So, what's your house like?

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So, what's your house like?

Post by MrJKapowey » 28 Jun 2011, 10:53

So, whilst looking around the area where my town is (New Bucks), I've noticed that the sizes and styles of the houses in the area vary massively in only about 50 or so blocks from the towns walls when compared with the rather generic ones built in town.

So, what's your house like? Where is it, how big is it, what's the decoration like inside? It'd be interesting to see what variety in houses there is on the server.

(If you have more than one residence then post as many as you want, I've got two at the moment, hoping to turn it up to four (Shock, Horror, Extravagance!) when my fort and temple are done.)

- I'll post mine soon -
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by Wildwill002 » 28 Jun 2011, 10:55

Meet me in game at fyra spawn and i will show you.

I live underground btw and own a town mine
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by Fenreil » 28 Jun 2011, 21:37

I don't have a house. I live under a giant dome.
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by givemeabreak432 » 28 Jun 2011, 21:39

I live inside the Haven Castle walls, where 697134002 and I store all our crap.

Eventually, once the castle is finished, I'll make myself a room behind my throne, but for now I'm just a homeless emperor.

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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by derigin » 28 Jun 2011, 21:56

I also don't really have a house. I did at different times, but I sold nearly all of them. The entire city of Beorn is more or less my place of residence. I do have a place in Talon, but I use it as a vault.

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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by 697134002 » 28 Jun 2011, 22:09

givemeabreak432 wrote:I live inside the Haven Castle walls, where 697134002 and I store all our crap.

Eventually, once the castle is finished, I'll make myself a room behind my throne, but for now I'm just a homeless emperor.
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by donkypoink » 29 Jun 2011, 04:39

my house is beautifull on the outside, empty on the inside and has its workshop, storage and wheat farm underground, the house itselve is just to let people know i live there i got my spawn there and they shouldnt mess with it :P

i also got a unique hobbit hole in the shire and a small outpost both in fyra but i rarely visit those locations. :mrgreen:

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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by Hytro » 29 Jun 2011, 05:25

I live in a giant netherrack tower with the dead bodies of new players as a foundation, and the area around it is covered in netherrack and lava, and I hva buildt a lag spike machine right next to it... I think that tells alot about me to...
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by vallorn » 29 Jun 2011, 06:43

Hytro wrote:I live in a giant netherrack tower with the dead bodies of new players as a foundation, and the area around it is covered in netherrack and lava, and I hva buildt a lag spike machine right next to it... I think that tells alot about me to...
and you people called ME destructive! :lol:

i just reduce whole continents to rock and cinders and... point taken :oops:
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by Hytro » 29 Jun 2011, 08:26

vallorn wrote:
Hytro wrote:I live in a giant netherrack tower with the dead bodies of new players as a foundation, and the area around it is covered in netherrack and lava, and I hva buildt a lag spike machine right next to it... I think that tells alot about me to...
and you people called ME destructive! :lol:

i just reduce whole continents to rock and cinders and... point taken :oops:
Why completly destroy a place, when you can first destroy it,. then make a netherrack tower...
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by MrJKapowey » 29 Jun 2011, 09:23

I've got a large house built into the side of the New Bucks town court building. Or maybe it's at the point that the courts are in the side of my house...

I'm currently living on a replica of the (USS?) Monitor in the town harbour.
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by Hytro » 29 Jun 2011, 09:47

Need a netherrack tower next to it to make it awesome?
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by TyrasEngineer » 29 Jun 2011, 10:00

My house is a small, timber-framed black and white structure (like the Tudor-style buildings) which I was supposed to run as an in, but I never have enough food. In any case, you already knew that Kapowey cos we run the town together :P
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by Infesord » 29 Jun 2011, 21:15

My house is located near the Terra Spawn. I really wish I had never introduced it to some people, as they assumed it was some town I was in and EVERYONE thought it would be cool to built nearby and make a big mess of it all.

Anyway, its very basic Cobblestone with some windows and a NOT square design in it's base or the roof. It really is more or less the place where I store my valuables until after the Imperial City is done. I will plan on making a city or something in the future and remove my house from there. I remember one person wanting to buy that plot from me for a hefty sum. Forgot who it was though.

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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by Hytro » 30 Jun 2011, 05:52

Infesord wrote:My house is located near the Terra Spawn. I really wish I had never introduced it to some people, as they assumed it was some town I was in and EVERYONE thought it would be cool to built nearby and make a big mess of it all.

Anyway, its very basic Cobblestone with some windows and a NOT square design in it's base or the roof. It really is more or less the place where I store my valuables until after the Imperial City is done. I will plan on making a city or something in the future and remove my house from there. I remember one person wanting to buy that plot from me for a hefty sum. Forgot who it was though.
It was me, I still have the stack of dirt I offered for it :D
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by Infesord » 30 Jun 2011, 22:58

Hytro wrote:
Infesord wrote:Snip
It was me, I still have the stack of dirt I offered for it :D
What!? I would have remembered if it was you. And a stack of dirt? PAALEEASE. I remember something along the lines of several Diamond Blocks, because you know, I don't have enough.

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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by nart_21086 » 01 Jul 2011, 01:30

My house is in Borderpost: 3000+ blox south of Terra spawn, Tis a quaint, peaceful sandstone tower with a Flaming Skull on top.
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by Hytro » 01 Jul 2011, 03:24

Infesord wrote:
Hytro wrote:
Infesord wrote:Snip
It was me, I still have the stack of dirt I offered for it :D
What!? I would have remembered if it was you. And a stack of dirt? PAALEEASE. I remember something along the lines of several Diamond Blocks, because you know, I don't have enough.
Yey, you would have remembered me ^^
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by maninahat » 14 Jul 2011, 15:27

I've got a couple, but my typical haunt is a modest redbrick town house, balancing precariously atop a massive, steep pinnacle. I am in the process of building a whole town around it though. A rather different looking town in that it is more colourful and on more varied terrain than most:
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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 16 Jul 2011, 04:30

maninahat wrote:SNIP!
That looks quite nice. For some reason it reminds me of pokemon...

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Re: So, what's your house like?

Post by SMWasder » 19 Jul 2011, 16:15
This is my Beorn house, although it now has a nice little garden and mossycobble. It doesn't really look like anything else I've ever made though, but I love it! Looks much nicer than all my other stuff.

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