Why am I showing this to CUT? Why would CUT be interested in investing in a cottage resort in Fyra?
Excuse me, did I say cottage resort? What I meant to say was re-education camp. That hotel I proposed, that would contain the degenerates whose minds have been poisoned by ideas of freedom and happiness. The ice fishing location and spelunking caverns? Ruses to have them learn hard work and wilderness survival so as to increase company profits.
Within the hotel would be greenhouses where the degenerates would create all the food the re-education camps needs to operate and create lavish cakes from our glorious leaders, as well as eliminating the issue of suspicious shipments of thrown out food from the dumpster. Let us not forget of course the mine that will generate stone,coal, iron, redstone, gold, diamond and *gasp* Lapis Lauzil! It would also of course contain a library filled with profitable ideologies . Not to mention the mob cavern that will be used to challenge the degenerates combat skills. Lastly, don't worry about any degenerate employees trying to take an "early vacation" as this location is surrounded by water and cold, snowy biomes. They will not survive escaping.
And what of the cottages on the mountian- tops. Would they not be excellent vacation homes for the CEO and board of directors? The cottages provide and excellent view of the degenerates [s]suffering[/s] profit making. There are wolves in the valley, so that CUT higher-ups may collect wolves, and then send them after random slaves. It also comes with the fresh smelling, pain and profit laced mountain air.
How much would CUT to invest to acquire this wonder of HR? Why does CUT need this camp?
Well of course CUT needs this camp. The people of Fyra are peaceful loving folk who live off the land. This is not optimally profitable. This camp would begin the modernization and monopolization of Fyra.
All that it would take to acquire this fantastically profitable piece of HR management and personnel training is the promise to appoint Imikulate "Director of Camping and Human Resources Re-Education), the promise to cuboid/ pay to have cuboided key buildings (this is done to ensure the degenerates don't break anything) and to defend my/our land claim to a large area of a map (to ensure that the natural feel is preserved from degenerates who come by hoping to build castles/towns etc. I would also very much appreciate the investment of TNT and labour towards the task of hollowing out the mountain so as to install the hotel/prison. Otherwise I should be able to set up the rest of the "resort" by myself.
The land that CUT promises to defend.
I am willing to negotiate on the amount of landclaim that CUT will defend, but otherwise, do we have a deal?
PS. Sharks with lasers attached to their heads will be released at random intervals upon the beach.