Lets keep the Shibuya IC subway clean

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Lets keep the Shibuya IC subway clean

Post by Zinrius » 20 Apr 2011, 09:39

Greetings Escapia, as you may be aware off, I'm one out of a handful of conductors that keep the subway to IC clean and functional.

Last night I spend 2-3 hours fixing the spiral that goes up to the surface towards IC because it was just such a mess of gravel, dirt and cobblestone as well as organizing torches and making the [Lift] sign pretty ( please don't try to grief the golden block that holds it )

:D Being obsessive compulsive, I just couldn't see that unfinished! So I took my time and smoothstoned the whole place up ( I still have SOME parts that need fixing that I'll inspect today and that includes the big tunnel itself which needs a few holes plugged with smoothstone ) as well as fix the torch placement to fit my tastes ( hope Nart doesn't mind all these changes ^-^ )

There was some minor issue during the travel up the spiral which lead to either bouncing back or getting stuck during return at a few corners, I fixed these things up but if you have further issues please PM me with the details so I can fix the problem.

Please don't steal minecarts :3 the carts will NOT go anywhere if you do not take them because we have a new system that stores the carts automatically during "arrival" at the IC Station or Shibuya Station. Bottom line, it would be beneficial to all to return each minecart safely to it's point of dispatch. ( You can do this by crashing the minecart into the chest at each point )

Another thing, I've noticed there was a few "mines" sort of dug out near the rails, I proceeded to closing these for aesthetic reasons as well as for the safety of anyone near the rails from the following::

So please, don't mine near the rails. ( Thank you )

On the future check list, I shall make the rails that lead towards IC from smooth stone since I monitor often to see imperfections, I don't think it should be a problem for me to keep it without ugly cobblestone patches if the community helps me keep it that way :3

I will soon place a chest near both stations for "cobble/smooth stone/Coal/rails" donations that would be highly appreciated to keep the rails well kept.

Thank you very much for time and co-operation in helping me help you have a better, cleaner, nicer subway for our community. :)

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Re: Lets keep the Shibuya IC subway clean

Post by nart_21086 » 20 Apr 2011, 10:59

Zinrius.... Those holes and mines were there for certain reasons.. I have a few belongings hiden in the tunnel walls... although if you could fill the return rail with smoothstone that would be good.. but..
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Re: Lets keep the Shibuya IC subway clean

Post by Zinrius » 20 Apr 2011, 11:07

nart_21086 wrote:Zinrius.... Those holes and mines were there for certain reasons.. I have a few belongings hiden in the tunnel walls... although if you could fill the return rail with smoothstone that would be good.. but..
I wasn't told about these "holes", in fact, you should have informed said "maintenance" crew about these holes so we would be aware not to "fix" them according to our job description. I meant no harm by it nart, I do apologize. I'll help look for your belongings.


I found your chests, took me less than 5 minutes. Enjoy. ;)
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Re: Lets keep the Shibuya IC subway clean

Post by nart_21086 » 21 Apr 2011, 09:10

thanks Zin, I enjoy your altruism and dedication to server.
I Serve Escapia

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