What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

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What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by DuplicateValue » 08 Feb 2011, 16:39

Taking the inspiration from the "how big is your house" question in the Ask the Mods thread, I thought it'd be cool to see what homes you have built yourself in Escapia.

Do you prefer giant castles, or are cosy cottages your thing? Let us see by posting pictures of it!

If you're uploading a good few pics, I suggest using Imgur: http://imgur.com/
No account needed, and you can group them into an album! :)

As for me, I don't see the point in having a giant house with barely anything in it, so I generally build medium-sized homes. This is a new house I recently finished on my little island:

Part 1: http://imgur.com/a/nTKeQ
Part 2: http://imgur.com/a/K1W1e

I'm not finished furnishing it yet, so excuse the empty spaces. :)
Also, not pictured: my secret storage room. ;)

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by XDelphi » 08 Feb 2011, 16:45

Well, I guess in literal terms...
I like to hang over cliffs, consist mainly of obsidian, smoothstone, wood and lapis lazuli blocks. Ah yes, I have a tower extending from my back region, and did have a sibling, who was ripped to shreds by Blackadder51.
Good enough for you, Value? ;)
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by DuplicateValue » 08 Feb 2011, 17:16

Very informative.

You should probably get that tower looked at. :lol:

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by vallorn » 08 Feb 2011, 17:20

i build towns. Skytown on Escapia II and V88 on Escapia III

i use exuberant amounts of Lava in building...
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by Blackadder51 » 08 Feb 2011, 18:19

Heh, i dont have a house on this map. The close-est thing to a house is my warehouse. However when i do build a house it shall be small and quaint.

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by vallorn » 08 Feb 2011, 18:30

Blackadder51 wrote:Heh, i dont have a house on this map. The close-est thing to a house is my warehouse. However when i do build a house it shall be small and quaint.
and made from TNT and fire...
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by 697134002 » 08 Feb 2011, 18:48

My houses say two things about me.

1: Humble. I use barely any space for my houses. My first house, cobble and mossy cobble, has a small maze below it with chests of stuff.

2: Enjoyment of historical stuff. My first house looks like ancient ruins, and my second is a humble tower in the Corinth castle.
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by Furdabip » 09 Feb 2011, 02:22

My house is the penthouse on the second floor of Moriarty, just outside Able in Corinth. It's 18x40, but has double-thick walls, so the interior is only 14x36. It also has an 18x17 deck. It's fully furnished, and private, so I refuse to show any of it off. But it's size is about medium, I suppose. I have an overflowing amount of storage boxes, as that's basicly what I use a house for. :-)

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by superglitch » 14 Feb 2011, 21:30

My minecraft houses tend to be an underground complex, with fully functioning farms, a chest storage area, Cobble Generators, and a few living areas with tons of water. Oh yeah, and the beds are always green with black pillows. Though I do consider having a Monument a standerd feature.

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by luke2006 » 18 Feb 2011, 16:48

My house is made of cobblestone, wood and glass since they were easy to get to. It's a huge tower that reaches the build limit, and the view is pretty awesome.

I showed Cho and Blackadder (the mods) last night, and they said it was awesome but were a bit annoyed that they had to climb up this massive spriralling staircase :P I'm probably gonna add some lifts soon to solve that problem.

And then I've started digging underground, so there's tree farm and soon to be a wheat farm, cactus farm and sugar cane farm.

About halfway up the tower is a bit that sticks out, and that has two floors with my chests, furnaces and crafting tables.

I'm thinking of adding a couple more random scenery floors? Like, library and bedroom and such.

EDIT: So I've finished my tree farm, wheat farm, sugar farm and cactus farm underground. At the moment, though, I have 3 completely empty levels in my tower - 2 small and 1 large - and I have no idea what to do with them :P

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by Shadow_Kirby » 22 Feb 2011, 15:16

If there's one thing about my houses (or whatever I'm building really) is that I try to be in harmony with nature. I hate it when people just raze down a mountain, make a flat land of grass and build over that. I prefer to find a natural spot I like (a mountain or a lake) and I find where a house would look good. I will use natural caverns as basements or connections between buildings and mountain sides as towers.

I really just like the randomness of a minecraft world and discovering magnificent natural wonders.

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by arogon343 » 22 Feb 2011, 20:48

id have to say i like my ohuse organised, uniform and with as little uglyness as possible, my current home is my woode fortress complete with red carpets, mountains of books, a storagre room, lookout tower, secretary (grettle), podium (to adress the townsfolk) and as many rare blacks as posible such as obby and lapis ect.
hope that is addequette (i hope i spelt that right, but i know i havnt)
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by Tehbeard » 04 Mar 2011, 08:29

Dwarf Science!

How do you come to this conclusion?
  • My Homes on Escapia II/III have all been fairly big laboratories, with space to test out various ideas.
  • Said lab is usually constructed next to/in a mine.
  • Hyper-Industrialisation, I started what I believe to be the second largest branch diamond mine on the server (first largest is drox's)

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by RexDark » 12 Mar 2011, 12:55

It probably says something about me being a megalomaniac or something like that...
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by SisterCreep » 12 Mar 2011, 13:58

Is there such a thing as a palatial cottage?

I like houses that are somehow roomy, yet cozy at the same time, with a traditional look and feel. Lot's of safety features, and privacy, with clearly defined territory. I almost always include a half-story attic. My current house was designed for four residents, so each person has personal space, but shared structural elements. (oh gawd! I've built an effing condo!) It is not yet finished or furnished, but I'm working on it.

I like scenic areas with fantastic and expansive vistas, and I get right cranky if someone obstructs or sullies my view. I prefer to keep the surroundings as natural as possible, near the water, with lot's of distance between my house and other structures. I like neighbors, just not close ones.

I like to keep mines subtle or hidden, and usually, but not always, I prefer to mine natural caves vs. highly structured mines. On the other hand, caves are WAY more dangerous, and I iz a skerdi kat.

I also like to be the boss.

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by ChirpsAreFlying » 14 Mar 2011, 15:22

Well I certainly do like making my cities. I also enjoy making large monuments, generic skyscrapers, pixel art, fountains and small yet creative houses with different creative designs on them.

What I do believe that is my best creation that is a building that I have made on Minecraft is my Roman Colusseum. (I hope that I spelt that right). Haha.

If you ever would like to see more of my creations, I would like to invite you to Snake Head City to view some of them. :)
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by UnusualStranger » 14 Mar 2011, 21:38

Well, lets see.

First floor: Half Blocks. Takes a long time, requires twice as much cobble, and looks very smooth upon being finished.
Second Floor: Sandstone, which takes additional resources, and an also annoying amount of time to build. Not so bad.
Third Floor: Wool, and not even done yet.

Insides are mainly empty for the moment, and the building is surrounded by waterfalls, as well as has a gaping hole in the wall.
I have no idea what my house says about me other than....Interesting.
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by ChirpsAreFlying » 14 Mar 2011, 21:56

UnusualStranger wrote:Well, lets see.

First floor: Half Blocks. Takes a long time, requires twice as much cobble, and looks very smooth upon being finished.
Second Floor: Sandstone, which takes additional resources, and an also annoying amount of time to build. Not so bad.
Third Floor: Wool, and not even done yet.

Insides are mainly empty for the moment, and the building is surrounded by waterfalls, as well as has a gaping hole in the wall.
I have no idea what my house says about me other than....Interesting.
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by Cho » 15 Mar 2011, 06:46

That I like privacy at times... The wall around the house has no doors, gates, or tunnels.
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by supagama » 29 Mar 2011, 13:44

my biffletower pretty much sums it up.

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by tanisjihanis » 29 Mar 2011, 18:52

... not sure what a gigantic tree says... i enjoy nature? wait no... im playing mc....
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by Dr_McSteamy » 06 Apr 2011, 15:49

I have a tower built off of four Lambdas with a tree in the middle, below it is a massive cavern that is very orderly and kept well with strict rules for how it looks. It says I'm odd?

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by aflycon » 06 Apr 2011, 18:13

What does my Minecraft house say about me? Well, there's a sign by the door that reads "Home of Aflycon, Legate of Corinth". Trolololol.
Other than that, my texture pack makes wooden planks have 9001 sex appeal so I use them a lot. I love fireplaces and I can have them because I have (had) millions of bricks and Netherrack. I like to have bookshelves and other rare, hard to make, or tedious items in my homes to show that I'm really just a rich loser. I love windows that either line whole walls, or have small gaps in between them. In my place in Briarton there are two 11 block windows on each side, two high, with a line of stairs in front of them so it not only looks nice but you can be level with the windows. I love bay windows and having a good view in general 'cause I love how Minecraft looks. I also love love love using Lightstone, especially with the Smooth Lighting, and I really don't like using torches but I have to. @_@ I like to use stairs on my roofs, because they just make everything look better and light passes through them! I also like to build into mountains to look unobtrusive, but I like having long and grand stairways leading to my homes. And I love making houses at a high altitude, especially with a good view, but if clouds pass through my house I'm like "FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU-"

Welll, that's pretty much it. :3

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 09 Apr 2011, 17:33

Wow, my two houses must say completely different things about me....

My first house is probably the first thing you see north of spawn other than Crossroads. I tried to go for a Asain-ish feel on the house, which is surrounded by a stone wall with a wood-roofed gatehouse. Inside the walls, I have a fountain to the right and the entrance to my underground farms and branch mine on the left. My actual house is fairly small and sits on a small hill. It has walls of wool and logs, and floors made completely out of furnaces (wierd, I know). It also has a nicely organized storage area. I guess that house says I like functionality and organization.

To the second "house"! I'm not going to reveal the location of this one due to my fear of greifers. Anyways, it is an expansive "fortress" carved into the side of a mountain with an entrance gate marked of by large fire pits. The main hallway leads to a central pillar with fire (i guess I should mention that almost all the lighting is from netherrack) that has signs pointing to the different rooms. To the right is a dining room with a large table and chairs. To the left is a circular room with 45 furnaces in the walls, and a workbench in the middle accented by steps. Straight ahead down the steps are two other staircases. Two to each side lead down into my storage area and farms. The one straight ahead is a spiral staircase that goes into the bedrooms. Currently I have rooms for me and three others: ReaperOfDeah, blarrrgg, and MrWhales.

I guess my personality is very perfectionistic and organized. And if anyone wants a tour of the second house, let me know online. I'd be happy to oblige. You might even get a room.

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by Jake55778 » 10 Apr 2011, 01:44

My house says nothing about me because I haven't built one yet. For what I have in mind requires some preparation. It will be small in size and simple in design; a mere 5x5 cube consisting of only 71 blocks. However each of those blocks will be made of diamond! 639 gems in total (of which I have 280 already mined). It will sit proudly atop the myriad of mining tunnels required to build it.

...aaaand knowing my luck a creeper'll probably blow half the wall off the day I finish it :roll:
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by DuplicateValue » 10 Apr 2011, 05:44

Jake557 wrote:...aaaand knowing my luck a creeper'll probably blow half the wall off the day I finish it :roll:
That's what cuboid is for. :D

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by Iron_Fang » 11 Apr 2011, 08:39

My house is the Iron HQ it has a big I R O N sign around it, a obsidian and netherrack doorway, a private pool, a private incinerator room, the stock exchange of iron ( WIP ), a balcony, A glass creeper face, a wheat farm bedroom, and a treasure room. Intruders beware the wrath of my wolves Logan. Fang. Wulfen. Fluffy. and Wolfy.

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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by Cyphafrost » 22 Apr 2011, 08:47

I prefer nice log mansion,about 15 x 18, with two floors and an attic, complete with chairs and a table, with the attic filled with decorative bookshelves and chests. In other locations, i like to use a combo of mossy and regular cobble. I like pools, and almost always have a mine nearby. All my houses have at least on guest room in them.
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by Wildwill002 » 22 Apr 2011, 10:14

All my ssp houses are underground with massive flatlands behind them on which i build things.

On one of these i have the multimob tower which has taken me since wolves came out to build.

So basically im a shy person that likes to stay away from the masses whilst building things to aid my lifestyle and spending time with nature. I also have OCD which makes the flat plains -_-
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Re: What does your (Minecraft) house say about you?

Post by Pinmissile » 22 Apr 2011, 15:39

I own a castle dedicated to the art of being classy. The castle itself is built in several layers and has quite a few secret passages.

I'd say it's a pretty classy castle.


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