Clear Skies - Now Open!

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Iron_Fang » 05 Jul 2011, 14:31

"Hey now, I do not think it's a great idea to give out any information on us. This is obviously a classified mission and giving out your EPA number isn't something I would go around doing.
Blackmane walks after Luke " you know it is only like a phone only better? Anyway I may need your number just incase Luke, you seen the Techno Co. store i need some parts and stuff, or the food court?"

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Sir_Luke » 05 Jul 2011, 14:56

" you know it is only like a phone only better? Anyway I may need your number just incase Luke, you seen the Techno Co. store i need some parts and stuff, or the food court?"

Well, you can never be too careful. These things could have a tracking unit or something that's valuable in them. To answer your question no I have no clue where anything is yet.
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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by ojamamask » 05 Jul 2011, 15:41

The journey was fairly quick, much faster then he expected. Only twenty minutes after launch they were already landing at their destination which was a space station of some sort. Looking outside the window he could see the planet Jupiter, now he knew they were either at the dock of Atlantis or Sky434. The was a shaky bump and the doors of the ship slowly opened.
"Alright, I don't wanna lose any of you, so I'm hoping this isn't as bad an idea as I think it is,"
Michael turned his head to see a man with short brown hair and a few scars along the sides of his face. It seemed that he was the leader of the squad. "We've got just over an hour of waiting. We're not heading down to Atlantis by a public shuttle. We're scheduled to be briefed by a few of the higher up fellas, where we'll receive our mission,"

Upon hearing this news Michael walked quickly towards the toilet, trying not to gather attention. He forgot to go before the journey. When he finished using the men's room, he went to see what there was to eat. Masses of food brands from 'Digital Sauce' to 'McDonalds' were next to each other row after row further than the vanishing point of his eye. Michael was struggling which restaurant and eventually closed his eyes and randomly pointed at one.

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Iron_Fang » 05 Jul 2011, 16:16

Blackmane found the Techno Co. Shop right next to a old 21st century food shop called Subway, he got a Italian BLT (his favourite) and went into the the shop and upgraded his EPA into the new Tomb Raider headset version, it looked like it was from a movie in the old-tech days called the Tomb Raider. As he goes out he spots Michael pointing at one of the shops and goes to talk to him, "hey" he says to Mike.

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by KaosuHamoni » 05 Jul 2011, 16:25

"Great! my number on my EPA is 1151337161025001"

As the man with the idiotic grin walks away, Erika mumbles under her breath, "You ever fucking touch me again and I will cut you, asshole..."

She was pretty sure that he was part of the squad she'd been told about. Technically, they were working toward the same goal, however, her employer had said that there was no need to affiliate herself with them. In fact, he mentioned that it could lead to some trouble. Erika had her doubts. "Why say that? He obviously doesn't want me to work with them... Fuck him, he doesn't own me. I can work with them if I want to, hell, it might take some of the burden off me, but then again, they are CoO..."

As she walked through the crowds of people, she passed some guy with his eyes closed. She walked right in front of him, ducked under the sudden arm flung in her way, which was pointing at something, and palmed his EPA. "Jerkoff!" She said. He was a squad member too, the EPA was military issue, and he was wearing combat armor. As she walked away, almost bumping into a Chinese family- "Hey" "Shit!" It was the moron again. She flicked a couple of switches on her 'wristwatch', and chuckled to herself. "One simple Holomorph, and I'm apparently carrying no weapons... And I'm African. People sure are gullible these days."

As she flicked through the address book, and rang the Sgt, she said clearly through the EPA "This is exactly who you think it is. Clue me in later, and your boy will get his glorified phone back, capiche?"
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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Blank_Kold » 05 Jul 2011, 17:56


Vestis heard the voice of a woman split the air. He turned instinctively to see the voice's owner almost pummel into several civilians. " A common pickpocket," he thought, suddenly uninterested. But then came the flicker and sound of a hologram starting up.

Vestis was thrilled. His teeth were on edge. He had found someone to kill. He set of, following the newly made african woman through the crowds, pondering how he would kill her.

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by KaosuHamoni » 05 Jul 2011, 18:29

"...Kill her."

As the hate and anger and bloodlust fizzled up her arm, she span around just in time to see another military-type giving chase. "Hey, fuckface!" The anger at her insult was clearly written across his features, and he sped up. She laughed, and said "I hate to be a chore, but be a doll and give this to the Sergeant for me? Thanks, hun...", before sliding the EPA toward him, and flicking another switch. Within milliseconds, she was gone. Invisible to the naked eye.

As she was leaving, heading back to her space-fighter, she said to the puzzled, furious man, "Oh, and tell him that I felt sorry for the kid, otherwise I'd have probably kept that fancy thing..."

The Sarge could contact her via her fighter. He'd bloody better.
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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Blank_Kold » 05 Jul 2011, 18:45

"Oh, and tell him that I felt sorry for the kid, otherwise I'd have probably kept that fancy thing..."

"I'll make sure to, love," Vestis answered. He was enjoying this. So long had it been since someone escaped. What's more, she knew the fools he was being paid to work with.

He loved professionals. They did, after all, have so much in common.

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Sir_Luke » 06 Jul 2011, 08:38

"I'll make sure to, love,"

"Wow, what a jerk." Luke came up behind Vestis. "So is she a part of our squad?"
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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by TheAquapunk » 06 Jul 2011, 08:41

Pendrite walked off the shuttle and looked round the space-port and listened the Sarge whilst he gave out orders.
"I would wait around for any questions, but I've got some work to tend to, so I might be a while."
Ze nodded before heading towards the food stalls.
Ze'd expected a longer journey, but was glad ze hadn't been stuck on the craft for any longer- any more of the reticent egotists that made up half the squad and ze would've punched someone, which didn't fit with zir duty as a medic.
One guy gave zir the creeps- Pendrite didn't know his name, but ze knew trouble.
Ze saw a Sifrin's Stop and headed inside. Sifrin's had originated on zir home-colony, New Angeles, and it was always nice to be reminded of home.
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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Blank_Kold » 06 Jul 2011, 09:26

"So is she a part of our squad?"

"I certainly hope so. That would make things so much easier. Also, try not to lose this again," Vestis sneered, tossing Luke his EPA. "Now if you excuse me, i have paralytics to make."

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by ojamamask » 06 Jul 2011, 15:53

As Michael pointed at one of the shops, two voices made his eyes re-open
"Jerkoff!"He noticed that it was a a young woman with red hair wearing some sort of a cotton shirt. She didn't seem to be very amused and as she walked off she bumped into numerous people whilst shouting insults at them.
"What's her problem?" He wondered to himself. The other voice he heard came from a man
He turned around to see Blackmane and saw a him halfway through a baguette filled with all sorts of foods.
"Hello there," replied Michael "I'm just seeing what there is too eat."

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Iron_Fang » 06 Jul 2011, 16:40

"Hello there," replied Michael "I'm just seeing what there is too eat."
"hmm" says Blackmane as he looks at the commotion going on behind them "there is Sloppy Mo's, Mac Do,Subway, Astropizza, Mars dust special and bill and bens ice-cream. Got this from subway with a few more in my pack including another Italian BLT, a meatball manaics, 2 meat feasts and a ham and pepperoni. All for the trip!"

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 07 Jul 2011, 00:40

Still thinking about his words with Hans, Nathan made his way to the briefing room.
He was the first to arrive, waiting outside the locked and guarded room. His EPA suddenly buzzed. He pulled it out and noticed it was one of the new kids, Luke Win.
"Yeah, Luke?"
"This is exactly who you think it is. Clue me in later, and your boy will get his glorified phone back, capiche?"
Nathan swore. They'd told him about this girl. For some reason, she was supposed to be helping them with whatever mission this was. He supposed it was the same reason the other mercenary had been hired. Before he could speak, the call ended. He'd respond later.
For now, he needed to make it clear to Win that his equipment was important, and shouldn't be stolen.
He waited for the kids to show up, popping yet another piece of SpaceTaste in his mouth.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Blank_Kold » 07 Jul 2011, 04:41

Vestis called the sargent on his EPA, they had things to discuss.

"I got the kid his toy back. You and I have things to discuss," Vestis went on without giving the sargent a chance to speak. "First, a shipment of weapons your bosses paid for will be arriving soon, no one is to touch them. Second, I need all of the dossiers you've been given for this mission. Ask your superiors if you have to, but know that this is not a request. I'll be at the ship within five minutes," Vestis finished, hanging up as he did.

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Iron_Fang » 07 Jul 2011, 06:51

"That was lucky Luke" says Blackmane, we should finish off and head back now before any more trouble, "Just wait a sec for me" and he walks off to the toilet. A few minutes later he returns to Luke "Done, you need anything?"

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by EricSmarties » 07 Jul 2011, 06:59

What had this world come to? People were stealing all the time just to fuel theire greed. I decided to ignore everyone and went to talk to sarge. "Hey sarge whats going on?"

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by ojamamask » 07 Jul 2011, 10:59

"There is Sloppy Mo's, Mac Do,Subway, Astropizza, Mars dust special and bill and bens ice-cream. Got this from subway with a few more in my pack including another Italian BLT, a meatball manaics, 2 meat feasts and a ham and pepperoni. All for the trip!"

Half of those he never even heard of, his life was pretty simple in the country. Most of his meals were home cooked with the occasional trip to town. He decided to play it safe and just go to Macdonald's and order a big mac meal, nothing to filling. He didn't want to have stitches on his first day.

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Iron_Fang » 07 Jul 2011, 16:23

Blackmane watches Luke go to Mac Donalds and order a big mac, Blackmane didn't like the cold chips there and waited for him, he then phoned sarge "Hey, Sarge! When do we meet back me and luke are almost done, I think."

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 07 Jul 2011, 23:41

Nathan waited as the officials began showing up by the locked up room. He first received a call from Vestis.
"First, a shipment of weapons your bosses paid for will be arriving soon, no one is to touch them. Second, I need all of the dossiers you've been given for this mission. Ask your superiors if you have to, but know that this is not a request. I'll be at the ship within five minutes."
Before Nathan could respond, the mercenary hung up. Nathan was beginning to grow tired of these mercenaries...
Another call.
"Hey, Sarge! When do we meet back me and luke are almost done, I think," came Blackmane's voice.
"You should be on your way here, Nathan responded. Can you be here within five minutes?"
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Iron_Fang » 08 Jul 2011, 00:10

Blackmane says "ow" and Luke gets his big mac, "no time now Luke, we are needed back, we need to get there in 5 mins" he then starts running back to the rest of the squad

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Sir_Luke » 08 Jul 2011, 10:13

Luke throws his big mac at a poor beggar and then follows after black.
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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Iron_Fang » 08 Jul 2011, 13:33

Blackmane chuckles "You didn't have to throw it away Mate but atleast you are generous" and they walk into the Hangar.

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Blank_Kold » 08 Jul 2011, 15:12

"Can you be here within five minutes?"

"Are you trying to surround me or is that just my paranoia, Sargent?" Vestis chuckled, not knowing if what he said had been a joke. "I just got confirmation that my shipment's arrived, could you tell me where? Also the dossiers, I trust you have them."

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Iron_Fang » 08 Jul 2011, 16:10

Blackman and Luke walk to the shuttle to find the dark haired man that they met before talking to sarge

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Sir_Luke » 08 Jul 2011, 20:10

Luke crosses his arms and listens in to what the people are saying.

[On a totally different note, I now entrust Iron_Fang to take control over my character when ever he wants to.] ;)
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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 09 Jul 2011, 11:14

"I just got confirmation that my shipment's arrived, could you tell me where? Also the dossiers, I trust you have them."
I have nothing. You and I know just as much'about the mission. The weapons shipment has arrived, but I've been given word from the CoO that you're not to touch them. Apparently you get these as a reward for helping us. Sorry. Don't worry though, I hear we've got something for weapons for this mission."

As the kids showed up slowly, Nathan lead them into the top secret room, where five suited men stood, and about ten soldiers kept their fingers on the trigger. After the group sat down, the briefing began. Nathan could see Richard Hans among the five suited men.

"Soldiers, I''m in a hurry, so I'll make this quick," a man began, "your mission is to find out what's going on down in Atlantis. A few days ago, we received intel on a small group we've been watching for some time. They've been creating weapons, and we fear they're planning an attack. Whether or not they're remnants of the Reds, we don't know, but they're a threat to our current peace."
Nathan looked around. Some of the squad were horrified that the Reds could be striking again, others were excited to fight them, having been too young to fight the Reds in the war. The man continued.
"The intel we received, in short, showed us that they had an extremely large stockpile of weapons, enough to cause casualties in the millions if they suddenly opened fire. Among these weapons, are parts of extremely powerful missiles and other explosives. The next day, we received more intel showing that a similar amount of weapons was still there, but they were all different weapons.
"Soldiers, we believe that this group is creating weapons for other groups. Where they're getting their funding from, we don't know. Your mission will be to get more intel for us, before returning back to the location we've set up for you. Your squad leader, is, of course, Sergeant Nathan Brown, but you will also be taking orders from an agent of ours, codename - Spectre."
Nathan looked up, suddenly alert. Spectre?
"Spectre is an agent of ours who will meet you at a location on your Sergeant's EPA. For security reasons, you will not know where you are meeting. After getting intel on the groups, yo uare to report to Spectre and your Sergeant, who will give your further orders. I am giving them full command over this mission from the moment you touch Atlantis. This also means they hold full responsibility.
"You will all be acting as undercover agents on the lookout for organ thieves, but do not fall into the trap of believeing that is your mission. That is merely to sidetrack anyone who may be a threat to your mission's security."
Nathan noticed Richard frown at that.
"You will now be issued your military EPA's. If you already have a personal one, I suggest you put it in one of our storing rooms until you're back ffrom your mission."
The man went on to explain some official details, and then concluded with, "Any questions?"
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Blank_Kold » 09 Jul 2011, 11:22

"Any questions?"

"Bullshit," Vestis interjected. "I know how you work. The CoO doesn't send out a small team to deal with a possible rebellion. You fuckers obliterate everything in the vicinity. You could easily destroy Atlantis and play it off as a core malfunction. So why hire people like me and the girl? And why pull in a photographer. And Spectre, a Phantom? They're ghosts even fringe bondsmen fear. So what's the real reason for this little excursion of ours?"

He had pushed the paralytic into a biochemical dispersion unit, he ought to be immune to this particular formula by now, but releasing it like this was still risky. Hopefully the suits weren't offended too easily.
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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by KaosuHamoni » 09 Jul 2011, 11:57

As a distinctly feminine, synthesised voice cut through the air like a heated blade through flesh, everyone's attention was drawn to Luke. Specifically, his EPA.

"I agree wholeheartedly with Vestis (Yes I know you). The CoO aren't exactly the most subtle of military organisations, and why send in a 'crack' squad of rookies to handle with something so potentially deal-breaking as this, hmm? You were certainly more than a little heavy-handed when trying to catch me. Also, knowing certain individuals, your vision should be running like wet watercolours soon... Vestis, please refrain from tampering with the effectiveness of the squad. It's an unnecessary and immature show of your pseudo-dominance over others. Maybe you're compensating for something..."

And with that, the voice cut out before Vestis or the others could retort. Before returning it, Erika had tampered with the EPA, planting a tracking beacon, bug, and microphone inside, however, it was needed, in order to maintain contact with the group. The Rose had errands to run, and didn't have the time nor effort to attend every meeting. For starters, her ship needed upgrading with cloaks and weaponry, not to mention shields. If the intel she'd collected on this job was correct, she was going to need them.
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Re: Clear Skies - Now Open!

Post by Blank_Kold » 09 Jul 2011, 12:48

Vestis smiled. He loved this women. She was only becoming more and more interesting. "I can't wait!" Vestis thought aloud. "I've an intriguing woman to kill, so I'll take my leave, and my weapons. Call me when you feel like letting me know what's really going on. And Love, if you can hear me, I just have a deep-seated hatred for liabilities. These rookies are such and can be easily manipulated. so why not have a bit of fun?"

With this, Vestis walked out, grabbing his case of weaponry and waving to the bureaucrats as he did.

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