: "You bum!" or "OI BUM!"

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 11 Dec 2010, 12:22
by D_Mc_G
Eh, it's the initials of my name :P Rather unimaginative but i never realized when setting up the minecraft account that the same name would be on servers and shit.

Most people i know online just call me Dave :P

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 11 Dec 2010, 12:48
by Ninjawoman
Mine came from a private joke from highschool when Cal (who was a friend back then) decided to call it me after our mates made a joke about myself...., and it stuck through gaming.

Me= ninjawoman
Ca11ex= invisibleman

its pretty sad really ^^

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 11 Dec 2010, 21:43
by filmmakermennona
And I'm just plain ol' filmmakermennona... Welp, me and my brother love to make shorts so that's why I chose this name. I also have a second account (the one i use now) called Sir_Luke , this is just my first name with the title Sir to make me seem all cool and stuff! :P

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 14 Dec 2010, 15:29
by dududf
I needed a gamer name, and my usual was taken.


I closed my eyes and mashed some keys.

That's it.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 14 Dec 2010, 16:15
by Talos5oo
Mine was when a freind made me a runescape account when i was seven. ever since then its been my username for everything

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 15 Dec 2010, 14:20
by Tomenaki
My name is actually comes from a character name I came up with for a story. "Adio Tomenaki" I got the first name from a random license plate I saw and "bam" there we go. lol

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 01:59
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Well, mine is actually my full name. Sti_Jo_Lew stands for Stiller, Joseph Lewis. Thats about it. I have another fun one though.

My friend Hayden is a complete religious nut, and he used to invite a few friends over every friday for a gaming and pizza party. So me and my friend Chance started calling him Jesus Pizza when he wouldn't let Chance go to the party. By fall the lamest nickname I've ever given someone. Other than maybe nickalick.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 02:29
by TheOtherStickman
I have no interesting backstory to my username. >.>

I just chose it because I like to dick around in Pivot and I have no originality, so I put two and pie together.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 27 Dec 2010, 21:22
by 697134002
My nickname is my student ID number.

I normally use a character from one of my favourite author (R.A. Salvatore)'s books, but since I was introduced to MC by a friend at school, and I knew I would see some of them online, with my username, I chose this one.

The list of names I have used for gaming:

Jarlaxe Baenre (I was making an account for Tribal Wars, but the non-typoed version of this was taking. So I retyped it but didn't notice the typo. I use this name for all of my web browser things. (Forums, online games, except MC)
Dinin (or Dinin Do'Urden). I use this for games I play on Game Ranger, a multiplayer game hosting thing. The short version is because I joined a call of duty 4 clan and there's a character limit in game.

All of my other names are outdated and too numerous to list.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 27 Dec 2010, 21:37
by Lord_Mountbatten
697134002 wrote: Jarlaxe Baenre (I was making an account for Tribal Wars, but the non-typoed version of this was taking. So I retyped it but didn't notice the typo.
Now that takes me back. I used to play on Tribal Wars a while back, now no longer. It had the same amount of time-absorption Minecraft has.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 28 Dec 2010, 02:09
by 697134002
What was your username?

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 28 Dec 2010, 07:50
by herpmyderp
Ok... herpmyderp was pretty much a joke name i made just so i could see what minecraft was like. Accidentally bought it with this account....

Usually I'm known as DPunch4. DPunch is from "retarded animal babies" where when i was a young boy I learned what and donkey-punch was.(if you think I'm being rude then you're the rude one for knowing what it means. :P)
The 4 is cuz i like the number 4.

In real life however, I'm know as 'Purple'. I love purple, I wear purple every day. People at uni called me purple and it stuck. I play pool and wear purple. I'm also known for not holding my tongue. I just ask my friends to tell me when to stop talking, I have terrible social skills =D.

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 28 Dec 2010, 11:36
by itbarany
herpmyderp wrote:Ok... herpmyderp was pretty much a joke name i made just so i could see what minecraft was like. Accidentally bought it with this account....
Good notch I thought you would never find this thread and I'd have to email it to you! :lol:
It bugged the hell outa me...

Re: Your nickname

Posted: 28 Dec 2010, 11:44
by Lord_Mountbatten
697134002 wrote:What was your username?
KillerMidget at that time.