The Building Of the Imperial City: Diggin is DONE!

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Eddietester1066 » 02 Aug 2011, 08:08

Another idea here: When doing payouts, put a supply of tools in the cobble chest along with the diamond. It would certainly require people demonstrate a certain dedication to the project before they get any tools.
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by vallorn » 02 Aug 2011, 08:10

Eddietester1066 wrote:Another idea here: When doing payouts, put a supply of tools in the cobble chest along with the diamond. It would certainly require people demonstrate a certain dedication to the project before they get any tools.
but that creates a barrier to new workers as they dont have access to tools to begin with :(
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Eddietester1066 » 02 Aug 2011, 08:20

vallorn wrote:
Eddietester1066 wrote:Another idea here: When doing payouts, put a supply of tools in the cobble chest along with the diamond. It would certainly require people demonstrate a certain dedication to the project before they get any tools.
but that creates a barrier to new workers as they dont have access to tools to begin with :(
Yes, that it does. How about we fill the dispensers with stone tools for noobs, or provide trustworthy players (Infesord) with a supply to be given out at their discretion?
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Wildwill002 » 02 Aug 2011, 08:25

Agh i've been such an idiot! I'm making a system like that in my mine. 2 rooms, 1 has a cartchest with stone tools in for free, the other room requires a password and will have diamond tools when i get some... There is a button to press to throw the carts back to my house so i can fill em back up
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Hytro » 02 Aug 2011, 08:48

vallorn wrote:even if you do people would only be able to get tools while your online.
It was kinda a joke... so you would trust me with crap load od stacks of diamond tools?

Vall... got anything you want me to keep safe? You'll get it back >:) I know you trust me
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Infesord » 02 Aug 2011, 20:22

Hytro wrote:
aflycon wrote:
Infesord wrote:Hey, I think I have a very basic solution to this new problem we have with new people coming into IC to steal stuff from the dispensers, why don't we just have boxes instead? You NEED access to the cuboid to see inside even a public chest right? And if you have been added to the cuboid you can be trusted to not abuse this system and just take all the stuff out at once and only what you need.

Plus a single box holds more slots than a dispenser does, so you can store a lot more in a place than before.
That's a good idea, but each of the dispenser slots had a 64-stack of tools. :P I'd suggest talking to wokka or lionheart about the chests though.
Well, take the stack up, right click and only 1 gets plased, and put the stack back :D
Hytro is exactly right, you can just remove a few tools from a whole stack, even though I usually liked taking 10 in a stack at a time, then holding all of them in my hand, and when 1 breaks I just snap off 1 from the stack.

Once again, this method only works with the cuboid and trustworthy people. Everyone SHOULD be aware that these tools are still for IC work ONLY. When the project gets completed, any excess Tools, TNT and F&S will be destroyed.

And I don't like the idea of "stone tools for newbies". Everyone should get the best stuff to move this project at the fastest pace, but we do need a method to keep the tools from getting out of hand. If we really need too, simply put a password on the boxes of tools and have a few trustworthy people like myself to hand them out to new players in amounts and frequencies that are reasonable.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Wildwill002 » 03 Aug 2011, 04:45

Why not make IC have it's own inventory like creative and enigma?
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Hytro » 03 Aug 2011, 07:34

Wildwill002 wrote:Why not make IC have it's own inventory like creative and enigma?
NO, I want ma cobble :P
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Eddietester1066 » 03 Aug 2011, 09:26

Hytro wrote:
Wildwill002 wrote:Why not make IC have it's own inventory like creative and enigma?
NO, I want ma cobble :P
I'll second this, although it's not the cobble I'm after. When you're strip minig a location, you wind up with a lot of iron, coal, & redstone. Not being able to take this back to my place would be a serious disincentive.
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Infesord » 03 Aug 2011, 22:06

Wildwill002 wrote:Why not make IC have it's own inventory like creative and enigma?
Yeah that is a possible solution to this problem, but I'm willing to bet very few would want this to be a reality. It is nice to take things out of IC, it just keeps it simpler that way rather than having to pay people outside IC, not to mention as eddietester said, you will strip out A LOT of Iron, Coal, and even some Gold can still be found.

I also bet setting IC up to be a separate Inventory system would be a real pain in the butt. Not to mention the headaches in getting the necessary equipment again to get back to work. That is unless of course we get access to /i commands to spawn whatever tools are required, but I could see that being extremely abused.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by darkmagerubius » 11 Aug 2011, 17:29

So, If you would like a passionate fan who loves building by hand and not cheats then feel free to add me to the team and get me up to date of whats what. Or interrogate me. Just know I see this wheel beside your head and it tells me if I should flirt with you or make a joke. :P

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by aflycon » 11 Aug 2011, 18:36

Just a note - a player found a way into the tool room. I've taken all the tools and stored them in a secret castle far far away. The tool room has been blocked off.

Infesord, let us know when you need tools and we will supply them to you and you only.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by vallorn » 11 Aug 2011, 18:38

im sorry but ONLY to Inf? what if hes not online or busy? :x (sees many holes in this stopgap solution )
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by aflycon » 11 Aug 2011, 18:41

vallorn wrote:im sorry but ONLY to Inf? what if hes not online or busy? :x (sees many holes in this stopgap solution )
Blame the newbs for abusing the system and curious players for finding a loophole.

Moderators will have them as well (obviously) but I assume we'll only dispense tools to trusted players. I trust Infesord a lot and he's taken the whole mining project under his wing, so I know I can count on him to be smart when handing out tools.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by vallorn » 11 Aug 2011, 18:49

okay Trusted players is good with me. its like giving out help with Water and (in some cases) Lava to new players to help them build stuff you have to trust them and be carefull it cant be abused.

sorry i flew off my handle its just i could see Inf getting no work done because hes inundated with requests for tools. and when hes offline noone getting em.

oh and i assume requests for tools go through /ch ic as usual Alfy? :)
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by aflycon » 11 Aug 2011, 18:52

vallorn wrote:okay Trusted players is good with me. its like giving out help with Water and (in some cases) Lava to new players to help them build stuff you have to trust them and be carefull it cant be abused.

sorry i flew off my handle its just i could see Inf getting no work done because hes inundated with requests for tools. and when hes offline noone getting em.

oh and i assume requests for tools go through /ch ic as usual Alfy? :)
It's alright, I didn't mean to sound snappy either - the whole situation kind of irks me, that we can't trust new players.

Anywho, most mods aren't in /ch ic and may prefer not to clutter their chat box with it (much like how wokka left /g for a while). An /msg or /tell may be better when asking for tools. (:

EDIT: I'm working on devising a system to dispense tools to everyone who spawns in IC, which can't be abused (it's tough, but I've got an idea). So we may not have to stick to mods handing out tools for very long.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Infesord » 11 Aug 2011, 22:01

Yeah I figured it would come to this. It really is too bad we can't make buttons on dispensers only accessible to people added to the cuboid.

For the Record, I have managed to stockpile a LARGE amount of picks, shovels, and can make enough Flint and Steel it would make your head spin. I am due for a TNT reload soon though if I keep at it.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by 697134002 » 11 Aug 2011, 22:55

Why not make a room with a cprivated door, and add everyone who is allowed tools to enter it? You'll also have to add in a pressure plate on the inside so it doesn't stay open, but then you can put the dispenser inside the room without new players stealing tools.
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by aflycon » 12 Aug 2011, 00:58

697134002 wrote:Why not make a room with a cprivated door, and add everyone who is allowed tools to enter it? You'll also have to add in a pressure plate on the inside so it doesn't stay open, but then you can put the dispenser inside the room without new players stealing tools.
It's something we could try, but redstone isn't always reliable in SMP and I can almost guarantee it'd get left open some time. We're going to figure something out, or scrap supplied tools all together. As Infesord said, he does have a stockpile, but I'd rather not have him use his personal resources. If it comes to it, I'll use resources of my own to make tools for the project.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Infesord » 13 Aug 2011, 02:37

aflycon wrote:
697134002 wrote:Why not make a room with a cprivated door, and add everyone who is allowed tools to enter it? You'll also have to add in a pressure plate on the inside so it doesn't stay open, but then you can put the dispenser inside the room without new players stealing tools.
It's something we could try, but redstone isn't always reliable in SMP and I can almost guarantee it'd get left open some time. We're going to figure something out, or scrap supplied tools all together. As Infesord said, he does have a stockpile, but I'd rather not have him use his personal resources. If it comes to it, I'll use resources of my own to make tools for the project.
When I meant stockpiled tools, I meant the stacks of Picks, Shovels I got from were FROM those dispensers which I used to grab in stacks before someone actually locked the dispensers. None of these tools are from my personal stash. The Flint and Steel would be though, but I mean its just Iron and Flints, and you would not believe how many of those damn things I have. If things ever got so bad that I has to start using my own diamonds to make IC tools, I would call in favors from a Mod to restock instead.

As for a solution to this stealing problem, All we need is a box filled with tools. You can't access a box if you are not on the cuboid list within it, and if you want add a password onto it as well and have only a few trusted people with knowledge of the password so even if someone got added to the cuboid they still wouldn't get free tools unless they were trusted by someone who does know the password.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Aenir_bEPU » 13 Aug 2011, 10:15

A passworded chest could work. Wouldn't need to tell everyone who gets on the cuboid list, just some people.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Eddietester1066 » 13 Aug 2011, 12:19

Aenir_bEPU wrote:A passworded chest could work. Wouldn't need to tell everyone who gets on the cuboid list, just some people.
Probably wouldn't hurt to change the password regularly, either, just in case it leaks out.

Alternate thought: When doing payouts, drop a couple of picks in with the diamonds.
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by aflycon » 13 Aug 2011, 13:02

I like both those ideas.

Ten stacks of cobblestone is 640 blocks - a diamond pickaxe can break (I think) 1024. So giving out a pickaxe roughly every other payment would be good.

And as you said, a few trusted people would know the chest password.

So that takes care of that, good thinking guys. (:

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Infesord » 13 Aug 2011, 20:03

aflycon wrote:I like both those ideas.

Ten stacks of cobblestone is 640 blocks - a diamond pickaxe can break (I think) 1024. So giving out a pickaxe roughly every other payment would be good.

And as you said, a few trusted people would know the chest password.

So that takes care of that, good thinking guys. (:
Keep in mind that even if a Diamond Pickaxe can break over 1000 cobblestone, most cobblestone comes from TNT blasts, or at least anyone using them such as myself. Right now I am content with just handing out tools to people who need them, because to be fair its not like its a big issue. Just how many people are working at IC right now besides me and eddietester? I mean recently in the past month/week as well, cause I rarely see much progress around much anywhere.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Wildwill002 » 13 Aug 2011, 20:06

Methinks your gonna have to make it more tantalizing. People these days are lazy and cant stick with things for more than 5 minutes if there isnt what they would consider much reward.
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Eddietester1066 » 13 Aug 2011, 23:09

I suspect that it has become somewhat of a labor of love/desire to actually finish something issue at this point. More than likely many people have moved on the mining Fyra.
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Infesord » 14 Aug 2011, 02:46

Eddietester1066 wrote:I suspect that it has become somewhat of a labor of love/desire to actually finish something issue at this point. More than likely many people have moved on the mining Fyra.
Actually yeah that sounds about right. The chunks in IC were generated using Minecraft Alpha techniques. Not to mention all the layers with Diamond are all gone so there is none of that, and gold is extremely rare. Fyra is just much better generated as far as valuables underground is concerned.

As well any new new players coming on wanting to help can't use TNT at all so they would be stuck with boring dig work.

Of course we could knee-jerk again on how much you get diamond rewarded to encourage involvement, but i bet that will just cause problems again of people starting up, work for a day, get bored and leave their stupid boxes behind.

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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Wildwill002 » 14 Aug 2011, 04:58

I'll try digging there again. I havent worked in ic since march i think :oops:
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Infesord » 16 Aug 2011, 22:11

I guess I should actually do some updating for IC, as it is important to see progress:

Level 5 (and for that matter level 4 about a month ago) North East Corner 100% cleared!

I am now working on Level 6, and I think there is enough rock to warrant a Level 7 as well. Level 8 I think is just dirt and Eddietester is working diligently on it.
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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Post by Eddietester1066 » 16 Aug 2011, 22:49

Infesord wrote:I guess I should actually do some updating for IC, as it is important to see progress:

Level 5 (and for the matter level 4 about a month ago) North East Corner 100% cleared!

I am now working on Level 6, and I think there is enough rock to warrant a Level 7 as well. Level 8 I think is just dirt and Eddietester is working diligently on it.
Correction: 8/9/whatever we want to call the top is pretty much all stone and swiss cheese now. If you want apples, ask me. I have a half dozen double chests full from clearing the trees...
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