I am in complete agreement with you Sal. When I saw the giant craters with holes everywhere I couldn't even fathom how to fix it and decided just to do the sides where things are organized and not just a mess. Don't get me wrong, massive TNT explosions are fun to look at and all, but for something like this controlled explosions works far better then giant mounds of TNT ever would.Saladus wrote:I'm starting to think maybe black should have members demonstrate they know how to use TnT effectively and efficiently before it's given out. I know we said do whatever topside, but honestly, it's just going to create problems. Here's how it looks when it's done in an organized manner. It's clean, looks good, and most importantly, every block can be reached if you miss one.
This is what happens when we just go crazy and blow up stuff randomly. I take one look at this, as well as others, and I have no idea how to approach it to clear it. Walls are left hanging, blocks are in midair, and NO lighting is left behind. So... mobs are crawling all over it. This floor used to be completely flat and approachable.
Here's what it looks like from the bottom on a floor level. Notice no torches anywhere, making it a nightmare to work around with creepers up
This should be an absolute NO NO!!!! TnT lines are just no good...
Here was the result last night of someone doing it. Tagmeh and I had to repair the floor. Picture the floor level here (with torches) not being there. Who's supposed to reach those blocks above? And how are we supposed to reach them when the floor is gone? Like I said, Tag and I had to put the floor back in place to make it possible to reach the upper blocks for future clearing
I understand everyone's intent... everyone wants to clear IC out. Doing it in a completely random manner though is only going to delay the process. You can see how far back Infes has cleared in the first pic.
It boils down to- Organized clearing = every block can be reached, no creepers with proper lighting, IC is cleared out faster, vs random clearing = no one wants to clean up messy blocks, no one knows how to approach it, no lighting, creepers everywhere, IC is finished much later.
Even on the south side I had found areas where the floors were blown out with no replacement blocks placed. I did what I could with the small amount of cobble I had but it would have been far easier for people to just fix it as they are going along.