Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by donkypoink » 08 Jun 2011, 05:56

yes if i speak to you in-game, :P also got 4 stacks tnt?

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by vallorn » 08 Jun 2011, 09:00

donkypoink wrote:yes if i speak to you in-game, :P also got 4 stacks tnt?
il donate one of my last 2 diamond blocks and a metric Shtoen of Gunpowder to your rail. that sound good?

also il go ransack my old house in Vault88 and see if i have any rails left in there i can give you. (can clear it out while im at it.)
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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by ryn44 » 08 Jun 2011, 10:59

that would be awesome guys. I tend not to do digging with TNT for fear of breaking into someone elses tunnel or underground house and really messing something up, pick is more precise but takes a while.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by aflycon » 08 Jun 2011, 20:14

Contact me ingame and I will supply TNT and tools on behalf of the Talon Company and the Corinthian Empire.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by Laptop_mini » 08 Jun 2011, 23:25

Link between Drax and RSTP Subway Station, done.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by derigin » 08 Jun 2011, 23:39

You're opening up the RSTP track to the public, laptop?

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by Laptop_mini » 09 Jun 2011, 02:47

I've talked about that matter with Toki once again, and we both came to the same conclusion as last time, to leave the tracks private to RSTP Res.

There's a password on the door to the RSTP tracks. If you live in RSTP, you'll know the password, if you're not, then you can ask a resident to open it for you or sometimes to players trusted by the city, we will give out the password. If you visit RSTP once by foot, or with someone opening the door, you'll learn the password as it is shown in the station as a riddle.

We just don't want it to ease access of newbies/greifers/untrusted players to the cities... it's whats lets us not care about locking and protecting our stuff in the city... We haven't gotten a single greifing problem since the start of the city...

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by MrWhales » 09 Jun 2011, 07:28

ryn44 wrote: UPDATE
here is the current version of the map. I have all the current stops of the main ERTA line (the redline on my map) and have fully plotted every subway line that I am familiar with aside from Dududfs line which goes way the heck north to somewhere nobody really goes I don't think. I dunno who owns that line so I left it off but showed the connection.
I really that map...

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by Lord_Mountbatten » 09 Jun 2011, 09:22

Yeah, very nice map.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by ryn44 » 09 Jun 2011, 13:10

New Updates:
-added proposed line from South Draconax to DarkEnd, this is an extension I have already started on the Orange Line with donkypoink
-added the indicator that there is a walkway between south draconax and the RSTP line (this line is private)
-changed entire red line to dashed line to indicate the entire line is currently out of service.
-changed name of West of Spawn to West Station (kind of to correlate to the Red Line's North Station)
-added proposed line from West Saphiri to Saphiri (random has talked about demolishing west saphiri stop and just going straight into saphiri, I propose we keep both)
-added a compass which also indicates which direction is what axis for coordinates and what direction the coords move as you move (for instance as you move east your z coord goes to the negative)
-not a map update but I have been starting to indicate some line in Terra with their colors of my map. So far I did the station at Draconax but only on the side of things I have built. So the hallways show you what line is ahead (the Blue Line, Red Line or Orange Line) and also indicate which direction they will be in. Probably easier to understand if you check it out for yourself in Draconax.

(see original post for map)

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by derigin » 09 Jun 2011, 13:32

No inclusion on the map of the south subways with dotted lines yet, ryn?

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by ryn44 » 09 Jun 2011, 13:58

derigin wrote:No inclusion on the map of the south subways with dotted lines yet, ryn?
no. i have to make the map much larger for it. I will get on that soon though

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by donkypoink » 09 Jun 2011, 13:59

I have completed the line from darkend towards dragonax in the southern direction at x-203 as you told me to, still at the same depth i didnt make any turns nor did i went up or down. waiting for your end to link up :)

also replaced gravel and dirt with cobble.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by donkypoink » 10 Jun 2011, 09:45

i have linked both ends together, but i lack tnt since everything i had was spent on that line, theres a small part (arround 100/200 blocks) thats onlt 1 wide 2 high, for the rest everything is done.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by vallorn » 10 Jun 2011, 10:21

donkypoink wrote:i have linked both ends together, but i lack tnt since everything i had was spent on that line, theres a small part (arround 100/200 blocks) thats onlt 1 wide 2 high, for the rest everything is done.
roughly how much TNT?
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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by mydrox » 10 Jun 2011, 11:46

I have a bit of spare gunpowder that I wouldn't miss if it where gone.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by ryn44 » 10 Jun 2011, 11:48

currently i think we are good on tnt thanks to MrWhales huge funpowder donation. i collected some sand so i just need to make the tnt now. iron is where we are lacking. Infesord donated a massive amount to me for the orange line when it was still completely non-existant and I blew through it. anyone with the ability to donate large quantities of iron would be appreciated.

The tunnel from Draconax to Darkend is finished for the most part. We need donations of log blocks and iron for tracks. I will now be working on the southern end of the Red Line to get that finished up as most of the tunnels are there we are just missing track. My main job there will be widening tunnels and then laying track. As I am pretty much out of track save for the few stacks vall donated I will focus on getting the tunnels created, which will give me time to beg for more resources to get both this section completed as well as the Darkend extension completed.
In addition I have the ok to span the orange line over to Fort ITL which is great because I have a tunnel already dug from ages ago straight there from my complex. I just need cuboid permission for Art Park so that I can widen there, I also hope to add a stop in Art Park as it's one of the coolest attractions in Terra.
That's it for now.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by donkypoink » 10 Jun 2011, 13:22

vallorn wrote:
donkypoink wrote:i have linked both ends together, but i lack tnt since everything i had was spent on that line, theres a small part (arround 100/200 blocks) thats onlt 1 wide 2 high, for the rest everything is done.
roughly how much TNT?
4 stacks

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by vallorn » 10 Jun 2011, 13:42

donkypoink wrote:
vallorn wrote:
donkypoink wrote:i have linked both ends together, but i lack tnt since everything i had was spent on that line, theres a small part (arround 100/200 blocks) thats onlt 1 wide 2 high, for the rest everything is done.
roughly how much TNT?
4 stacks
i can give you some stacks of FunPowder towards that sure. :)
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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by donkypoink » 10 Jun 2011, 15:20

vallorn wrote:
donkypoink wrote:
4 stacks
i can give you some stacks of FunPowder towards that sure. :)

i would really like that, i was planning on making another line crossing from north/west to the demesne in the west.
and could also discuss with ryn what his future plans on side tracks.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by ryn44 » 10 Jun 2011, 15:54

donkypoink wrote:
vallorn wrote:
donkypoink wrote:
4 stacks
i can give you some stacks of FunPowder towards that sure. :)

i would really like that, i was planning on making another line crossing from north/west to the demesne in the west.
and could also discuss with ryn what his future plans on side tracks.
right now my only major plans are this:
1) finishing the digging out of the tunnels of Red Line south and laying the track for them. The track I have was donated by Vall so this seems only appropriate
2) using the 14 blocks of iron you gave me to lay track to Darkend. I may go with just one track for now until I get more iron.
3) getting permission to dig out my already dug tunnel below Art Park and installing a stop there for the Orange Line which continues to Fort ITL (the station there is near done)
4) re-routing the Orange Line south of x1000 to LeftHit's house Station which will then continue south to Border Post with a connection near Derg

1&2 are being done simultaneously as both are huge undertakings, but I figure I should actually get whatever track I can laid out going toward Darkend because that's the closest to being done and you did provide me with materials for it. And now that I think about it I have to put the southern redline on hold until I can get in touch with Deregin again since the entrance to that line is impossible to find.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by derigin » 10 Jun 2011, 16:55

There are three entrances:

At Vault 88 (Purple) it is just off the lower lobby. Val will need to find a way of connecting the Fort Itl - Vault red line to the South line in his lobby.

At Talvelat (Yellow) there is a plot with a [Lift Down] sign which takes you to the line.

At Kestle/Derg (Light Blue) there is a small wooden building with a brick floor next to a tower. There is a [Lift Down] sign that takes you down to the line.

I'll be on later tonight to help you find your way, and to provide you with more iron/goods.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by vallorn » 11 Jun 2011, 05:33

yah derig thats gonna be hard to do but i think i have a plan! :D

im gonna bring the south line over so that its under my station and then connect em with a [lift]
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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by ryn44 » 11 Jun 2011, 14:29

I forgot about one other project I wanted to complete. I was hoping to make the yellow line into a two-way line, as opposed to the current one-rail system they have now. This was going to be first order of business after connection orange line at solar city but my request to add that connection was denied so the project kind of got lost with it. Eventually I will focus on it but those other projects are the main focus right now. Luckilly a lot of this digging is paying off in iron and I have collected at least three stacks from the darkend dig alone.
Also val, I think a cohesive working stop at vault island to the souther rail is necessary before I really get to work down there. This will help in two ways.
It gives me more of a starting point as opposed to one that is relatively arbitrary right now (that tunel down there has tons of offshoots with really nicely dug tunnels so there is no direction.)
It also gives me time to mine iron and collect logs. I estimate using quite a few stacks of logs as boosters as I typically place one every 50 blocks, considering the need for one on each side of the tracks that figures to quite a bit of wood. Plus I currently don't have enough iron to create the track for the whole journey so it will need to be completed in steps. There is also the sanctum issue to be worked out. Theron has started what can only be described as a disjointed railway connection from sanctum (not trying to be a jerk, its just a mess) and that needs to be fixed.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by derigin » 12 Jun 2011, 00:59

Updated the south subway "map" to recognize some of things ryn and I found:

The Orange Line will hopefully continue from "X1000" to "Lefthit Station" then down direct to "Borderpost"

The Red Line will continue from the "Vault" to "Talvelat" then to "Derg/Kestle" then to "Sanctum" and then will hook up with the Orange Line down to "Borderpost".

The Yellow Line is something we just discovered. I am not sure what will happen to it, but it could somehow be integrated. It ends at where the Arch used to be next to the Art Park.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by ryn44 » 12 Jun 2011, 01:17

i will get this put in my version of the map at some point tomorrow.
as for now I wanna give a huge shout out to Laptop, Derigin, DonkyPoink, Vallorn and especially Infesord. This whole project took on a whole new life with all your cooperation and donation of time and resources. And again the feedback on the map I have drawn is also a huge boost in confidence and makes me happy to do it for you guys. my main fear is that Terra will be somewhat abandoned with the advent of the Ver 1 & 2 servers being accessible and ver 4 coming up soon.

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by Iron_Fang » 12 Jun 2011, 02:12

V4 is a puzzle world like bluexephos's israphel map

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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by ryn44 » 12 Jun 2011, 03:58

Subway map revisions and updates:
- Main point of interest. All dashed lines are now existing tunnels, they may however not be in service or have any track laid yet. The only exception to this is the line from X1000 Outpost to Lefty Station on the Purple Line
- Speaking of the Purple Line, you'll notice there is now a Purple Line. It is part of what was formerly the Orange Line in addition to some new tunnels and stops including Lefty Station, an old outpost left by LeftHit who also dug some sorta decent tunnels that I will be expanding. (for now service to X1000 Outpost remains on the Orange Line)
- The Orange Line now includes new proposals. The Darkend extension is dug, all we need to do is add a station in Darkend and lay boosters and track. The Fort ITL Station is essentially completed but not attached (done with ITL's permission). The tunnel used is an existing tunnel I built when I first got on Escapecraft and wanted easy access to my home in Oceanside as well as Fort ITL. At this time Art Park did not exist and I was not very good at digging tunnels, since it was meant to be a walking tunnel it is only 1 wide, so this needs to be expanded but I need cuboid permission at Art Park
- That being said I am also proposing a stop in Art Park, again I would need permission
- The southern Red Line has been plotted on the map along with all current stops.
- The Dashed Brown Line has been added. I have called it the Mystery Line as it is simply a nicely dug 3x3 tunnel that Derigin and I discovered today. It has some track laid but without boosters and without any real goal it seems. At some point I assume we will link it into the southern Red Line at the appropriate spot as a transfer after determining why it is being constructed and where to.
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Re: Subway Maps and other Subway Proposals

Post by derigin » 12 Jun 2011, 05:39

It is rather cool how this is turning out.

You have a ring road around spawn, which works out quite well. You have the North extension via IC. You have the three West railways (RSTP, USSR, Darkend) that tie into the ring road. You have Branchscrape in the East that ties in nice with the road. And then you have the two subways from the South, both originating from Borderpost, that has two connections to the ring road.

It's nice.

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