Skyrim - Your Character

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Re: Skyrim - Your Character

Post by Someguy42 » 10 Aug 2011, 04:00

Well not all oblivion gates were closed no, there were some popping up randomly. Also I needed a very good reason for revenge and well the knights sounded a good and noble one :D

Also changed it to random oblivion gate not to mix confusion :D

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Re: Skyrim - Your Character

Post by Hytro » 10 Aug 2011, 04:35

vallorn wrote:what about the Triburnal (well before the Neverarine came of course) hytro? Vivec, Sotha Sil and Almalexia were all functionally immortal so long as they had access to The Heart of Lorkan for their ritual. ;)
Yes, but the Triburnal was no longer "mortals" in that sens, as The Heart of Lorkan powers had give them the powers to be demi-gods, but I don't know how long they would be alive though, as their powers where draining from them over time, as the evil in the Heart of Lorkan was so immens and would not allow it to be used for the good the Tribunal used it for.
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Re: Skyrim - Your Character

Post by MrJKapowey » 10 Aug 2011, 04:37


Can you really find nothing to comment on / slap me about in my bio Hytro?
Hytro wrote: And fighting skills and experience does not come from genetics... but yeah, I guess thats not THAT big of a deal :P
In real life, no. In any kind of fantasy thing, yes.

You always get someone who was descended from some kind of awesome person, so the descendant is always awesome after they discover their awesome-sauce descendant; that's why my character is so awesome, he was descended from Baurus (The 'nice' Blade in the sewers (i.e. Doesn't ignore you and doesn't threaten to kill you))
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Re: Skyrim - Your Character

Post by Hytro » 10 Aug 2011, 04:46

Stalke wrote:Well not all oblivion gates were closed no, there were some popping up randomly. Also I needed a very good reason for revenge and well the knights sounded a good and noble one :D

Also changed it to random oblivion gate not to mix confusion :D
Random oblivion gates is not a oblivion crisis, as the oblivion crisis is the description and "name" for when Mehrunes Dagon was invading Nirn, but when Akatosh came at the end and become a statue, he closes the borders betwin the mortal realm of Mundus and the Daedric realms of Oblivion.
And random oblivon gates from Mehrunes Dagon should not be able open and pour out daedra.

(The Daedra princes should still be able to interact with Mundus,with their shrines and as an example, Sheogorths portal, but the portal is made to let people in and not the other way around.) This is all very hard to explain, but Akatoshs protection is set to stop invasions.
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Re: Skyrim - Your Character

Post by Hytro » 10 Aug 2011, 04:49

MrJKapowey wrote:*sigh*

Can you really find nothing to comment on / slap me about in my bio Hytro?
Hytro wrote: And fighting skills and experience does not come from genetics... but yeah, I guess thats not THAT big of a deal :P
In real life, no. In any kind of fantasy thing, yes.

You always get someone who was descended from some kind of awesome person, so the descendant is always awesome after they discover their awesome-sauce descendant; that's why my character is so awesome, he was descended from Baurus (The 'nice' Blade in the sewers (i.e. Doesn't ignore you and doesn't threaten to kill you))
Yeah... I don't like when someone makes their character like, I'm awesome at fighting because my grand grand grand dad was awesome at fighting, if you get my point xD

And I'm going to write about you now xD
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Re: Skyrim - Your Character

Post by Someguy42 » 10 Aug 2011, 05:30

Herpda derp stop ruining peoples dreams Hytro! What would you do if you found out you could cast spells because your related to a awesome magician? Plus I changed the oblivion crisis bit and not all gates were closed, I still see some random oblivion gates and I've finished the game (Kinda annoying)

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Re: Skyrim - Your Character

Post by Hytro » 10 Aug 2011, 05:42

Stalke wrote:Herpda derp stop ruining peoples dreams Hytro! What would you do if you found out you could cast spells because your related to a awesome magician? Plus I changed the oblivion crisis bit and not all gates were closed, I still see some random oblivion gates and I've finished the game (Kinda annoying)
Thats pretty much derpy deprs that should not happend, think there are patches that fix this, and I tend to never do main quest before I have pretty much done everything else... as I like the oblivion gates ^^
And my existance is to take peoples hope and dreams and crush it :twisted:

And magical powers that is in a family is something else, so far no one have been borned with the fighting skills of someones ancestors, and hey, the Champion of Cyrodiil might have been a BAD fighter when he grew up and used many years to get good... and hey, he could barly stay alive from rats at the begining of the game :P
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Re: Skyrim - Your Character

Post by Someguy42 » 10 Aug 2011, 05:52


Now leave the posts to people to post their characters please :D

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Re: Skyrim - Your Character

Post by Hytro » 10 Aug 2011, 05:57

MrJKapowey wrote:Name: Joseph 'Joe' Harper
Race: Redguard
Age: Around 25-30
Gender: M
Appearance: Generic face (I'm crap at altering it realistically) but lightened skin, I'm only using Redguard for the background, but want to be caucasian in game. (Did I spell that correctly?)
Playstyle - Probably going to be a lightly armoured swordsman with knowledge of Restoration, Conjouration and Alteration. I might also have some Destruction.

Background -
Spoiler! :
Joey grew up in Chorrol where he lived a happy childhood. He and his father were directly related to a man named 'Baurus'. Joey never really knew much about this man, except that he was a friend with someone who had once had the honour of being the Archmage of the Mages guild and Guildmaster of the Fighters Guild. Due to the friendship between the two in the past, Joey was always well recieved at both organisations and would often spend his spare time honing his skills at either place. At the age of 17, his parents hired a cart and took his fathers horse up to a place called 'Cloud Ruler Temple', bringing Joey with him. This was to make sure the boy could 'learn what his ancestor did, and why that makes him so special' because 'now he is mature enough to understand'.

Sadly, as they neared Bruma, bandits attacked them and, though Joey and his father fought well, they were overwhelmed and his father was killed. His body was left lying in the road as the cart went up in flames, Joey and his mother were bound and bundled onto the backs of horses as the gang made their way up to their camp in the North of Cyrodiil. When they reached the camp, Joey's mother was dealt with in the way that was to be expected before having her throat cut and fed to the dogs, all whilst Joey watched. He was kept for 6 months as something between entertainment, a punchbag and a slave, forced to demean himself in front of the gang or clean their kit, or expect more beatings.

After the 6 months, the gang got bored of looting as they had enough to start up legitimate lives and live comfortably for the rest of their lives. They decided to disband, setting the dogs on their slave. Fortunately Joey had managed to keep himself in peak physical condition and had learnt from the gang how to deal with the dogs. As they rode off back to the camp, leaving one bandit with Joey and the dogs, it was easy work for him to deal with the first dog leaping at him, before stunning the second. He then tackled the guard, stole his weapon and slew the hounds, before dealing with the bandit. The last of the bandits recieved a shock when Joey rode rode into the clearing, shooting two down with a bow before dismounting and killing the rest. Sadly, the ring leader was gone, leaving only a note to his lieutenant to explain where he went.

Next, Joey hunted for the man who had decided to kill his parents, and many more as well. It took him a few years, but he eventually found him, now living the life as a 'pillar of the community' in a town. No one who knew him would've guessed that only a few years ago, this man had committed tens of murders all in the name of personal gain. Joey, having failed to convince the authorities of this mans guilt, calmly walked up to him as he tended his crops, saying only 'Remember me?' and seeing the look of fear in the man's eyes before running him through with the lieutenants sword.

Joey then knelt beside the body and waited, waited for the guards to arrive...
Okay, Hytro. I don't think I've left ANY things you could complain with regards to the lore, but knock yourself out looking.
I really liked your backstory :D
And go go Baurus, and I'm not sure about the Cloud Ruler Tempel if its still "active" when the Skyrim timeline starts :P

And I can't slap you for anything lore related as there is pretty much no lore in there xD

BUT, I will tell you this, Redguards are BAD magician.
They are natural born with low Intelligence and Willpower.
Redguards are warriors and they look at magic users as weak or wicked, this does not count for all Redguards ofc, as in Cheydinhal mages guild you will find, yes a Redguard :o His name is Trayvond I think, and he had to run away from Hammerfell because his family did not approve of his magic use.
And even though he uses magic, he does not approve of necromancy, summoning, and illusion magic, as he still sees that as evil magic.

Now you know that :D In case you did not know :P

And yeah, one more thing, Redguards is not related to any of the other human races, Nords, Imperial ans such, they are of another breed and race all together and they orign from different places ;)
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Re: Skyrim - Your Character

Post by Hytro » 10 Aug 2011, 05:58

Stalke wrote:Image

Now leave the posts to people to post their characters please :D
I will post my character soon to ;)
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Re: Skyrim - Your Character

Post by Someguy42 » 10 Aug 2011, 06:04

I look foward to criticizing it :D

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Re: Skyrim - Your Character

Post by MrJKapowey » 10 Aug 2011, 06:06

Yup, I didn't include the lore I had created in my head for my character, though I could write it down if you wanted.

Yeah, I was umming and aahing about the magician bit, but in Oblivion I generally give myeslf 'the magician' class or 'the apprentice' (?) for extra magika. Then I just need to practise a bit on them, by level 4 my ,agic skills are on par with my warrior skills.

I didn't realise the Redguard were originating from a different species though, knew they came from 'over the seas' and kicked the sh*t out of the Orcs though.

Anyway, thanks for the pointers, I, a junior TES nerd, have learned from the great master today...

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Re: Skyrim - Your Character

Post by Hytro » 10 Aug 2011, 06:10

No need to write the lore down for me :P
But if you do, I would like to read it
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