Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:I are is part of BR now.
Deal with it.
Truth this be.
Because an awesome builder is sti.
And yoda I am.
Take le census please sti.
TyreseEngineer wrote:I've filled in the census.
On another note, I've started designing Branchscape Central train station, as Tanis requested. I think it's looking pretty good, I'll put pictures up when I'm finished.
Oh my holy jesus, that is awesomesaucetacular Tyrese. Just one thing: the entrance will be on the side not one of the ends, as those dead end into mountains. Other then that it looks perfect. You have my OK to start whenever you feel ready.
random980 wrote:InB4 Vallorn
The train station needs more lava. Also i think you have used to much glass, try adding another block type somewhere to. Otherwise its looking good
If anyone wants a plot in Silver Bay you only need to ask!
Lava is a rather evil block.
I may take you up on your offer of a plot... Would you like to exchange embassies?