Skyrim Bi***es :D

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by BlackKnight » 05 Dec 2012, 01:33

So I've been playing around with Skyrim modding a decided to give the ENBSeries a shot. Found a couple of nice spots for a screenshot to compare them and well, the results speak for themselves.
Only used official plugins and ENB in these screens. Using max settings as per the launcher, resolution is at 1920x1200 and the Official Hd Texture Pack is installed. Left side of the screens are without ENB, the right side is with it.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by vallorn » 08 Dec 2012, 03:05

Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by LS13 » 09 Dec 2012, 00:42

Want to know how you have an epic gf? When she begs you to let her borrow your copy of Skyrim.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Hytro » 09 Dec 2012, 06:00

LS13 wrote:Want to know how you have an epic gf? When she begs you to let her borrow your copy of Skyrim.
I thought you wrote gif, I was so freaking confused.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Aenir_bEPU » 09 Dec 2012, 10:10

Hytro wrote:
LS13 wrote:Want to know how you have an epic gf? When she begs you to let her borrow your copy of Skyrim.
I thought you wrote gif, I was so freaking confused.
That would definitely be an epic gif though.

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by LS13 » 09 Dec 2012, 13:55

Aenir_bEPU wrote:
Hytro wrote:
LS13 wrote:Want to know how you have an epic gf? When she begs you to let her borrow your copy of Skyrim.
I thought you wrote gif, I was so freaking confused.
That would definitely be an epic gif though.
Indeed it would.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Hytro » 09 Dec 2012, 18:19

Hytro's Mod List

I'm bored so I decided to share my mod list.
This list will only include the Mods I have active in my game now, and it will not include any of my own mod or any deactivated once.
And bare in mind that this is on my laptop, so I try and keep the Mod list a bit small and not that many heavy mods. Damn I miss my stationary computer at home.

This list holds 51 mods, and I have tried to sort them a little bit so it will be easier for you.

Quests: Gameplay:
Spoiler! :
UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul
Armored Skeletons and The Walking Dead
Royal Bloodline - Vampire Lord perk tree
Deadly Dragons
Armor Rating
Character Creation Overhaul
Serana Secret - Serana Secret (This Mod has been hidden by the mod author for now, it is a great mod that makes Serana go into her Vampire Lord from when you do.
Display: Armor/Weapons: Texture: Immersion:
Mics: Enviremental: Homes: Patches:
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by motormaniac » 17 Dec 2012, 16:59

Hytro, do you install your mods manually? Or do you use nexus manager?

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Hytro » 17 Dec 2012, 17:49

motormaniac wrote:Hytro, do you install your mods manually? Or do you use nexus manager?
I use the Nexus Mod Manager, great little tool, and I use TES5Edit for cleaning my mods, an amazing tool, but TES5E is still experimental for Skyrim, and use it only if you know what it is and what it does.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by motormaniac » 17 Dec 2012, 20:38

I tried out Deadly dragons immersive weapons, and delphine makeover off of your list. Deadly Dragons and immersive weps worked fine, but delphine makeover crashed my game every time.. I also tried armored skeletons, and that didn't crash it, but it didn't seem to change anything either

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Hytro » 18 Dec 2012, 05:59

motormaniac wrote:I tried out Deadly dragons immersive weapons, and delphine makeover off of your list. Deadly Dragons and immersive weps worked fine, but delphine makeover crashed my game every time.. I also tried armored skeletons, and that didn't crash it, but it didn't seem to change anything either
Witch of the version of Delphine Makeover did you download? And you know ApachiiSkyHair is required for all versions of this mod?
You have the standard edition and you have Navetsea edition. If you picked Navetsea you also need to have the Navetsea face texture installed to make it work.

And the Armored skeletons do not change all the skeletons, it adds more powerful skeletons, in the beginning you wont notice them. They are added to the level list and more of them added to more "diffecult" quest/dungeons. I was going to do the Wolfskull Cave quest, and I barely managed to get inside of it because of just two armored skeletons.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by LS13 » 18 Dec 2012, 11:47

What is this nonsense? Skyrim skeletons that are actually challenging?!
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by LS13 » 18 Dec 2012, 18:11

Day 1 of girlfriend playing Skyrim, here are my 2 favorite things said

Her: Every time I try talking to people I accidentally steal from them.
Me: Are you crouching?
Her: Yeah, so?

Me: So have you met any skeevers yet?
Her: What's that?
Me: Oh nothing... random question, are you scared of rats?
Her: Yeah, like deathly afraid. Those eyes just freak me out...
Me: Good to know...
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 08 Jan 2013, 21:48

Finally got Skyrim to run at an acceptable level on my PC after many mods, settings tweaks, and other shinanigens. Now I just have to figure out what type of character to play as...

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Hytro » 09 Jan 2013, 11:16

Okay, some people might have computers who can't run Skyrim at max or just barely, here are just some quick mods that might help you a bit.

ATTK Skyrim Power Loader
Spoiler! :
The Description from the Mod:
The ATTK Power Loader: ... The power to control your Skyrim ...
Custom Ram Resource Allocation Algorithm, Hide loading windows, Clean up memory,
Skyrim can be run as low priority, Faster overall loading times, Incorporated optional SBW,
Windows programs can all be set to low priority during game play, (return on game exit)
Explorer can be set to low priority, Explorer can be unloaded, (return on game exit)
One click load to the game, (no matter current phase) Memory defragg options,
Options for intro logo and music, System safe - complete error checking,
Steam can be run as low priority and Steam can be shutdown completely ...
(leaving Skyrim to own the CPU) (set Steam to offline mode if shutting down)
Simple Borderless Window
Most of the Beth games runs much better in window mode, but the border is annoying, so therefore, we got this! (This is varies from system to system of course, so give it a try.

Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)
Is needed for ATTK Skyrim Power Loader, but it sometimes makes your game start up more smoothly, does for me usually.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 10 Jan 2013, 23:45

Yeah, I used a couple mods to get mine to run, don't remember the names of them.

Also have a few mods that add weapons and armor, plus Midas Magic. Some other ones too, forget what.

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Hytro » 07 Feb 2013, 13:23

Short story time

Todays adventure, after doing some quest for some orc strongholds I felt like continuing on the quest line for The College of Winterhold, and I was happily jumping over to fetch some books from some mages.
My character is now level 23 and is not good in anything, like really, I have made her so she is a little good with everything; destruction, sneak, bow, one-handed, light armor.
So far I have been playing on Master and I thought it was about time to crank it up to Expert again. Plus I had Deadly Dragons on Extreme.

As the sun shined upon the mountains and I watched a rabbit jump past me and I was getting ready to attack the mages, I heard a roar above me.
In front of me landed a Frost Dragon almost killing me instantly, as I ran away to get some cover and thinking up a strategy to kill this beast something made the ground shake and as I turned around, there landed a Blood Dragon.
I thought that I would still handle this, but moments later I was on the run again to avoid the ice tornadoes the Frost Dragon summoned up all over the mountain pas I was in.
I then saw a Dragon Wall, and realized that the Blood Dragon must have come from there, so I ran up there to use it for cover, only to to hear the sound of a tomb that cracked open and I saw the Dragon Priest Krosis awaken from his slumber and backing up with the sound of a dragon landing upon the dragon wall, this was the third dragon, a Frost Dragon, but not the one that attacked me before, this was the real dragon that was resting on this Dragon Wall.

At this point all I could do was to run while healing, with three powerful dragons chasing me with Krosis standing on the top raining fire upon me. This was how Heliana ended her days.

Super fun mod time

Time to get those dead bodies solid.
Makes all dead bodies solid, after you have used this mod, you can never play without it, no more stepping though dead bodies like they where not there.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Jake55778 » 07 Feb 2013, 13:33

Hytro wrote:
Super fun mod time

Time to get those dead bodies solid.
Makes all dead bodies solid, after you have used this mod, you can never play without it, no more stepping though dead bodies like they where not there.
That doesn't sound very convenient. I have a hard enough time maneuvering past my companion in tight spaces without having to climb over draugr corpses too. Dragon corpses with collision also seem like they'd be an issue: blocking doors/chests/word walls etc.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Hytro » 07 Feb 2013, 14:19

Jake55778 wrote:
Hytro wrote:
Super fun mod time

Time to get those dead bodies solid.
Makes all dead bodies solid, after you have used this mod, you can never play without it, no more stepping though dead bodies like they where not there.
That doesn't sound very convenient. I have a hard enough time maneuvering past my companion in tight spaces without having to climb over draugr corpses too. Dragon corpses with collision also seem like they'd be an issue: blocking doors/chests/word walls etc.
They are not solid as in stupid companion in the way, the corpses really easy gets pushed away when you walk upon them, and you can pull them around if you wanna stack them :D
The dragon bones are more heavy, and have a little chance of becoming a problem, but that is very rare and minimal, atm he is working on making npc's react to the solid dragon bones so they walk around them, and not do as they normally do, work through them, witch do not work anymore.
I have used the mod for a few days now and so far it has just made it much more immersive, if for some reason you actually get the problem of having Dragon Bones actually becoming a problem for a certain thing, use the console command to disable the Dragon Bones (click on the Dragon Bones and write disable) and the dragon bones are gone.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Lord_Mountbatten » 20 Dec 2013, 11:48

101 hours to finish my first playthrough.

Still need the DLC.

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Iron_Fang » 20 Dec 2013, 12:10

I still need to finish the boss D:

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Lord_Mountbatten » 20 Dec 2013, 12:11

I'm not even going to bother laughing.

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Invunarble » 20 Dec 2013, 14:27

Is it bad I bothered laughing about how you didn't bother laughing?
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