by RobipodSupreme » 06 Jun 2013, 06:23
Well, I was walking along in the woods near my home, dog lead in hand, looking for one of my labradors, who had run off after a pigeon. Seeing movement among the dense foliage, I moved to investigate.
But it was not my dog that I saw, as I parted those needled branches.
A group of people, ranging in age from around 13-18, was sitting around a fire, laughing at the antics of someone dancing over the fire. At first I assumed it was nothing more than campfire tomfoolery... I couldn't have been more wrong....
--------------(do cults count?)------------
As I moved closer, intending to ask whether they'd seen a dog anywhere, I was able to see more clearly what was happening over the campfire.
The young looking boy was in fact chained to a stake, driven deep into the ground in the centre of the sizeable fire, and his dancing was in fact a frenzied attempt to avoid the flames, hindered by sharp sticks in the hands of the other 'campers'. As I watched in horror his movements became more sluggish, and he fell to the center of the flames. The clearing was filled with the stench of burning cloth and flesh.
I backed away, mindlessly trying to escape, if possible to tell someone about what I'd seen. Unfortunately for me, my dog chose that moment to bound up, tongue lolling, having abandoned her chase. Needless to say I was spotted, and my eyes locked with the most imposing of the group, as the others rushed towards me.....
TO BE CONTINUED....................
[definitely realistic]
I'm like 80% gayer than when I was on here last
I was a mod once
my discord is Ryin ❄#4444 if you wanna hmu fams
Miss you