Hey everyone! For those of you who don't know (read: nearly all of you), I'm happy to say that I'm making a puzzle map that, upon completion, will be submitted to Wokka and (hopefully) integrated into the server for all to enjoy. But first, I have to finish it! And what better way to do that than with the help of the Escapecraft community who will be playing it?
Basically, I need suggestions. Tell me what kind of puzzles you like. Do you prefer parkour, resource-based tests of knowledge, logic problems, or timing challenges? A mix of those? None? Do you enjoy playing with redstone, fire, water, or mechanisms, or would you prefer to have a puzzle based on watching grass grow? I need ideas! From the most elaborate, down-to-the-block plans to the vaguest details about whether smooth stone or cobble is a better material--all opinions are welcome.
I will also be using this thread to keep anyone interested up-to-date with progress. So far, I've finished the basic design, as well as two puzzle rooms.