The Feels.

Glorious music maaaan.
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The Feels.

Post by DuplicateValue » 06 Aug 2012, 13:05

Inspired by the sad songs thread. So very often, a song comes along that is the musical embodiment of a certain emotion, feeling, something. This thread is to post such songs in.

This isn't just to post songs you think are good - they have to fulfill the above requirement, musically, or lyrically (preferably both). So just post the song, and what it embodies. I'm not just looking for sad songs here - give me happiness, anger, fear - whatever. If you want, try to explain how it achieves this.

So, with out further adue, I give you something bleak and hopeless:

I think the atmosphere in this one owes a lot to the reverb creating that empty feeling. The dull, constant repetition of the drums and bass also bring a sense of unease to the song. And then of course, the lyrics:

"Suddenly I stop,
but I know it's too late.
I'm lost in a forest,
all alone.
The girl was never there -
it's always the same.
I'm running towards nothing
again and again and again."

"He's like fire, and ice, and rage.
He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
He's ancient and forever.
He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
And... he's wonderful."

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Re: The Feels.

Post by motormaniac » 10 Feb 2013, 10:23

Thread resurrection with the saddest song of all time :shock:

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Re: The Feels.

Post by SMWasder » 10 Feb 2013, 11:12

The sad feels:
Spoiler! :
The angry feels:
Spoiler! :
The happy feels:
Spoiler! :

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