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New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 21:05
by Blackadder51
Once again its that time of year, were we pretend to improve our life for the next year =D

So then guys, New Years resolutions what are yours?

And to start it off heres mine!

1. Get more hours at work.

2. Find someone.

3. Drink Less.

4. Fly.


Let the lies begin!

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 21:09
by superglitch
My resolution is to finish my Bay area in Single player before next year(including my clock)

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 21:13
by Buchal
1. Study more
2. Train dog to stop going in behind my TV
3. Be more organised
4. Less late nights

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 22:59
by Steelfox
1. Moar Minecraft
2. Finish school
3. ?
4. Profit!

5. Move to Tennessee and begin my culinary rise to greatness.

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 02:18
by Mcwierdo
1. Gain weight
2. Eat more
3. Shower less
4. Don't get a job

I'll earn bragging rights for following all my resolutions.

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 04:26
by itbarany
I don't have any... Not that I think my life is perfect as is, I just don't like to do resolutions/promises/etc.

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 04:54
by XDelphi
Black I've got one for you, stop burning things! :lol:

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 14:37
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Here's mine:

1. Drink more Monster
2. Eat more Reeses
3. Don't get fat (easy.)
4. Create a anime-ish music video for the song Stream of Consciousness by Dream Theater
5. Get over my dad away from Black Ops so I can play
6. Get a dog.

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 20:11
by thonnas_hp
Mcwierdo wrote:1. Gain weight
2. Eat more
3. Shower less
4. Don't get a job

I'll earn bragging rights for following all my resolutions.
You must be my evil twin from an alternate universe. I am the exact opposite.

freaky :p

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 21:12
by Darktaint
1. lose weigh ( i will do it this time)
2. get a good grade for my first year of my degree
3. play less games and go out more with friends
4. DRINK MOARR (be a general student :P)
5. try to be less awesome and shadowing other people in my awesome (also find a nice girl :3)

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 24 Dec 2010, 07:28
by Lord_Mountbatten
Hm, the New Year's Resolution I make every year is "Make a New Year's Resolution". Logic with simplicity.

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 24 Dec 2010, 08:21
by comet1
1.lose weight
2.become better skier
3.bring up french grade [currently at a D+]
4.less minecraft

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 24 Dec 2010, 10:13
by DuplicateValue
1. Study.
2. Learn some songs on guitar. This is sort of important.
3. Seriously, study.
4. Exercise more often.
5. For the love of god, study!
6. Learn to drive.
7. And, well, you can probably guess.

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 27 Dec 2010, 22:28
by Lathania
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:Hm, the New Year's Resolution I make every year is "Make a New Year's Resolution". Logic with simplicity.
This is quite often mine, however I fail to do this one thing I set. This year however i do have a short reduntant list.

1. Fix my mistakes (Never you mind)
2. Get a promotion! (In the making)
3. Save money, and purchase enough furnature to move out
4. Move out.
5. Spend all my money on Opium substitutes.
6. Move back in.
7. Commit to continue learning Japanese.
8. Commit to continue learning scripting. C++, more advanced HTML and more advanced Java.
9. Burn New Years Resolution list.
10. Find out where Lord Mountbatten lives ;) <3

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 27 Dec 2010, 22:40
by The Bum
Lathania wrote:10. Find out where Lord Mountbatten lives ;) <3
I was waiting for somebody to say that ;) .

(He lives in Burma)

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 27 Dec 2010, 22:59
by The Bum
1.Stop procrastinating......later
3.More Minecraft

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 27 Dec 2010, 23:40
by 697134002
1: Play more MineCraft
2: Get a friend to dress up as a creeper and walk up to the enemy. (The worst substitute teacher ever, preferably in the office so it blows everything up)
3: Sue the school for being an unsuitable learning environment
4: Profit.
5: Go to specialized school that only teaches me what I need to know to make more money.
6: Become a bestselling author.
7: Play more minecraft, although in reality I was doing it all the time.
8: Invent an anti-aging potion.
9: ???
10: Play more minecraft.

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 29 Dec 2010, 15:36
by muccy
1) get the girl of my dreams ( i know who she is)

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 29 Dec 2010, 15:38
by DuplicateValue
muccy wrote:1) get the girl of my dreams ( i know who she is)
I'd imagine it would be difficult to get her if you didn't know who she was. :P

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 29 Dec 2010, 16:10
by muccy
DuplicateValue wrote:
muccy wrote:1) get the girl of my dreams ( i know who she is)
I'd imagine it would be difficult to get her if you didn't know who she was. :P
definetly would

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 02 Jan 2011, 23:18
by adidaspray
1. Do my homework
2. Brush my teeth more than once a day (in the morning I brush)
3. Wake up better in the morning
4. Get a girlfriend
5. Be more organized
6. Start planning my future
7. Be less selfish
8. Stop staying up till midnight on schoolnights
9. Start planning ahead
^^^^^^^ mostly because I have way to many things I gotta get done on Sunday nights
10. Last but not least, start thanking people more

There are the ten things I would really like to change about myself and I am going to try very very hard to achieve these goals.

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 03 Jan 2011, 08:50
by itbarany
muccy wrote:
DuplicateValue wrote:
muccy wrote:1) get the girl of my dreams ( i know who she is)
I'd imagine it would be difficult to get her if you didn't know who she was. :P
definetly would
challange accepted

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 13 Jan 2011, 20:28
by Fuzz422365117
1. Be awesome (Oh wait, I'm already awesome) :P
2. Have fun while MOAR MINECRAFT!!!
3. ???
4. Profit!! :mrgreen:

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 18 Jan 2011, 18:39
by Crashendo
My LATE New Year's Revolution List:

1) Not die.

Hope that doesn't bring me any bad karma. :|

Re: New Year Resolutions =D

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, 06:22
by Turbo_Turban
1. Further my intellectual capacity and understanding of the world.

2. Fistfight the Queen.