Stopping by! (Mattybcd)

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Joined: 17 Feb 2016, 23:39

Stopping by! (Mattybcd)

Post by MaattttaaM » 26 Feb 2016, 17:15

Remember when i used to post completely random topics on here that had nothing to do with anything? (If you're from 2011/2012) Well, chances are this is another one of those.

It's cool to see how much this place has changed, server and forum wise, and i basically just want to meet the new people and maybe reminisce with some of my old friends! So, tell me about yourself, whether I've met you or not, and maybe i'll see some familiar faces! Thanks Guys!

A little bit about myself...
Spoiler! :
So if you do know who i am, I've changed a lot, and you probably wouldn't recognize me if you saw me on the server, forums, etc, but yeah, for the people that don't know me, or do but forgot, here's my somewhat interesting but boring story/history!

If you couldn't have already guessed, my name is in fact 'Matt' or 'Mathias'. I used to go by mattybcd on the server, but considering it's been about 5-6 years, i figured i'd change my name (Since that's a thing now!). Anyway's, last time anyone would have seen me, i would have been 12 years old. Yeah, i was that annoying kid. I'm 17 now, i go to college for Graphic Design, and i still don't have my license...

So, what happened?

I kinda just left without exactly giving a warning to anyone, i made a post on here somewhere and dipped,i told everyone it was family issues, but nope, i was fed up with not getting staff (Real world problems, huh?) But seriously, i regret doing that because i lost a lot of friends on here, and believe it or not this server actually helped me out a lot. After i left, things kinda went downhill sadly. When i turned 14, i was diagnosed with Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, ADD, and Insomnia, which sucked. I had no motivation to do anything, and that drove me up the wall because i always wanted to do something, hell, i didn't even play video games for about 2 years. After the summer of 2014, i met my girlfriend, and things s tarted to look up a little more. I started a YouTube channel, gained 35 thousand subscribers, started designing, apprenticed as an electrician, and yeah, i got to graduate high school a year early and now i'm almost done my second semester of college!

Sorry for rambling, i just missed you guys and figured i'd post and see what everyone was up to. I noticed a lot of things were different, and it looks great. Defiantly felt some nostalgia reading through some of the old forum post etc. If you guys wanna talk, if I've ever met you or not, i'm in the IRC quite a bit ('Matt'). And if anyone needs anything Graphics Work done, or even help with some plugins (Working on my second one now!) Feel free to PM me! Thanks Guys, missed you all<3

Posts: 5
Joined: 17 Feb 2016, 23:39

Re: Stopping by! (Mattybcd)

Post by MaattttaaM » 03 Mar 2016, 17:47

I renamed the post, because i don't think anyone actually knew who i was xD

Posts: 155
Joined: 04 Dec 2012, 09:14

Re: Stopping by! (Mattybcd)

Post by arizons » 01 Jun 2016, 19:18

LOL....who are you? joking...sort should come post more random stuff to entertain us!
Between my fat fingers and auto-correct—I just can’t win! 

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