The Building Of the Imperial City: Diggin is DONE!

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by random980 » 28 Jun 2011, 05:58

I would like to help i really would, but i get bored of grinding fast. (especially when its just holding down a button and watching blocks pop out at you) Also im sick of all the over-hangs everywhere. Is there some TNT squad i can join or something? cause that would make me work on IC non-stop.
And nice work to everyone who has trudged through the grinding. IC is looking great.
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by Infesord » 28 Jun 2011, 20:42

random980 wrote:I would like to help i really would, but i get bored of grinding fast. (especially when its just holding down a button and watching blocks pop out at you) Also im sick of all the over-hangs everywhere. Is there some TNT squad i can join or something? cause that would make me work on IC non-stop.
And nice work to everyone who has trudged through the grinding. IC is looking great.
I think you might be confusing overhangs with controlled level organization. If you actually mean "overhnags" in what I what regard an overhang is, you know what we at IC do about those?
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Yeah and I know it can get really boring at times, I've been there myself before when Block Lag was horrendous, TNT was disabled, Killer INVISIBLE Slimes were amok and the dig crew really had no idea where to dig, not to mention the only channel around was the North Mkindy channel to help divide the area up and see where we were.
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by MKindy » 28 Jun 2011, 22:42

Infesord wrote:...not to mention the only channel around was the North Mkindy channel to help divide the area up and see where we were.
Aww, you still call it that? <3

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by random980 » 29 Jun 2011, 07:41

Infesord wrote: Yeah and I know it can get really boring at times, I've been there myself before when Block Lag was horrendous, TNT was disabled, Killer INVISIBLE Slimes were amok and the dig crew really had no idea where to dig, not to mention the only channel around was the North Mkindy channel to help divide the area up and see where we were.
Yes, yes. Ive worked (on and off) during all those times to. But if we just got some tnt and broke the server with it, it would be so much more entertaining.
Eekum Bokum
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by Rodech » 29 Jun 2011, 13:16

The shovel dispenser in the first warehouse is down to 8 shovels, the torches are nearly gone, and one of the two pick dispensers is empty. Just letting you guys know. Northwest section is coming along nicely and both the sandstone arch and wooden stairs have been taken care of.

Also, Random, if you can manage to catch Blackadder or Infesord online, ask them for TNT. IC needs all the Vets with TNT it can get :lol:

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by sag185 » 29 Jun 2011, 14:11

I would come and help, but im really lazy and cba to neaten up some areas for explosions ;L

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by Infesord » 29 Jun 2011, 21:10

MKindy wrote:
Infesord wrote:...not to mention the only channel around was the North Mkindy channel to help divide the area up and see where we were.
Aww, you still call it that? <3
Yes I do. Every channel was removed by a specific person except the south one. I did the West one (6 wide), Hytro did the East one (9 wide) and a mix of myself and Saladus did the South one (just 3 wide). But all those 3 channels we did with access to TNT and we did em only as a precursor seeing how nice it was to have the North channel divide the area up. Your channel width is WAAY bigger (20? 25? I have no idea) and you did it all just using a pick and shovel. You are a Master Excavator in my mind as far as I'm concerned even if you don't work on the project as of late.

As for the dispenser, I'll see if I can remind Blackadder if he's on to get it reloaded, since we still have a lot of work ahead of us.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by Blackadder51 » 29 Jun 2011, 21:18

Ill pop on tonight, as I need to do a proper update as well.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by Hytro » 30 Jun 2011, 05:55

Infes, I first found out that we could get TNT for the mining when I only had the top layer left to remove....
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by Rodech » 30 Jun 2011, 10:18

Since 1.7 will require Fire or Redstone to ignite TNT, will Flint & Steel/Redstone be given to workers using TNT as well? There's enough Iron and Gravel for Flint on site to use anyway, but I'm curious.
Last edited by Rodech on 30 Jun 2011, 12:48, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by Blackadder51 » 30 Jun 2011, 10:19

I guess so,

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by Infesord » 30 Jun 2011, 22:54

Hytro wrote:Infes, I first found out that we could get TNT for the mining when I only had the top layer left to remove....
I'm sorry, but what? Top layer of what and where? IC has more layers than a Delicious Parfait!
Rodech wrote:Since 1.7 will require Fire or Redstone to ignite TNT, will Flint & Steel/Redstone be given to workers using TNT as well? There's enough Iron and Gravel for Flint on site to use anyway, but I'm curious.
O really? jeez I... didn't even know that. I have more flints and Iron than you can shake a stick at so that's not an issue with me. If anyone needs some F&S's please just ask me I can make a whole bunch of them.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by Blackadder51 » 30 Jun 2011, 23:26

Oh yeah forgot to post last night. The dispensers have been refilled and locked in the warehouse.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar tnt!

Post by Blackadder51 » 02 Jul 2011, 13:19

Update 2nd Of July 4:11am.

Massive work once again has been completed, we have the entire bottom floor gone and massive chunks all dug out which has allowed for some construction to be completed.
The Warehouse looks worse then ever :)
And some bad news, well good news but still...

Currently the edges are sharp and box like. We need the edges to be more of a grass step design that leads into the City itself. I started to do this on the north west border were the massive ocean used to be.

Anywho Keep up the fantastic work :)
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Rodech » 02 Jul 2011, 15:20

Northwest is now 100% clear! :D (Save for the level 4 platform, of course.)

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by UndeadJesus » 04 Jul 2011, 06:59

I was brought here by a quick google search of "Cloud Ruler Temple Minecraft" and I have to say that i'm greatly interested in this project.

I would like to help (if possible)!

I will try and login and help after the 11th of July (I have gone over my internet limit :/) or I will just try and log on in my off peak time.

Hope to see you guys soon!

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by vallorn » 04 Jul 2011, 07:30

UndeadJesus wrote:I was brought here by a quick google search of "Cloud Ruler Temple Minecraft" and I have to say that i'm greatly interested in this project.

I would like to help (if possible)!

I will try and login and help after the 11th of July (I have gone over my internet limit :/) or I will just try and log on in my off peak time.

Hope to see you guys soon!
hi. any help is appreciated.

quick note. untill our pluggins and the bugs in 1.7 are fixed we are still on 1.6.6 so you may have to downgrade unless Notch and the Bukkit guys finish first.
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by UndeadJesus » 04 Jul 2011, 08:16

vallorn wrote:
UndeadJesus wrote:I was brought here by a quick google search of "Cloud Ruler Temple Minecraft" and I have to say that i'm greatly interested in this project.

I would like to help (if possible)!

I will try and login and help after the 11th of July (I have gone over my internet limit :/) or I will just try and log on in my off peak time.

Hope to see you guys soon!
hi. any help is appreciated.

quick note. untill our pluggins and the bugs in 1.7 are fixed we are still on 1.6.6 so you may have to downgrade unless Notch and the Bukkit guys finish first.
Okay thanks for that :D
I just downgraded to 1.6.6
I might log on to see the imperial city in 3 hours time (might even do some work)

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Blackadder51 » 04 Jul 2011, 08:40

blast I shall be off by then, but i welcome you none the lest :)

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 08 Jul 2011, 11:55

Grass slopes eh? I'll walk over sometime soon and help out with that. I have a large amount of dirt stashed somewhere...

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Infesord » 11 Jul 2011, 00:27

Grass slopes? Oh boy moar work!

Actually, if there's anything I DO have its dirt. I got like 10 boxes filled with Dirt. Chances are it will all be gone when this project gets finished.

BTW, The Next Corner I am working on the South West Corner. I'm not sure where everyone else went too. Unless everyone went to the North East Corner I will continue here.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Eddietester1066 » 11 Jul 2011, 01:18

Infesord wrote:Grass slopes? Oh boy moar work!

Actually, if there's anything I DO have its dirt. I got like 10 boxes filled with Dirt. Chances are it will all be gone when this project gets finished.

BTW, The Next Corner I am working on the South West Corner. I'm not sure where everyone else went too. Unless everyone went to the North East Corner I will continue here.
I've started driving NE from the top down, with occasional help. New kid on the block is Adidaspray, who likes to dig straight down... For some reason the trees have started dropping more apples than saplings. There's a double chest full at the depot if people get hungry :P

Unless I'm mistaken, Furdabip's Work Shack is inside the dig, but I'm not going to take it down. It's just too pretty... I was mistaken. Just checked, and it's outside the dig :D
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Soap2459 » 12 Jul 2011, 02:18

First of all is it possible to reach the dugeon u start out in seond i cried when i saw this it is butiful

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Infesord » 12 Jul 2011, 03:54

Soap2459 wrote:First of all is it possible to reach the dugeon u start out in seond i cried when i saw this it is butiful
Im pretty sure that since we have to use the entire skybox (the ground floor is Y level 8, Bedrock occurs at 5 so its REALLY down there) that such a thing can't be done. Or at the very least not in a place that matches up right with the Imperial City as it does in Oblivion.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Hytro » 12 Jul 2011, 04:26

Only the dungeons/sewers (bad grammar is bad) would have taken alsmost as much space as the city itself, we would need another 60/100 blocks high to make it all :P
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Cpt_Harlock » 12 Jul 2011, 19:55

Nice idea... I poored so many hours into that game that I still remember paintbrush glitching my way to the top of the tower.... And finishing the game right when i started lol. And also playing a full legit character that i got to lvl 60+ !!!

And I also need to post since i can't send PM's yet lol. I'll have to check this out.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Infesord » 14 Jul 2011, 21:32

After some investigation and some introspection on my part, I've decided to stop working on the South West and change to the North East corner for work, as Eddietester1066 seems to making great strides over there. I'll stick to the bottom while hes at the top, so if anyone is wondering where to dig, work at the North East corner together, just like we did the Northwest one.

As well, although we have the new thing with doing the sides with grass and steps all the way to the bottom, focus just on getting the 500x500 area out straight down. we'll do the cutting out of the stairs after that is all said and done.

Also, we won't need to move our stuff from the Level 4 North West Corner area, as we have many things nicely set up there to aid us. Others or myself will install necessary mine-cart systems from our little storage area to the current work site as time goes on to increase efficiency.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Eddietester1066 » 24 Jul 2011, 21:59

Any ideas why Black's Love Cannon keeps springing leaks?
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by aflycon » 24 Jul 2011, 22:00

Too much lovin'.


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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Zinrius » 24 Jul 2011, 23:42

The cannon of love is obviously missing some love. it's dusting away in it's loneliness .
You cannot say it doesn't exist if you haven't seen it. ~Zinrius

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