Basically, we want to hit the ground running so to speak, and therefore the Minecraft videos will come into play soon, but for now...
It's game time.
The initial teams are as follows:
The Pies:
- Davejavu
- TyreseEngineer
- Robipodsupreme
- Random980
- Motormaniac
- MrWhales
- WildWill002
- Andy25100
- Tehbeard
- Spyboticsguy
Haxx, Lep and Iron? You have been granted sick notes while Master Builder is online and you are reporting on shizzle.
Any disagreements within the teams can be brought up with myself over PMs or over IRC.
Alright, you have your teams, I'd like you to talk to each other and return to this thread where one of you can make a post saying which game you would like to record along with a tentative time that you are going to be recording said game. You have until the 12th May to figure it out between yourselves and to record said game after the go-ahead from myself. If someone else in this thread is already playing that game, then please choose another.
After recording the files, zip them up together inside a dropbox folder or something similar (MediaFire is... ok) and send the link to me. Editing the files is optional as I will take care of that if you are unable to.
Any questions?