The door canvas
- tanisjihanis
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The door canvas
About a month ago, I found a door on the side of the road while I was walking home from school. I took a look at it, as it was fairly obvious it was being left out to be picked up by the garbage truck or something. One side was pale green and the other side was white. The handle had been torn out, there was a hole in the center where glass was supposed to go. and the paint was peeling. I took a look at the wood itself though, and it seemed to be in fairly fine shape. Since I don't have a door into my room, I convinced my dad to help me pick it up with the car. Afterschool, I've sanded it, filled in holes with wood putty and found glass and a new doorknob for it. Now, I have a blank 'canvas' of sorts and 40 $ worth of brown, blue, green, yellow, white and black paint.
What should I paint on the door?
What should I paint on the door?
Re: The door canvas
or failing that. something that blends into the room around it. be creative. let the design flow from the door out onto the walls a little if you want.
or failing that. something that blends into the room around it. be creative. let the design flow from the door out onto the walls a little if you want.
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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- Wildwill002
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- SneakyPie
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Re: The door canvas
Another door.
Re: The door canvas
Paint it to look like the walls around it.
Richard Dawkins wrote:I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.
Re: The door canvas
This.SneakyPie wrote:Another door.
Re: The door canvas
But what would one paint on that door?SneakyPie wrote:Another door.
"They'll tear you apart, bone by bone... ...and build with you a human throne. Their buck- toothed king will sit upon What once was you, but now is gone. This key unlocks the gates of Hell. Steady traveler, use it well." - Grim Fandango - Poem of the Flaming Demon Beavers

Re: The door canvas
andy25100 wrote:But what would one paint on that door?
SneakyPie wrote:Another door.
- tanisjihanis
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Re: The door canvas
But... but... but..The Bum wrote:andy25100 wrote:But what would one paint on that door?SneakyPie wrote:Another door.
Eye twitch*twitch*

That would be... Door-ception or something.

- Wildwill002
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Re: The door canvas
Lol i used that pic in the post a picture of yourself thread 

Daemon wrote:I'm going to draw the fuck out of this egg.
- tanisjihanis
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Re: The door canvas
While the idea is interesting, I don't think a doorception is going to work here because of the glass window near the top of the door...
- Lord_Mountbatten
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Re: The door canvas
Paint this.
I trust in your artistic skills.
I trust in your artistic skills.
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- DuplicateValue
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Re: The door canvas
A Roadrunner-esque tunnel stretching off into the distance, or a continuation of the hallway that leads to the door.

"He's like fire, and ice, and rage.
He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
He's ancient and forever.
He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
And... he's wonderful."
Re: The door canvas
Give each color a nr. then roll a dice, the nr. on the dice is the color you must use, paint it in only that color.
There, done.
There, done.
Iya AyemMeht YahklemOhtYoodtRoht DothAyemEkemDothRothIyaCess LyrOthRothDoth
Iya WebIyaLyrLyr CessOhtNethSethYoodtMehtEkem YahkemOthYoodtRoth SethOhtYoodtLyr
Iya WebIyaLyrLyr CessOhtNethSethYoodtMehtEkem YahkemOthYoodtRoth SethOhtYoodtLyr
Re: The door canvas
The real question is, are you any good at painting in the first place? If not
If so,Wildwill002 wrote:Get some water balloons, fill em with paint and drop em on it
Or draw a penis, cause lolz n dicksDuplicateValue wrote:A Roadrunner-esque tunnel stretching off into the distance, or a continuation of the hallway that leads to the door.
Eekum Bokum
Eekum Bokum
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.
- Blackadder51
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Re: The door canvas
I approve of this dick move.random980 wrote:
Or draw a penis, cause lolz n dicks

The Building of The Imperial City | The Blackadder Booze Fund
We're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the Stick Insect got stuck on a sticky bun.
-Captain Edmund Blackadder.
Re: The door canvas
You people give terrible answers O_O, Tanis it depends on what you are planning to do with the random door, sell, use, whatever it maybe, IT MUST BLEND.
Re: The door canvas
Mix all the color together and paint the door, done.
Iya AyemMeht YahklemOhtYoodtRoht DothAyemEkemDothRothIyaCess LyrOthRothDoth
Iya WebIyaLyrLyr CessOhtNethSethYoodtMehtEkem YahkemOthYoodtRoth SethOhtYoodtLyr
Iya WebIyaLyrLyr CessOhtNethSethYoodtMehtEkem YahkemOthYoodtRoth SethOhtYoodtLyr
Re: The door canvas
It has a window so that wont work, and choiku he is using it as a door for his room. I actually think the doorception idea would be cool, im not trolling.

Daemon wrote:I'm going to draw the fuck out of this egg.
- tanisjihanis
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Re: The door canvas
Branchscape on the side closest to my room, with a lake and balloon to represent bubbles and cloudscape as well. Working on doorception for the other side right now. It is proving difficult to make look right-- I will probably end up just making it look like a normal door from that side as I'm not that great of an artist.
Re: The door canvas
Hehe That is awesome Tanis. =D
Yeah, Im redoing my room this summer, and I am actually AWESOME at drawing and painting trees, (Only thing I can draw) And I am planning to paint a huge tree on my closet doors. XDDDD
Yeah, Im redoing my room this summer, and I am actually AWESOME at drawing and painting trees, (Only thing I can draw) And I am planning to paint a huge tree on my closet doors. XDDDD
Spoiler! :
- ilikefoxes666
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Re: The door canvas
That's awesome, Tanis :O
You should make a pretty black outline of a tree or something on it :3
You should make a pretty black outline of a tree or something on it :3
Re: The door canvas
I demand that you repaint this door and put this on it instead: ... &mode=view
Because why not. ... &mode=view
Because why not.

- Invunarble
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Re: The door canvas
Wait a second...MrWhales wrote:I demand that you repaint this door and put this on it instead: ... &mode=view
Because why not.
is that the babbymod?
And on the topic of doors, paint a TNTree on it, or Branchscape burning... :3

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