And that's fine. I get it. I'll just sit back and sip at my gallon of high-fructose corn syrup enhanced tea and gleefully bask in the envy. Sweet, sweet envy.
Now, some of the more observant of you may be wondering why the thread title contains the word "petrol" in it. This is a nickname given by Escapecraft's very own Ninjawoman and a remark she jealously made at upon seeing me partake of my beverage directly from the bottle.
For the more civilized, petrol is another word for gasoline and apparently the gas cans over in the UK look like gallon containers for tea. I've put together a comparison. Naturally the very sight of myself enjoying my beverage put Ninjawoman into a fit of a jealous rage and lashed out against the American way of life which suggests she is a Communist."Oy whu his thaught? Is lose lie yor dree-un petraul." - Ninjawoman
Anyways, back to what the thread title suggested, how many of my American brethren have enjoyed some good 'ol American sweet tea, produced by the AriZona company? What are your favorites? And how lame are the British and their wimpy tea?