Locale: The main lift down to Zork is located x: 251 y:63 z: 399. The 'near spawn' entrance to the Zork public transit rail is located x: 234 y:58 z: 388
Please note, because of griefing and what not, we will be adding a lock to the public transit cart dispenser. The password is grues.
News: Theology topic is now up
Staff: In-game please talk to these founders for any of you concerns about Zork
Groups: groups within Zork
Current residents: these are Zork's current inhabitants
[Mayor] Shadowed_Lucario
[Town Planner] TLuke222
You can become a resident by asking one of our staff. If no one is on then just wait. We are on the most during the weekends.
Features: Zork has many attractions for its residents
Agricultural district
Separate plots
Pleasant staff
Public transit
Public water-spring
Nether Embassy
Netherwart farm
Blaze farm
Chat channel: We have our own private channel. The name is zork and the password is grues. You only have to enter the password once, then you can enter the chat any time without having to type in the password. If you are joining the chat for the first time, the command would look like this: /ch zork grues.
The more the better: Zork is happy to have most all.
Up and coming: features indev
Note: ask one of our staff about developing one of you ideas!
wheat and cacti farms
commerce district
Vip plots