Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

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Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

Post by Blackadder51 » 06 Feb 2011, 08:53

I have been thinking of doing an information thread for a while now and I finally decided to actually type it and do it =D Why I have delayed to make this thread for so long is it inadvertently reveals quite a bit of my psyche.

But what is this thread all about? This thread is here for you to dump facts and observations that you have made that make your life a bit easer, like freezing your shoes stops them from stinking. Try to use a list formatting to make it easier on the eyes.

Also please keep in mind any Illegal or Highly Unethical posts will be deleted/edited and might incur a server penalty. Also if you disagree with any of the information or it is found to be offensive from any post please send me a pm and I shall deal with it.

Learn to drive and buy your own car. Driving makes everything easer, having your own car makes that even easer and to make it even easer in an Auto. Also dont buy Ethanol Fuel, its shit. Easy way to save money is to do own oil change.

Be the Designated driver every now and then. Not only will this score you massive friend points, you can save drinking money for next week and look somewhat respectable when you get home at 2am.

If you can't grow an awesome beard in less then a week shave it, otherwise it will look very shit and unprofessional and no one likes the hobo look to much these days.

Don't Lie often. Sure sometimes a lie is needed, to get out of homework, a job or whatever. However do not make this a habit. Lie to often and it will become sub-conscious habit, this will cause problems.

However if you need to lie. Look the person straight in the eye and say it with confidence and pride. Keep your palms open to show a inviting mood and keep the tone level. Also a small smile never hurt.

Your first love will hurt the most.

Humans look out for one person, themselves. Never trust anyone else.

Get a hobby in which you speak to people, humans are social creatures.

If you cant cook, use frozen vegetables and pasta.

Change from Coke or Soft Drink to water.

Never try to use logic with a drunken or emotional person. Remember last time you were drunk or pissed off? Did you honestly care about anyone's opinion but yours? This is what they are like, logic does not apply. Also when drinking try to drink some water before you sleep, helps the hangover. Also try not to drink alone.

Time heals most wounds.

A lot can happen in a week.

Aftershave is a better alternative to spray on deodorant.

Get a first Aid kid for the car.

Dont bother getting extra warranty on a laptop, after 2 years you will want a new one anyway.

First impression last a lifetime. Sure you can be a millionaire, but the pup owner in which you threw up will always remember you as the drunken pig that made his shit night even worse.

Judge most books by there cover. Looks like a wanker? He is. Looks like a bitch? She is. Most poeple are just that. Easy to judge, easy to predicate and easy to avoid.

Dont let your "mask wear you". We all speak to different people differently, we all have different "masks" for the situation, however make sure you know when you are wearing that mask and do not be afraid to go with out it.

When money is involved all bets are off.

If you suffer from Cold Sores take L-Lysine tablets daily. This prevents the virus from replicating, is cheap and can be found at most chemists.

Well thats my dump for tonight, lets see what you guys got.

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Re: Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

Post by Cho » 06 Feb 2011, 09:03

Blackadder51 wrote:Humans look out for one person, themselves. Never trust anyone else.
Wow dude, that's sad.
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Re: Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

Post by DuplicateValue » 06 Feb 2011, 09:15

Cho wrote:
Blackadder51 wrote:Humans look out for one person, themselves. Never trust anyone else.
Wow dude, that's sad.
Sad, but true.

I can't think of much myself, except:

Reveal your crazy habits to people in small doses. In moderation they may even seem endearing.
DO NOT dump the full force of your crazy on someone in one go, as they will likely just think you're a psycho.

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Re: Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

Post by Blackadder51 » 06 Feb 2011, 09:17

Cho wrote:
Blackadder51 wrote:Humans look out for one person, themselves. Never trust anyone else.
Wow dude, that's sad.

Just saying. Thats what i have found most people to be like.

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Re: Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

Post by Lord_Mountbatten » 06 Feb 2011, 09:28

Blackadder51 wrote:Judge most books by there cover. Looks like a wanker? He is. Looks like a bitch? She is. Most poeple are just that. Easy to judge, easy to predicate and easy to avoid.
This is the first line of Being Mountbatten for Beginners.

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Re: Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 06 Feb 2011, 23:16

I'm going to have to include that book in my list of Escapecraft Best Sellers. I'll put it next to "gate Signs: for Dummies".

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Re: Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

Post by Spartigus » 06 Feb 2011, 23:39

Be the Designated driver every now and then. Not only will this score you massive friend points, you can save drinking money for next week and look somewhat respectable when you get home at 2am.
I'm always the 'DD' but if i' m back anytime before 4am it was a bad night XD
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Re: Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

Post by lionheart_1 » 07 Feb 2011, 00:21

This pretty much sums it all up for me

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Re: Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

Post by superglitch » 09 Feb 2011, 21:42

Not that I should be one to complain, but it looks like you were pretty tired when wrote this, since I have never heard of someone geting a First Aid Kid for their car.

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Re: Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

Post by Blackadder51 » 09 Feb 2011, 21:48

superglitch wrote:Not that I should be one to complain, but it looks like you were pretty tired when wrote this, since I have never heard of someone geting a First Aid Kid for their car.

Rly? There like $20 from the chemist. You never now....

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Re: Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

Post by 697134002 » 09 Feb 2011, 22:24

Blackadder51 wrote:However if you need to lie. Look the person straight in the eye and say it with confidence and pride. Keep your palms open to show a inviting mood and keep the tone level. Also a small smile never hurt.
Actually, that can be interpreted as a sign of guilt. Have you ever confronted someone who lied to you? Chances are, they put their palms open. When they're telling the truth, they are casual.
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Re: Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

Post by Blackadder51 » 09 Feb 2011, 22:31

697134002 wrote:
Blackadder51 wrote:However if you need to lie. Look the person straight in the eye and say it with confidence and pride. Keep your palms open to show a inviting mood and keep the tone level. Also a small smile never hurt.
Actually, that can be interpreted as a sign of guilt. Have you ever confronted someone who lied to you? Chances are, they put their palms open. When they're telling the truth, they are casual.
Whilst that is true, I find dealing with customers a good mix between causal and "palm" works nicely.

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Re: Info Thread / Real Life Hacks and Cheats

Post by Nr1Asshole » 10 Feb 2011, 05:31


"Reveal your crazy habits to people in small doses. In moderation they may even seem endearing.
DO NOT dump the full force of your crazy on someone in one go, as they will likely just think you're a psycho."

But that`s how I get pplz to stay away from me with their blabbering talk about their hurr durr stuff :o

If they find it funney, then they are most likely on the same wavelenght and are worth talking to :D

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