Gridwords: Literary Randomness (it's back!)

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Gridwords: Literary Randomness (it's back!)

Post by haxxorzd00d » 13 Jul 2012, 07:14


Welcome to a new kind of story game!
Gridwords is a concept I came up with while bored at work one day. It's a collaborative writing game guided by a healthy mix of luck and imagination. Players need to be imaginative and enjoy writing; this is a team effort and spoilsports will not be tolerated.

So what is it?
Gridwords starts with, well, a grid of words. Using a random number generator, you select words as 'themes' for a story, and write an opening paragraph. The next player then generates more words, and continues the story.

How to play:

Remember: If you're starting a new story, use THREE words. If you're continuing a previous one, only use TWO. This allows for a good starting premise, and keeps the story flowing better.

To start a new story:
  • Step 1: Open up the random number generator at
    Step 2: Generate three pairs of numbers using the number of rows/columns in the grid as a maximum. Match these pairs of numbers to three words from the grid. (The first number is across, second number is down)
    For example: (4,4) (1,4) (4,3) = Water, Lucky, Science (see the grid below)
    Step 3: Write a starting paragraph of a story using these 3 words as a premise. You can interpret the words however you like, as long as you use all 3. This paragraph can be as long as you wish.
    For example: Scientists experimenting with water accidentally discover a way to control it with their minds! They keep this discovery a secret - or at least, they try to...
    Step 4: Pick a word relevant to your story to add permanently to the grid. Be as broad (e.g. Discovery) or as specific (e.g. Telepathy) as you like, but please be considerate of future players.
    Step 5: Pick any word you like to add to the grid. Again, be as specific as you like (e.g. Adventure, Pirates, Robot, Toaster)
Example post:
Water, Lucky, Science

Scientists experimenting with water accidentally discover a way to control it with their minds! They keep this discovery a secret - or at least, they try to...

Story word: Discovery
My word: Cake

To continue an existing story:
  • Follow the same steps as to start a new story, but only generate TWO words from the grid instead of three. Then write a new paragraph following the previous story arc, incorporating those two words. If you're ready to conclude a story, be sure to write 'THE END' so we know to start a new one.
    REMEMBER: Use THREE words to start a story, and TWO to continue each paragraph. It's alright, I won't be mad if you use three words, but I think two keeps the flow of the story tighter.
Grid Level 4 (15 words to level up)
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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by haxxorzd00d » 13 Jul 2012, 07:14

Fast, Criminal, City

Gridwords, Volume 1: Speed Demons

The city of New Centropolis had its vices, to be sure. After all, what city in 2200 didn't? But of all the sleaze and corruption in this neon wonderland, there was nothing more widespread - or deadly - than the Speedway. Indeed, not a single soul in NC was unaware of the underground hover-racing ring, responsible for countless fatalities and incalculable destruction. Still, the tournament was big business. And no-one knew the value of that business more than Trent "Lightspeed" Blackwell, crowned city champ 3 years running...

Story word: Business
My word: Explosion

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by J4Numbers » 13 Jul 2012, 07:43

Secret, Surprise

In all honesty, it was something that he kept fairly quiet about. Before the races began he wasn't exactly the kind of person to take stupid risks, so imagine how shocked his friends were when they heard that their level-headed friend was entering a race, which was reputed for the amount of foul play and cheating that went on throughout. Thankfully his friends weren't going to let him just dive in and hope for the best, after quizzing him relentlessly on why he wanted to enter the races, to which he kept a stony silence, they found his hover-racer, slightly out of shape, and got to work. It helps to have friends who were some of the best engineers in the city, and a planner who was the most cunning.

Story Word: Underdog
My Word: Backstab

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by BigC_1 » 13 Jul 2012, 13:17

Surprise, Science

One of Trent's friends, Derrick Lawton, began to experiment with several different materials to illegally improve Trent's hover-racer, which he started doing a year ago. Trent didn't know about his most trustworthy pal tampering with his hover-racer. He didn't realize any of the improved performance of his hover-racer, because he believed he was becoming even more skillful with the racing. Derrick was too intelligent and scientifically skillful to have his secret uncovered;however, he was caught by surprise when the leaders of the underground hover-racing decided to confirm none of the racers played illegally. He knew one thing he and his friend were done, or were they...

Story Word: Betrayal
My Word: Teleportation
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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by haxxorzd00d » 13 Jul 2012, 14:38

Danger, Surprise (wow Surprise comes up a lot)

With the annual Grand Crash tournament just days away, Trent was psyched to continue his winning streak. However, his excitement quickly turned to panic when he awoke to find his finely-tuned racer missing. He tried to contact his racing partner and lifelong friend Derrick, but he was nowhere to be found. Of course he couldn't contact the authorities either, hover-racing being illegal and all. While on his way to knock some heads together and hopefully locate his missing racer at the local bar, he spotted a breaking news story on the citywide news screens. A high-speed chase was in progress in downtown NC! It looked like the whole city police force were on the tail of - no, it couldn't be - Trent's racer! With Derrick in the driver's seat!

"Shit Derrick, what the hell did you do!?"

Story word: Chase
My word: Machine

Good news everyone! The grid is now level 2! We have 9 new words to play with. Backstab and Betrayal were too similar, so Backstab is now Revenge. We needed one more word, so your bonus word is High!

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by BigC_1 » 13 Jul 2012, 14:50

Water, Fast

Trent continued to watch the news broadcast in horror. He watched Derrick make a sharp turn on the hover-racer when suddenly the hover-racer flipped. Trent gasps as he watches his friend, and his legendary hover-reacer plunge into the Centropolis River. Then Trent instantly remembers Derrick can't swim, and as soon as he remembers Trent bursts out the door toward his hover-car to save his friend. By the time Trent reaches the river Derrick had already been pulled out of the river, and he was gasping for air. Trent rushes toward his friend to check on him, but two cops don't allow him to come near. The only thing he could think of was why his friend was on the run.

Story Word: Drowning
My Word: Justice

(I love this game!) :D
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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by J4Numbers » 13 Jul 2012, 15:02

Machine, High

The hover-racer was dead. There was nothing that could be done to save it, all the circuits were fried, and the turbo adjustments that had taken them months to do, and years to perfect, were all now sinking in the river. Trent thought back to the past five years, so far had he climbed, that looking back to where he started was an amazement. Three years at the top of the leaderboard, and still living to tell the tale was a record by anyone's standards. There wasn't just the gambling thugs who'd lost their money, there was the race itself, and the racers. Everyone of them had found a small way to modify their car, or had bribed the judges outright in order to pass inspection, the worst of which being James 'Quick fire' Sunderland, who'd paid the committee a thousand credits in order to strap a pair of guns onto his car, whilst still being a 'legitimate' vehicle. And all that was at an end it seemed, after all, you can't race without a car.

General Word: Redemption
My Word: Longevity

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by haxxorzd00d » 13 Jul 2012, 15:26

Magic, Nature

But Trent hadn't given up hope just yet. He had to get to the bottom of this. He knew the city authorities were happy to let their trash rot at the bottom of the river, so he returned by cover of night to dredge up his rusty racer, safe in the knowledge that no-one would stop him. Once he'd towed the dripping wreck back to Derrick's garage. he took a brave step and did something he would always have relied on Derrick to do - he opened it up. Panels and parts fell away as if made from paper, and all manner of internal mechanisms greeted him, a lot of which he didn't recognise.
"Are these... illegal mods?"
Over the course of the night, Trent stripped out the interior of the racer. To his amazement, he found that the core of the machine was still relatively intact, having been protected against the worst of the riverwater and filth by some sort of additional sealant; no doubt another less-than-legal modification by Derrick.
The next few hours were slow and laborious. Trent tinkered with his prized machine, piece by fragile piece, until a hopelessly outdated, bare-bones shell of a racer stood before him.
He gave it a quick kick, and by some miracle it sputtered to life.
"Well, would ya look at that. Just like my father used to race."
The sudden recollection was like ice down his spine. Those were avenues he'd hoped never to re-tread... but fate has a funny way of looking at things. Trent knew it was a long shot - the longest of shots, in fact - but the earliest hover-racers piloted rickety deathtraps not unlike this... could he really get back to basics and win the Grand Crash on skill alone?

Story word: Comeback
My word: Dark

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by BigC_1 » 13 Jul 2012, 15:40

Betrayal, City

The next day Trent began to smuggle his hover-racer through the city. Suddenly he saw flashing lights and heard a siren. It was the police, and they were following him just at the worst time. In a matter of seconds after noticing the cops, Trent's simple drive in the city turns into a high speed chase. Trent cuts the cops off, and uses all of his other skills on them. He escaped and noticed he does have the skill to win. As Trent arrives to the ring Curt "Bolt" Wiser, Trent's best racing friend, was standing inside waiting for him. Curt said one thing, "How did they not catch you?"
Suddenly Trent realized even more than one friend was betraying him.

Story Word: Betrayal
My Word: Spying

When we end the stories put all the parts together, and put them in the OP so people can read the stories easily, as if it was a book.
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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by J4Numbers » 14 Jul 2012, 02:13

^ Agreed, but only after we finish the stories. or else that just becomes effort.

Revenge, Fast (lol at the appropriate numbers, thanks random no. generator.)

Trent's body jumped into action, as his heart let loose a dose of the much needed adrenaline, and for the next five minutes, there was a slight blur on him, as he escaped from his 'friend'.
Would you look at that, no racer, no allies, no team... looks like this race'll be interesting, Trent thought darkly to himself. then again, he'd had worse odds, especially in the race two years back when... no, I won't go into that now.
But now that he thought about it, that particular season could have everything to do with what was happening. Well, in short, what he'd done was smashed into another team, seriously damaging their new and improved racer, and making it un-usable, Which made them quite understandably mad. Well, if it's THAT team, then this season should be extremely interesting.

Story Word: Element
My Word: Prodigy

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by haxxorzd00d » 14 Jul 2012, 02:28

Criminal, Business

As he pondered how best to approach this situation, Trent heard a buzzing from his communicator.
It was Curt.
"Curt? What is this!?" Trent asked, shocked and furious.
"This appears to be you running away from me." Curt replied coldly. "I thought we were friends, bro! Anyway, listen up. Derrick talked. The cops know everything. There's a warrant out for your arrest - and a reward too."
"So this is about money. You'd stoop that low." Trent was disgusted.
"Don't be naive, Trent. It was always about money. It's all business these days. The age of chivalry and good sportsmanship is long dead."
"You're wrong! We're not all lowlife scum like you!"
"Is that so? Tell me about your father, Trent. Tell me about Angus Blackwell."
Trent froze. Surely Curt wouldn't bring his father into this? But no, Curt wasn't the man he knew - well, thought he knew - any more.
"You bastard!"
"Poor old Angus. Did they ever find his body? I'm sure they found pieces of it, at least..."
"Shut up! I'll kill you!"
"See, that's what happens when you get in the way of business, Trent. You think you're so high and mighty trying to keep the sport "pure"? To somehow "avenge" your father? You're pathetic. Derrick knew you were a failure; modding your ride was the only thing keeping you from realising that fact, but he was too much of a coward to even tell you. And now look at him. Some friend he was."
"You knew what Derrick did to my racer?"
"Well yeah, he told me. Pretty talkative when he's had a few, that guy. Why d'you think the committee was so eager to check for illegal mods?"
"You tipped them off!"
"Well done, Trent, well done. The pieces are all falling into place. You're nothing, your father was nothing, and your so-called friend is less than nothing. It's been fun, but I've got a reward to claim. Oh, and by the way - you're too easy to track."
Panic hit Trent like a brick wall. Was he followed? He flipped open his communicator and sure enough, a tiny microchip was lodged in the back. He'd been bugged.
A sudden jolt coursed through Trent's body and he fell to his knees. Through his unfocused eyes he saw a man approach him.
"Running away? You're no better than Derrick. Give it up."
Something hard impacted with the back of Trent's head, and his world went dark.

Story word: Past
My word: Weird

Good news everyone! The grid is now level 3! Sorry Big, you can't have Betrayal twice. All your other words are fine. We had a nice round number this time, so no bonus words necessary.

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by BigC_1 » 14 Jul 2012, 10:45

Magic, Espionage

Trent awoke strapped to a chair in a dark room. He examined the scene. Then three figures entered the room. One stayed at the door, and the other two continued to move closer. As they entered the light Trent recognized them. It was Derrick and Curt. Derrick yanked the tape off of Trent's mouth, and after it they paused and stared at one another. Then Derrick began, "Well, well Trent nice to see you again."
"Derrick! How could you betray me, and you to Curt?!"
Curt replied first, "I've always come close to winning the Grand Crash, but you always defeat me. It's time for a new champion Trent. A bigger... and better one!"
Derrick responded, "Trent, I believe its time for a new champion too. I agreed to work on Curt's racer the same way I worked on yours, and now your finished."
Trent shouted, "I thought we were friends not enemies! But now I know your real lives. Your twisted criminals, and nothing more than that!"
Derrick sighed, "Trent face it your career, and legendary name are no more. No more Trent! No... more."...

Story Word: Interrogation
My Word: Tragedy
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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by Spyboticsguy » 14 Jul 2012, 16:13

Past, Justice
Trent sighed.
"Is this the way it has to be?"
"Yes," Derrick replied, "you and I both know why I must help him." Derrick leaned close to Trent's ear while Curt was patrolling outside. He said, "He's got my sister. Nothing against you, friend, but I'm gonna look out for my family."
"I understand."
Derrick handed a small match to Trent.
"Wait until we're switching posts, then burn the rope and run to the tool drawer. There's a small handgun in there, along with a few rounds of ammunition. It's concealable - try not to let him see it unless you have to. Hell - don't let him see you if you can."
"Got it."
"And, Trent?"
"I didn't tip them off. We go too far back for that."
Derrick began to walk outside. Trent tried to focus - he was going to need all his concentration to make his way out of here unharmed. He just couldn't shake the fact that one of his oldest friends had sold Derrick and him out - just for the cash.

Story Word: Loyalty
My Word: Explosions

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by BigC_1 » 14 Jul 2012, 17:06

Death, Surprise

Trent did as Derrick said, and then he rushed out the door into a hallway. He looked to each side. One was a dead end, and the other was to a stairwell. He proceeded to the stairs, and he went inside. He began to walk down until he heard noises from downstairs. Trent bolted up the stairs, and he kept going until he reached the rooftop. He peeked to check for guards, and he saw nothing. Trent burst out the door, and he runs to the edge. He looks over the side to see a four story drop. After looking over the edge, two of Curt's men come out the door, and begin to fire at Trent. Trent dashes behind an air vent for cover, and then he starts returning fire. Both of the men dash for cover, and one gets shot and killed. Trent knew he had to finish off the other before more come, so he turned and shot. He misses. He realizes he only has one round left so he needs to make it count. In his rush of adrenaline he takes another shot, which nails the other man in his head. In panic Trent looks for a way down, but he finds no solution. Suddenly his hover-racer races onto the rooftop, and Trent rushes over to the side to see Derrick at the bottom giving him a thumbs up. Trent hops on the racer and takes off.

Story Word: Escape
My Word: Unlucky
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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by haxxorzd00d » 15 Jul 2012, 15:34

Comeback, Rescue

"I can't believe this thing still works!"
Trent and Derrick had pulled the racer into a sheltered alleyway after high-tailing it out of Curt's place, the barely functional engine spluttering and belching out acrid smoke for most of the journey.
"Yeah, no thanks to you," Trent replied sourly.
"Look, man, I'm sorry. The committee was checking racers for illegal parts, and with the mess your ride was in-"
"Why'd you do it, Derrick? Why'd you break the rules?"
"The game has changed, Trent. I couldn't stand by and watch someone so dedicated to the sport be beaten down by liars and cheats. I... I did what I thought was right. To preserve Angus' memory."
"You should've been honest with me."
"I know, I know... anyway, I was on my way to the chop shop to get your racer street-legal again when the cops jumped me."
"Curt?" Trent asked, already knowing the answer.
"No shit. He's in with the feds. They won't touch him. They get him what he wants and he lines their pockets. They won't lift a finger to help my sis; chances are they're the bastards who've got her."
"Aren't you worried? Surely Curt will get his own back now you've run out on him?"
"Aha, that's the best part. As far as he knows, I've taken off to try and catch you. Of course, you were always a better pilot than me, so you'll surely get away." Derrick winked slyly.
"...OK. So what's our plan of attack?"
"Whoa whoa, there is no our plan," Derrick said stolidly. "This is my plan. I got myself and Grace into this mess, and I'll damn well find a way to get us out."
"You don't have to do this alone," Trent replied, placing a reassuring hand on Derrick's shoulder. He pushed it away.
"Nuh-uh. You've got a race to win. Listen, they'll never let you enter with this bucket of bolts the way it is. I know a guy in South Harbor, he can fix you up, no questions asked. Just tell him D-man sent ya." He hastily punched something into a holo-note and handed it to Trent.
"Oh, and you'll want to make yourself scarce, the whole city's lookin' for ya. Go get yourself some nice racing gear - preferably something inconspicuous." He reached into his back pocket and withdrew a credit chip. "Couple of grand on there, last I checked."
"Listen, Derrick - I want you to know - I always had faith in you. When this is all over, I'll buy you a drink and we'll forget this whole mess."
"It's OK, bro. Now get out there and show that dickhead Curt what hover-racing's really about."
Without another word, Derrick turned on his heels and walked away. As Trent watched his lifelong friend fade into the falling dusk, he knew the endgame was coming... and he'd face it head on.

Story word: Plan
My word: Quiet

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by BigC_1 » 15 Jul 2012, 16:55

Business, City

Trent knew the serious business he was getting into, but he knew if he stopped trying his life would come to a halt. Trent approached the South Harbor, and he entered the building that Derrick's friend should be. As he entered he is approached by a man. The man asked, "What do want?"
"I need my hover-racer fixed up, and some good racing gear."
"I don't have or know anything about..."
"D-man sent me"
"Oh, well in that case follow me"
The two enter an office. The man closes and locks the office door, and shuts the blinds over the window. Than he approaches a bookshelf, and he reaches for something behind the books, which than opens a hidden doorway. The two men enter, and than the door is shut behind them. They continue down the stairway into a room full of hover-vehicle parts, hover-racing gear, a couple hover-racers, and other things.
The man begins to speak again, "So what are we working with?"
Trent pulls out a hologram device of his hover-racer.
"Ok, it seems to be in bad shape, but I am sure I can fix 'er up like new. However the gear and the parts ain't cheap, so its gonna cost a couple grand."
"Trust me I can pay.", Trent hands him the credit chip.
"Ok. I'll get started. By the way the name is Chase, Chase Bents."

Story Word: Restoration
My Word: Ambush
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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by J4Numbers » 22 Jul 2012, 13:16

no need

nature, longevity

Chase looked ancient, I only realised that as I saw the light of day greet his features at long last.
It had been a long two weeks, and the race wasn't that far off anymore, so it wasn't that surprising that Trent had developed a nervous tick in his left eye.
Then again, the years didn't look to have come kindly to Chase. If Trent were to have guessed his age, he'd have been stumped, for although his body looked like that of a pensioner, the eyes still contained a spark, no, an inferno of life, befitting that of a man decades younger than himself, but above all, he looked like a survivor.
The greetings were, as always, short and formal.


And that was it, with those two words, they'd said all they needed to. This was after all a business contract with a less-than-savoury person. Needs must though.
The agreed payment of two thousand credits was transferred in exchange for the racer.

To say that he'd fixed it would have been an understatement. To say the least, he'd done a number on it.
The panels were stripped back, the seat was a plate, the whole thing had gone on a crash diet, and had kept going to the gym. The souped-up V8 was right at the front of the machine, now supporting a turbofan and a supercharger. In short, Chase had taken his racer back to basics, and he'd needed to for that matter, in order to make sure that all the illegal mods that had been put in had been removed.

But it now seemed like he was back.
And boy, was he ready.

General Word - Basics
Specific Word - Unconventional

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by BigC_1 » 22 Jul 2012, 14:32

Justice, Espionage

It was time. Time for Trent to begin the race for the Grand Crash. He began to leave his humble home to get to the race, but as he peered out his window he saw someone standing on the roof of the building nearby. That mysterious character was staring dead at him. Trent knew what it was, it was a spy.

The spy took notice of being spotted, and ran into the building he was on top of. Trent grabbed his gear, and raced down the stairs. As he rushed outside he saw the spy hop into a hover -car, so he hoped in his and chased the spy. Not to long after their high speed chase, the cops showed up. They raced through the street, and drove into a alley. But it was a dead end, and the spy leaped out of his vehicle and began climbing the fire escape ladder of a building. Trent grabbed the spy as he tried to make his way up, and slung him to the ground. It quickly turned into a fist fight, and Trent yanked the helmet off the spy. Trent gasps! It was Curt! Trent and Curt stared at one another for a brief second then Trent smacked Curt in his face, which knocks him out cold.

Trent raced back to his vehicle, and escaped just before the police arrive and arrest Curt. Trent knew he was lucky to get out of there in time, but he also realized that the Grand Crash will be a lot easier for him.

Story Word: Advantage
My Word: Infection
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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by BigC_1 » 03 Aug 2012, 15:53

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by haxxorzd00d » 03 Aug 2012, 16:46

Whoops, forgot about this. Been a bit busy recently. I shall add something later this evening.

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by J4Numbers » 04 Aug 2012, 04:21

And then I shall add something, and the cycle will continue.

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by BigC_1 » 11 Aug 2012, 18:19

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by haxxorzd00d » 13 Aug 2012, 09:07

I am made of lies. That's what makes me best Putin. Also I have to reinstall Excel and make the grid again.

It's on my to-do list.

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness

Post by haxxorzd00d » 11 Mar 2013, 09:09

8 months later...

About time we picked this up again, huh? :)
Thanks to the great selection of words contributed last time, the grid is now level 4. We now have 49 words to play with! We'll need 15 new words to expand it again. If you don't see an expanded grid in the OP, it's because I haven't uploaded it. Be patient and I'll get on it.

Previously on Gridwords:

Trent Blackwell, former hover-racing champion, is caught between a rock and a hard place. His nefarious rival Curt is out for blood, and he's taken Trent's loyal friend Derrick's sister hostage. Meanwhile the police are hot on Trent's tail, and his overhauled hover-racer's a shadow of its former self. With the Grand Crash mere hours away, can Trent tip the odds in his favour and win the day?

Underdog, Comeback (what a great start!)

Trent cautiously navigated the streets of New Centropolis towards the shady underpass where the Grand Crash would begin, careful to avoid any confrontations with the police. As he turned off the highway and rounded a corner onto the starting grid, the bustling tarmac fell silent. Suddenly all eyes were on him.
"Is that... it is! It's Lightspeed Blackwell!"
Jeers and laughter began to resonate through the assembled crowd.
"Hey look, Trenty boy brought half a racer!"
"Nice ride, Blackwell! What dumpster'd you fish that out of?"
"The news was right, he really is a washed-up loser."
Trent ignored their comments and pulled his racer on to the grid. He saw plenty of his old rivals from previous years, along with several newcomers.
But the biggest surprise was the sleek, gleaming racer at the head of the pack. Trent knew that cold steel beast anywhere - it was Curt's.
How was that possible? Trent had knocked some sense into the traitorous scumbag and left him unconscious on the sidewalk. The racer's pilot sat in silence, concealed by a dark helmet. Could one of Curt's lackeys have taken his place?
Whatever the explanation, Trent was ready to take him down. After signing himself up and paying the entry fee, he took his place amongst the competition.
"Good luck out there, rookie," a burly thug sneered ironically.
A hologram flickered to life ahead of the starting grid, showing a row of red lights. Trent's fingers instinctively and expertly moved over the controls ; the racer growled harshly and lifted a little too far off the ground. Trent wasn't used to such a lightweight machine, and he'd overdone the anti-traction control. More jeers and dirty looks shot in his direction. He stared straight into the red holographic lights.

"3... 2... 1..."

The lights flashed green.


Story Word: Challenge
My Word: Low
To celebrate the return of Gridwords after 8 long months, "Return" is included as a bonus word.

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness (it's back!)

Post by haxxorzd00d » 12 Mar 2013, 10:53

No takers?, Alright, then I'll continue.

Basic, Restoration

Trent gunned the boosters and lurched forward at a decent pace. Of course, he was no match for the assortment of souped-up, supercharged machines around him, which rocketed ahead propelled by nitro-turbines and wave pulse generators. No matter; he was an expert pilot and could surely navigate any hazards along the way. The stripped-down racer may have been lacking in mod-cons, but it ran like a dream.
The initial stretch was a wide, sweeping track; Trent was free to dodge and weave amongst the larger crafts as they jostled for control. He narrowly avoided the sudden spray from a minigun mounted on a beastly silver hover-bike - a sprightly craft toward the head of the pack was shot to pieces and careered into the track wall in a spontaneous fireball. One down; the game was on.
Trent suddenly found himself between two huge hover-trucks with highly illegal spike-strips protruding from their sides. As they closed in to impale him, a man shouted down from one of the trucks.
"Hey Blackwell! Curt says hi- I mean DIE!"

Story word: Trap
My word: Time

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Re: Gridwords: Literary Randomness (it's back!)

Post by J4Numbers » 12 Mar 2013, 14:20

Element, justice, surprise

Just as the two trucks were about to crush him, Trent pulled up sharply, slipping back and watching as the Trucks, unable to stop themselves, spiked each other and fought for control as a split in the track came up. Trent smiled to himself as they both slammed into the split and crumpled, their engines giving up the ghost in two simultaneous balls of flame.

Meanwhile, Trent barrelled down the right split, leading through the underground path and the chaos within. No sooner had he reached level ground, than a spray of sparks fountained in front of him as the bullets ricocheted within the cave-like passage.

Story word: Circumstance
My word: Music

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