Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?)

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Spyboticsguy » 18 Oct 2012, 06:27

Asi - I know. I recoded security - none of the old codes work, and the 'codes' are specific signals from my brain. I'll give you your area's comms though, since you installed the hack there. Also, you keep the Sears' area's cameras.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by asi1998 » 18 Oct 2012, 06:29

Spy, one more thing DO NOT use the Sear's cameras to spy on me. If you do, i will remove them
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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by random980 » 18 Oct 2012, 07:16

Im not getting in huh? I hear Spy's voice over an intercom, i reply "ITS PARTY TIME!"

I travel back to the supermarket and dump all the food back, no bbq for now. I roll out every gas canister i can find around this area of the mall, i unleash the gas from all of them, i travel up the the second floor, i grab some booze and a bit of the ripped shirt, i light it and chuck it down to the lower floor and leg it like Usain Bolt.

The east wing of the mall is gone, replaced with a raging fire. As i sprint around the mall and head to the food court throwing molotov's left right and centre.
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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Someguy42 » 18 Oct 2012, 07:28

We're here Spy. So what's going on? Also I think random got a little excited and burnt some place in the mall. I hope there isn't going to be a firefight cause I was having fun playing games :/

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Skunk_Giant » 18 Oct 2012, 08:03

Having spent the majority of the time preparing this plan, I finally ride on horseback to the final area. I quickly place the explosives and prepare myself. When the explosives are ready, I ride to the nearest elevator shaft.
Thankfully, the power still works in the west wing of the mall. I can't say the same about the remnants of the east.
I lead the horse into the elevator. We just fit. Ten seconds later, we're in the basement. As I had expected, the second security hub is stationed here, and thanks to the explosive damage in the first security hub, the electronic locks on this one are down. I lead the horse into the room and turn on the emergency power, sealing the doors shut. There are enough supplies here for everyone in the mall to last a few days, but it's a small area, and fights could end badly.
I open a bag of food and offer it to the horse before grabbing myself a bottle of water and finding the nearest microphone. I can see the entire mall through these cameras, and not a single person can get in without these doors being unlocked from the inside. Finally, things are going my way.
I clear my throat and speak into the microphone. "Attention, mall... shopper... people. Skunk here. I regret to inform you that this mall you have come to call home is about to be destroyed. No, you cannot stop it. There are explosives all around the mall, and thanks to the destruction of the first security hub, when I set them off, the mall will collapse on itself. But don't worry, there's good news too. You can all survive. First of all, you'll have to complete a few tasks, then I'll let you in. Your first task is to get to the west wing of the mall with ten animals from the pet store each, and enough food to last you alone for two days. You may make multiple trips, but make sure someone stays back to keep an eye on the food. When you have arrived at the west wing, I will give you further instructions. I'd hurry though, these explosives are on a timer, and when this mall falls, these walls will be the only thing that remain standing."
With that, I sit back, and watch the camera feed.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Spyboticsguy » 18 Oct 2012, 10:29

"Ok, so.."
I'm rudely interrupted by Skunk's broadcast.
"You treacherous son of a.."
I loudly swear over the intercom, then realize where Invun must have fallen to.
"Skunk? Look out for falling bodies."

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Invunarble » 18 Oct 2012, 15:09

Spoiler! :
I killed Skunk, and there is a 40 megaton Nuclear weapon inside the bunker he is in, that only I have jurisdiction to set off or disarm, the room's door is locked as well.
Drowsily waking up from my deep slumber of unconsciousness, I lazily open one eye and glare around the room. I start to feel a huge pain in my abdomen as it fully awakens me from my sleepiness. Oddly, I notice the HUD system and the interactive map and the similar features from Spy's chip had all been removed from my neural thought process.

I make an attempt to stand up back to my feet, but clump back onto the ground from a searing pain in my leg. Assuming that I had broken my thigh-bone from the fall, I swallow two painkillers sequentially that I had taken from a pharmacy raid asi and I did earlier, and make a second attempt to stand up, this time using my good leg.

Ahead of the exit of the chute I was in appeared to be a large, square room made of reinforced steel which had a iron door ahead of it with a medium-sized wire coated window, with a unnecessarily large Beard-Tec sign above the door. As I make my way to this door, I suddenly notice side panels with water hoses in them. This must be a defense system to some sort of bunker!

Feeling my skateboard shoes starting to become drenched in water, I walk at a quicker pace towards the door. Panicking, I start to punch the glass, which eventually results in a slight crack, but at the expense of my knuckles becoming heavily swollen and bloody. The water in the room had already gone up to my calves at this stage.

By the time the announcement finishes, the water had raised up to my forearms. Realizing I risk the chance of drowning in here if I do not do anything, and that I am unable to swim due to my broken leg, I fumble around in my pockets to look for an alternative tool I could use to break the glass, but find nothing. Remembering that I had stored the Five-Seven pistol Asi gave me in my back pocket, I reach for it and grab it just to find it drenched in water. This doesn't impede my ability to use it as a blunt object, however.

With the waterlogged pistol in my hands, I smash the wired glass with the clip holding end of the pistol, which shatters it effectively. I then place the muzzle in the corner of the wiring, and pull it upwards just enough to allow me to reach my arm into the mesh. The water was up to my neck now.

With much effort, I am unable to reach the door handle, and in a desperate last attempt to save my own life, I grab the pistol and fire a round into the handle. As fortunate as I am that the gun had not jammed from being waterlogged, the bullet did nothing to the handle. However, I finally succeed in opening and closing the door in rapid succession after I fire three more rounds into the handle, which warped and distorted the metal handle far enough to break the lock.

I stumble into the wet hallway behind the door, and collapse onto the floor in a slight puddle of water. Reaching through my pockets, I do a quick check on the items I have left with me, which include my pistol, two clips of ammo (including the one already in my pistol), a canister of painkillers, a letter opener, and a few leftover coins from my deadly coin trap I laid a mere few hours ago. Almost immediately, I hear a voice begin to talk nearby. I easily recognize it as Skunk_Giant's voice.

"Attention, mall... shopper... people. Skunk here. I regret to inform you that this mall you have come to call home is about to be destroyed. No, you cannot stop it. There are explosives all around the mall, and thanks to the destruction of the first security hub, when I set them off, the mall will collapse on itself. But don't worry, there's good news too. You can all survive. First of all, you'll have to complete a few tasks, then I'll let you in. Your first task is to get to the west wing of the mall with ten animals from the pet store each, and enough food to last you alone for two days. You may make multiple trips, but make sure someone stays back to keep an eye on the food. When you have arrived at the west wing, I will give you further instructions. I'd hurry though, these explosives are on a timer, and when this mall falls, these walls will be the only thing that remain standing."

After reloading my Five-Seven and organizing my leftover pocket items, I limp my way over to the end of the hallway, where I assume the noise originated from. Adjacent to the door where the noise came from, I see another nuclear warning symbol. "I'll check that out later" I think to myself as I hide behind a column and sneakily peak into the room where the source of the voice came from, appropriately seeing Skunk sitting at a console, editing his voice message. The iron door to this room had a similar glass window, but did not have protective wiring over it. I crouch over to the other door column, and allign my pistol's sights with Skunk's back.

Almost immediately after I pull the trigger, Skunk twirls around from his position on the console. I realize to much discontent that the bullet I fired had lodged into the glass. In what appeared to be a blur of actions, I flip the pistol around in my hand, and while holding it from the muzzle, I smash the clip into the glass, then flip the pistol around again and fire another shot. This bullet ends up missing though, and Skunk immediately runs towards me and slams the door open in my face. I feel my grip on my pistol loosen, while also feeling an intense pain in my nose as I fall backwards onto the ground.

Noticing Skunk rapidly making his way over to my prone position, I reach into my back pocket and pull out my letter opener. Twirling it around and holding the blade in my hand, I use all of my leftover strength and throw the knife at Skunk's head, causing the blade to lodge into his eye socket. Skunk collapses onto the ground, and a pool of blood engulfs my clothing.

"Blow up the mall, huh? Sucks to be you Skunk, you can't see the aftermath of your own destruction now."

With the last of my energy, I begin to crawl over to the door with the nuclear warning symbol overtop of it. Thankfully, this door was left unlocked, and I reach up to the furthest extent my arm can go, and pull open the door. I'm suddenly overwhelmed with shock as I see what the contents of this room turned out to be - a 40 megaton Nuclear Bomb. I notice a control switch behind my prone position; assumingly I could detonate the bomb remotely from here without any outside interference.

I slump down into a corner and think about my decision for a second, regarding whether I could destroy this entire mall with the push of a button or not. Seeing the camera at the end of the room, I pull out my pistol and fire a shot at the camera, snapping it off of it's stand. Finally, some true privacy.
"The roses are red, but Invunarble is blue. Hit him with a puma." - Vallorn
"Baked fucking potato" - Lord Mountbatten, 2014

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Skunk_Giant » 18 Oct 2012, 15:58

Skunk_Giant wrote:and not a single person can get in without these doors being unlocked from the inside. Finally, things are going my way.
Damn it Inv... -_-
And shouldn't that fall have killed you?
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Wildwill002 » 18 Oct 2012, 16:02

I look again in the back of pc world and convieniently find this ... echwarrior
(Suck it, it exists!)

I then enter it and agree on a shift system with stalke to protect the safe haven if anyone somehow manages to get inside
Spoiler! :

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Spyboticsguy » 18 Oct 2012, 16:02

"Invun, there's something you should know before you make your decision. It's your choice - and it always will be. If you detonate the bomb, you kill everyone in here and destroy the mall. The respawn system stops working, everything shuts down. BeardTec's latest experiment goes up in flames. Literally. If you don't, though... I can tell you why you're here. I can tell you how to get out. I can save all of your lives without all of this needless death. But BeardTec will still stand. I'm not like you. I wasn't brought here as a lab rat - I snuck in. I'm from the Escapia National Security Administration. My mission is to get you all safely out. Your testimonies alone should be enough to bring down the corporate beast."
That's all I can say for now - any specifics and he'd blow that bomb without hesitation.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Invunarble » 18 Oct 2012, 16:08

Skunk_Giant wrote:
Skunk_Giant wrote:and not a single person can get in without these doors being unlocked from the inside. Finally, things are going my way.
Damn it Inv... -_-
And shouldn't that fall have killed you?
(I fell before you locked all the doors :P Also, the neural chip degraded on me during the fall, so I gained an increase in natural fibres, allowing me to barely survive the fall)
"The roses are red, but Invunarble is blue. Hit him with a puma." - Vallorn
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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Skunk_Giant » 18 Oct 2012, 16:12

I spawn next to Spy.
Before he attacks me out of rage, I quickly leap back. "Spy, trust me on this, there is no way I'd have left anyone outside of the security hub unless they asked for it. You can't get these people out of here. Not all of them. Look at them, they're murderers! You try getting them out, and they'll turn on you in a second. What happened to Inv working with us anyway?" I grab a pen lying on the floor as my weapon. "I need to go stop Inv. There could still be people on their way to the security hub."
I make my way towards the security hub, but come across a massive robotic... thing at the PC world. "What the hell...?"
I notice Will sitting in the cockpit. This may just be a blessing in disguise. "Will, I need this. Please. We're in danger, and I need to stop Inv. As soon as I have stopped him, you can have it back. You have my word."
I sigh, worried I'm running out of time. At least Inv doesn't know what he's doing. A nuke in the security hub? More like the emergency power generator.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Wildwill002 » 18 Oct 2012, 16:23

I pop out the cockpit and hold up a sign to the nearest camera

"Alright, give me a sec and just tell me what to do"

I patch in the helmets radio to the mall security and ready myself
I then begin to swiftly take down the barricade to the door and use some of it to add more armor to the mech. I get back in, say goodbye to stalke and roll out, ensuring the shutters are closed before awaiting Skunks instructions.
Spoiler! :

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by aeroeng15 » 18 Oct 2012, 17:08

Noticing the commotion happening, I hang on for dear life as the rumbling from the east wing dies down. I look up and notice that there is a glass ceiling just ahead. Hearing some racket about bombs and nukes, I begin to fix explosives to the ceiling.

"Spy, I'm up near a glass ceiling and am about to blow it. Seeing as how this is all falling apart very rapidly, I'm gonna try to get out that way."

I push the detonator.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Spyboticsguy » 18 Oct 2012, 18:12

"Kids and their bombs."
I decide to leave Invun occupied with the 'bomb' while I talk with Skunk.
"I am sorry for snapping at you earlier - I mistook your intentions. I still believe we can get everyone out."
I sigh.
"Look, Skunk, since there are about twenty different sets of bombs in here right now, I think it's time for me to explain what this place is."
I take Skunk by the shoulders and breathe deeply.
"Skunk... this is a testing ground. And you're the rats. Metaphorically."
I whip out my badge.
"Spyboticsguy - special ENSA operative. I was sent here to get you all out and build a case against BeardTec. Your memory's been altered - and you'll be happy to hear you're not the control group. Poor souls. Every single one died in a fire."
I access some of the records and psych profiles for the various people in this mall and show them to Skunk.
"Look, here - you're a famed scientist. You went missing 2 weeks ago. In fact, a lot of you are very good test subjects - but that doesn't change the legality of it. Strictly speaking, the only legitimate test subject is asi. He was not the most stable person in the world - but certainly not a murderer. Whatever BT did to him, it broke him. He'll never be the same again."
I switch to aero.
"No use, I'm afraid. The mall is built to specifically resist escape attempts. The only ones who can get in or out are BeardTec employees... or very skilled ENSA hackers."
I toss Skunk a HUD-Chip and explain that it's tech the ENSA stole from BT labs. That's why it's so easy to jack them into security.
"I'll tell you like I told Invun: It's your choice. You can go after him, or you can try and help me get the innocents out. But mark my words - anyone dies except asi, and there'll be hell to pay."
Your move, Skunk.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 18 Oct 2012, 18:17

I'm so confused.... I think I'll just stay dead.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Spyboticsguy » 18 Oct 2012, 19:00

I bring Sti back to life with the patented JAWS O' LIFE.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 18 Oct 2012, 19:11

Jaws of life set of the airbag, shoving my head into a spike.

Name that reference.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by asi1998 » 18 Oct 2012, 20:58

Into the Intercom: "Look, I need to talk to spy alone, in person. I will disable the explosives guarding Sears so spy can enter. However, spy MUST COME ALONE or I wil, reactivate the explosives, and him and his men will die. Spy, come alone, do it quick, your decision could save everyone here.
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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Spyboticsguy » 18 Oct 2012, 21:09

"Alright asi, I'm on my way."
I turn to those present.
"Follow Skunk's orders. He'll know where I am and exactly what happens to me, thanks to that chip."
I toy with the idea of bringing Invun's native HUD online.
"He might need it..."
Oh, well. I activate it, if only to get a kick out of his reaction.
"Skunk, protect these men. You're their only hope now."

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by asi1998 » 18 Oct 2012, 21:28

I lay in bed, very sick, and I see a figure approaching, with all the strength I can muster, "Sp. sp. I call out!
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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by random980 » 18 Oct 2012, 23:39

Im rather confused. Where is everyone and who is working with who and whats inaccessible? Oh and WHY is there a 40 megaton nuke in the basement of the mall? If that's allowed then i'm allowed to walk into a pet store and equip an iron-man suit...

I make my way to the home improvement store and grab a chainsaw, a hard hat, ear muffs and protective goggles, the ear muffs remain around my neck for the moment.

I see Sti spawn as i exit, i mow him down with the chainsaw :twisted:
Eekum Bokum
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by aeroeng15 » 19 Oct 2012, 01:08

As I blow the detonator, lava begins to pour out of the hole. Damnit. "Spy.... It seems I have let lava into the mall. My bad." I begin to move away from the hole, remaining up by the ceiling. "Oh, and Spy. What the hell is this about Beard-Tec and ENSA?"

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Wildwill002 » 19 Oct 2012, 01:37

I'm gonna have to side with random here, I thought the idea was to use things you can find in a store. I.e. things that can be LEGALLY sold and ARE sold everyday. If you can somehow find somewhere I could purchase a 40-megaton nuke then be my guest because up to now it's just a dud for me
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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by aeroeng15 » 19 Oct 2012, 01:48

Wildwill002 wrote:I'm gonna have to side with random here, I thought the idea was to use things you can find in a store. I.e. things that can be LEGALLY sold and ARE sold everyday. If you can somehow find somewhere I could purchase a 40-megaton nuke then be my guest because up to now it's just a dud for me
The nuke is under the mall, insinuating that the mall is a cover for a silo. Not necessarily purchasable, mind you.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Spyboticsguy » 19 Oct 2012, 05:36

"Skunk, you can shoot random too."
I hear sai and run over to him.
"Oh, God, what's wrong? You look awful. No offense."
I begin to scan him while he explains.
"Aero, sending you a file."
I send him publicly available info on ENSA's BeardTec investigations.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Skunk_Giant » 19 Oct 2012, 06:17

Just to clear things up, there is no 40 megaton nuke. Inv mistook the power generator for a nuke.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by asi1998 » 19 Oct 2012, 06:40

Spy, I saw a doctor downstairs, he was cold and he barely had a pulse. I was wondering what was wrong so I took some of his blood to examine it. I had forgotten to put rubber gloves on and now I am very sick. It is important that we keep whatever I have within here. First wash your hands thoroughly, then go and bring me a microscope or even better, a computer where I can resize images of the blood. Now, go wash your hands and put on some rubber gloves after that. Then bring me a pair of rubber gloves. Finally, Issue everyone here gas masks and rubber gloves(should be strongly recommended but not required) and make sure that they wash their hands before eating, touching their mouth, or touching their eyes AT ALL TIMES! When I go to sleep tonight plant one of those rumored chips in my head so I can send you live images of my research.
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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Wildwill002 » 19 Oct 2012, 10:15

Unable to hear any orders and curious about the surroundings, I utilise the mech to assist me in searching the local area for survivors to bring back to safe haven.
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Re: Mall Fight III: Back for Mall (Ah, see what I did there?

Post by Spyboticsguy » 19 Oct 2012, 14:13

I relay asi's instructions to everyone else in the mall.
"I don't know what in the hell this disease is, but let's try and contain it, if not cure it."
I hand asi a modified ENSA laptop that can't access the top secret info, and I give him a headset to emulate the chip.
"It won't go into your brain, but it'll provide neural interface and a HUD."
I take a small sample of his blood, sterilize the environment, and begin to analyze the sample.

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