Minazen wrote:[...]This discussion is nothing but individuals trying to seem like they ‘care’ about discussing against the immorality of capital punishment [...]
While I agree with the rest of the statement (even though I'm not as cynical as you anymore), this made me cringe.
This is an ethical discussion, and ethics is a school of philosophy. This particular field is not entirely made up of pragmatic approaches/solutions and the scientific method of philosphy is highly abstract to rid it of mere emotions such as "caring". Stripping your propositions and premises of emotions is crucial to finding objective ethical rules and the answer on how to rationally conclude (im)morality.
It is a matter of seeing a phenomenon and questioning the logic behind it. The origin of interest ("caring" or not) is entirely insignificant, as the arguments here are (to the most part) based on rational theses.
This makes your proposition ("individuals trying to seem like they 'care'") invalid.
random980 wrote:[...]As a race humans wanting to kill other humans isnt natural, its mainly just a thought formed over built up rage at ignorant people who you and others have now possibly generalized towards all strangers possibly due to not growing up in a friendly environment. We are meant to care for other people its just that modern society is changing that.
History proves otherwise. Even in times when people lived together in clans or ethnic groups, killing other humans was part of daily life. Wars have always been waged, between tribes, between holders of power and even individuals.
What I
do agree with is that we have the natural tendency to take care of others.
However, it is just as natural as
xenophobia (referring to individuals from outside your social environment). This tendency of caring, as anthropologists have proven, only applies to individuals within your own social group such as family and friends: Your clan.
Neither is this a phenomenon among people growing up in an "unfriendly environment", nor is it a phenomenon that arose with modern society.
(edit: Dangit, every time I skim through this I find more typos, mistranslations and clumsy phrasings. Getting tired of that. GAH.)