Steelfox's "Journal"

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Steelfox's "Journal"

Post by Steelfox » 16 Dec 2010, 23:06

Day: Unknown
I found myself tangled among the torn timbers of what used to be a ship. I stumbled to shore and looked around for some form of answer.
I'm not sure what I found but all I knew was the ship seemed to heading west, so I set off. Night closed in around me quickly, as I crested a low hill I saw a figure in the distance. I called out to the silhouette running towards them, praying I had found another survivor.

This was not the case. This thing was a sickly green hue and as it turned towards me I saw the distorted grimace etched into it's face. I froze, horror overtook my body, the beast drew nearer and it began moaning in a high pitched hissing. That broke my paralysis, I bolted passed the creature, feeling something dig into my back as something exploded behind me.

I ran.

I ran until I saw the sun slowly rising behind me, as the land began to illuminate I saw things, things like the exploding beast I had encountered and others, walking skeletons that were wielding bows and what seemed to be dead men brought back to shamble the earth. When they saw me the moaning still sends shivers through my flesh.

Ahead of me I found one of the largest bodies of water I had encountered. With a pack of the undead on my heels and arrows flying past my head, I dove in without hesitation.

I washed up on a sandy beach, to what I gathered to be the south was a large outcropping of stone and grass. I was sick of running, I was tired and was no longer in a mood to be pushed around.

Night was again falling around me, I dug into the ground and quickly gathered some wood to last me through the night. I had a plan. In the morning I would build, I would make my stand. I know there are others out there, together we could drive back these abominations to the darkness that spawned them.

That brings me to today, I have found others they have their own fortifications scattered across the map, other pockets of resistance. I write this from my desk atop the tower I've poured my body, blood and sweat into creating. I've lovingly began calling it “The Citadel” in my head.

As it stands I will be forced to abandon my fortifications for a time, if anyone sees this I encourage you to find the Citadel. Follow the western shore by The Royal Sheep Trading Post south. Build, defend, live.

I must go, I see the sun draws low and my prey will be coming out soon.

Show no mercy for none will be given,

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Re: Steelfox's "Journal"

Post by Skunk_Giant » 16 Dec 2010, 23:40

Wow, that was really good. Looking forward to the next entry!
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: Steelfox's "Journal"

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 20 Dec 2010, 20:42

Damn. That there was a work of art. Can't wait for the next entry!

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Re: Steelfox's "Journal"

Post by DuplicateValue » 20 Dec 2010, 20:47

Was all the alliteration and sibilance intentional?

"He's like fire, and ice, and rage.
He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
He's ancient and forever.
He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
And... he's wonderful."

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Re: Steelfox's "Journal"

Post by Steelfox » 20 Dec 2010, 22:29

Thanks for the kind words guys, I don't know if I really plan to update it a lot. It was more of a quick story and a invite to build near my small settlement.

As for my writing style DuplicateValue, i didn't really plan anything I just wrote it out and called it good.

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Re: Steelfox's "Journal"

Post by DuplicateValue » 21 Dec 2010, 11:47

Steelfox wrote:As for my writing style DuplicateValue, i didn't really plan anything I just wrote it out and called it good.
Ah I was just wondering because it cropped up quite a bit. It's not a bad thing btw - it makes it flow nicely. :)

"He's like fire, and ice, and rage.
He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
He's ancient and forever.
He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
And... he's wonderful."

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Re: Steelfox's "Journal"

Post by welwyn » 17 Sep 2012, 05:55

Steelfox, if your still playing can you turn this into a proper written book please for my library? Cheers.

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