Welcome to the Let's Plays Subforum!

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Welcome to the Let's Plays Subforum!

Post by shaunpat99 » 10 Sep 2013, 15:40

Hello there, looks like you've found the Let's Plays Subforum! We've recently decided to allow you, the players, to see and partake in discussion of our series of Let's Plays on the Escapecraft Youtube Channel. So feel free to jump in and comment on how we're doing or whatnot.

The forum rules do still apply here, so please don't troll or post anything that just doesn't belong in this subforum. Also, there are some spreadsheets around this subforum, do not edit them unless you are one of our Let's Players.

Finally, if you're interested in becoming one of our fabulous Let's Players, send me a PM. Video recording at least a Mic will be required.
Hey you, go check out the Escapecraft Youtube Channel!
"You can't just jetpack away from all your problems!"
But he totally could, and it was awesome.


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