AFK scripts

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AFK scripts

Post by wokka1 » 04 Jun 2011, 20:10

It was brought to our attention that some people may be using an AFK script to keep you from being kicked by the AFK Plugin we have. Anyone caught using something like this will first be warned, and if caught again, suspended or banned, depending on your attitude about it.

The AFK plugin is important for the server, for veteran status and also to make sure there are slots available for people to join. I know we haven't maxed our slots lately, but we do hope we will in the future, and this is not a good practice to have.

If you are doing this to inflate your played time for the achievements, that is a form of cheating, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Send me $20 and I'll edit your stats if you really wont those achievements, I'd rather not have people running scripts.

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Re: AFK scripts

Post by SUZZY_NINJA » 05 Jun 2011, 01:55

Does this go for Mob Grinder's as well? even at the exception of being Veteran & Royalty? Because, you already have a reserved slot in the server?

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Re: AFK scripts

Post by Infesord » 05 Jun 2011, 04:49

SUZZY_NINJA wrote:Does this go for Mob Grinder's as well? even at the exception of being Veteran & Royalty? Because, you already have a reserved slot in the server?
I'm willing to bet that it doesn't matter. The reserve list, as I recall Wokka saying, is that when a VIP with reserve slot enabled joins a full server (in this case 45/45) the server allows them to join so it looks like 46/45. This is a setting Wokka has chosen so that some non-VIP person won't get kicked randomly because a VIP joined the server, while still keeping the whole system that if a non-VIP joins a full server that can't join until a slot opens up.

If a VIP were to use a AFK script to stay on the server just because or to inflate stats, I doubt you will see any sympathy from Wokka.

And cmon.... really? Using a script? Sounds extremely lame to me. You'd think most people would just put a heavy weight on the jump key to keep themselves from going afk or something equally crude.

Honestly? IMHO Just don't do it.

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Re: AFK scripts

Post by Lord_Mountbatten » 05 Jun 2011, 05:54

SUZZY_NINJA wrote:Does this go for Mob Grinder's as well? even at the exception of being Veteran & Royalty? Because, you already have a reserved slot in the server?
I don't entirely understand why it's even being questioned.

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Re: AFK scripts

Post by mydrox » 05 Jun 2011, 07:54

SUZZY_NINJA wrote:Does this go for Mob Grinder's as well? even at the exception of being Veteran & Royalty? Because, you already have a reserved slot in the server?
if you are afk and use “anti-afk-method” to not get kicked, then you are potentially blocking a slot for other people. It doesn't matter doesn't matter if you are getting a drink, waiting for loot or give birth to a child. It is not tolerated to avoid the afk-kick other then by moving the character with your own hands, aka playing the game.

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Re: AFK scripts

Post by SUZZY_NINJA » 05 Jun 2011, 07:59

But why does it matter, if you have Royalty + Veteran? You already have the vet status, and plus you have a reserved spot on the server. :/

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Re: AFK scripts

Post by Wildwill002 » 05 Jun 2011, 08:10

Basically the bottom line is DONT DO IT.

I'm pretty sure there are no exceptions. If you want to keep a mobtower running whilst you go to the newsagents then ask a friend to wait there for you and keep it operational
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Re: AFK scripts

Post by MrWhales » 05 Jun 2011, 09:35

wokka1 wrote:If you are doing this to inflate your played time for the achievements, that is a form of cheating, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Wok, what if i have Minecraft and Youtube open, and I am watching.. and equestrian while i play? But sometimes i focus in on the video and minecraft becomes second? If that makes sense..

Edit: Just to be clear I don't use any script for what I am talking about. Although you probably could feasibly do it. It's just I am to lazy to work it out.
Last edited by MrWhales on 05 Jun 2011, 09:42, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: AFK scripts

Post by Zinrius » 05 Jun 2011, 09:41

MrWhales wrote:
wokka1 wrote:If you are doing this to inflate your played time for the achievements, that is a form of cheating, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Wok, what if i have Minecraft and Youtube open, and I am watching.. and equestrian while i play? But sometimes i focus in on the video and minecraft becomes second? If that makes sense..
I'm sorry, I lol'd. But it's not the same.

Using a software to simulate activity while you're not physically at your computer to AVOID the kick is the cause of grief.

But if you're on your computer monitoring events, regardless of what screen you look at, it's fine...

Minecraft is to relax, enjoy, have fun... We're not going to stick it up yours because you decided you wanted to watch a show or something. So long as the rules of the auto kick do not get overwritten it's just dandy because even though you're watching your shows,etc. The AFK system still does it's job properly.

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Re: AFK scripts

Post by mydrox » 05 Jun 2011, 10:39

SUZZY_NINJA wrote:But why does it matter, if you have Royalty + Veteran? You already have the vet status, and plus you have a reserved spot on the server. :/
I matters because you are blocking one slot that another player can't use while you are blocking it.
If you are on the reservelist you can rejoin the full server after you have been afk-kicked. But someone who isn't on the reserve list can't join if the server is full and you are blocking a slot while you are afk-scripting.

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Re: AFK scripts

Post by wokka1 » 05 Jun 2011, 12:24

Suzzy, you know the consequences if you do use it, I've now made it against the rules, so take that as you want. This topic is not up for discussion, the rule is set and we'll uphold it as we need to.

Whales, you are safe, thats not using a script, if you are idle for 10 mins, it will kick you while you watch your video.

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Re: AFK scripts

Post by SUZZY_NINJA » 05 Jun 2011, 17:52

I understand, and i agree now fully. But, i was just curious about any misconceptions and what not.

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Re: AFK scripts

Post by MrWhales » 05 Jun 2011, 20:08

wokka1 wrote: Whales, you are safe, thats not using a script, if you are idle for 10 mins, it will kick you while you watch your video.
I am okay with this. :3

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Re: AFK scripts

Post by Zinrius » 05 Jun 2011, 20:31

SUZZY_NINJA wrote:Does this go for Mob Grinder's as well? even at the exception of being Veteran & Royalty? Because, you already have a reserved slot in the server?
Regardless on your understanding on the matter, I'm still going to point out that even though you might be a royal veteran we still run on an "achievements" plugging which awards you an achievement for how much time you've played.

For example, JUST The other day I got a "Dedicated" achievement I believe it was for playing 25 days +

Wokka1 Also reiceved one for playing a full months worth of accomulated time. It's just these little things that you cheat into getting by getting your hours stacked up.
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